Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
So I officially gave up looking for a dual a while ago. During the pandemic I did ‘look’ a little bit. Also I just didn’t feel quite ready to date so seemed harmless to keep a look out, out of curiosity. I think I can spot them sometimes but I’m not sure how many cute Estps would still be single at my age. Sometimes I match with them ‘accidentally’..but I end up not liking them. They sometimes appear cuter than they actually are and are quite good at chatting and hooking you’re interested.

I have an SEI male friend I’m getting to know and he seems like he could be a nice person to date. However I’m keeping my eye out for SEEs, ILEs, maybe SLIs. I’m trying to use Bumble more than Hinge as with hinge you have to ‘send a like’ and I think I end up liking people who aren’t cute just for the sake of liking someone. I worry a bit with SEEs that I might be attracted to the wrong subtype..but hopefully you’d be able to tell if the energy was right after a few dates.

Soz if I sound shallow. I think I mean ‘cute’ as in ‘my type of cute’.

@Bethany, dating is hard, for sure.

I've seen IEIs with ILEs (three couples, all divorced now), with LSE's (three couples, two divorces, one miserable), with SLEs (briefly. The ones I've seen appear to be brief affairs), and with other IEIs (one couple divorced, one couple still dating).

Oops. I forgot one couple. IEI and SLE. Met at a HS reunion and have been inseparable since then. Together maybe ten years? My IEI cousin says they are the "Perfect couple".

Hang in there. It'll happen.

Just so you don't fall into despair, I know an IEI therapist who seems to be happily married, but I don't know his wife's type.

Post Script:
I once was talking to an SLI whom I work with and he was, quite out of character, criticizing a woman he'd just bought lunch from. He normally never criticizes anyone, but he was going on and on about how stupid she was. It took me a minute to figure out that he was talking about the IEI that I was, unbeknownst to him, dating.