I find myself being physically attacked by ST women often.

One time I was joking with a girl and flirting with her she got mad and grabbed me and pushed me back and I tripped over a chair and fell to the floor laughing. She thought it was funny too, it was a cute moment of violence lol.

She was almost as tall as me and she was an athlete so she was stronger than even she realized. I think she liked to push me around. It got annoying after a while.

The aggression was in the bedroom as well. Sex with her felt very objectifying like I was her sex toy. I was something that she could play with and then leave alone when she was done. We never got very close and it felt like every interaction was half-serious.

I didn't like the way she treated me. She always seemed to act like she was better than me, or she made everything a competition like she was trying to prove something. I think she was an SLE but she could have been an SEE. She had to be a Se dom though.