Quote Originally Posted by The Banana King View Post
Today I went on a date with a girl I met on the internet. She looked chubby in her profile pic so I wasn't expecting much but actually she was really cute and in shape. From my interactions with her online, her profile pic and her ample use of emojis I typed her as ESE. But upon further inspection I'm suspecting she may be SEI-Fe. The last time I was my usual lecherous ILE self in a first date it backfired, so I decided to go for a more "gentleman" attitude like LII. Anyways she suggested I take her to my place so she could "give me a massage" and I declined because I am mega retarded and took the gentleman act too far and also because I still live with my mom. Now she won't reply to my texts anymore. Wut do?
She seemed to only want the banana.....Not a bad thing if you too wish to have made a wonderful banana bread! (bad puns I know....) Forget her and find another wonderful girl that is a better match! Keep putting yourself out there buddy boy!