Quote Originally Posted by The Banana King View Post
I'd like to share my experience and get some advice from a Socionics/psychological perspective

Other than those, pretty much all the women I've known who were remotely interested in me were Beta (even when I was submissive). Alpha SF women in general don't seem interested in me. I dunno what to make out of this as I'm most certainly not Beta.
But on the bright side, gay ESE dudes like to slap my ass. So life's still good.

I can see why the Beta women are interested in you. A lot of beta women seem to be attracted to Alpha NT.

To attract Alpha SF women, you need to show more obvious Ne. That and obvious “openness”. You have no issue attracting Beta women so your not throwing Te around which is good. But, you are showing obvious Se role that alpha women don’t really like. We’re Se ignoring so I don’t like it when someone comes around swinging it.

Honestly, I find you “attractive” on here as I enjoy your obvious Ti and those glimpse of openness with Ne. It’s soothing and attractive to me naturally. So if you can, maybe show less of that Se role and show more of The Banana King on here.