Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
Where I to follow your advice to ditch dating applications altogether, @End, in my situation this would entail a guaranteed lifetime sentence of solitude.

Regarding your comment about the Wallmart customers, a sugar tax should be imposed, like the United Kingdom already has done. The revenue of which can be used to make all healthy goods and services, such as fruit, vegetables, and Gym memberships tax free or even to subsidize them. It would be better for all of us. In addition, the investment would return itself via the healthcare costs that it saves, as well as through the enhanced productivity of the people. Healthy citizens are happy citizens, and happy citizens are productive citizens. It's a win-win for everybody.
It's a general recommendation. Most of the people on them have major attachment issues. Hook-up culture itself is symptomatic of that. Like I said, it's not impossible to find a good mate using them, but finding them requires one know how to detect and filter against those with major issues. This problem is compounded by the fact that said issues are harder to detect if you have them yourself. As I repeatedly point out, the broken attract the broken subconsciously. They are drawn to each other as, well, neither of them will really dig too deep into who the other really is. After all, if they did, they'd see how they're utterly unlovable sacks of shit so if neither of them dig too deep it'll all work out! Problem is that's a recipe for a great session of sex perhaps, but that ain't any kind of stable foundation for a long and happy marriage (or any form of healthy long-term relationship period).

It's hard to fix the issues, but it's also the only way anyone will stand a chance at finding a truly intimate and fulfilling romance. The "networks" I mentioned are a kind of shortcut. Unbroken people are usually willing to help someone who's mostly fixed get fully fixed. Indeed, one of the last steps to fully fixing yourself is to find such a partner. One who is almost or already totally fixed. However, as the unbroken associate mostly with the unbroken their social circles rarely intersect with those of the broken. The one place I can see them doing so is, like I said, in a religion. Any given "church" is going to have both healthy and broken people in it. The healthy ones are looking to match their loved ones up with other fixed or mostly fixed individuals who share the faith. There may be other places like that, but I am currently unaware of them.

As for a sugar tax, well, I agree in concept but I would not trust our current elites to administer it in such a way that'd work out for everyone's collective best interest. It's not hard to see that the elites hate the people they currently rule over. Noblesse Oblige has turned into Noblesse Malice. Giving such people any additional powers or trusting them to administer anything like that is like appointing a starving wolf to guard your henhouse. You aren't going to have many hens left by the time they're done with it.