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Thread: Adventures in Dating

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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    Yeah, sadly that is what happens with some people and their own attachment issues. I honestly kind of relate to her because those feelings can/do flare up for me in that regard. However, I’m also and adult and need to take my own issues in my own hands. I still always try and show up and be there even if I’m scared shitless. Even if you struggle with attachment issues, you need to be honest and try to be better. Not just for the other person that you like but to have genuine connection.

    I dated an avoidant attachment. He was the first person I ever really like and cared for very deeply. It ended up triggering my own attachment issues and it has seriously made me look at my own stuff. It was a hard breakup for me (first genuine breakup) and it fucked me up for awhile. I don’t want to date someone like that ever again unless they are working on themselves. Besides, I’ve read a lot about attachment theory and a lot of avoidant a really do abandon their spouses in serious times of need and I don’t want that in a partner. It’s hard but keeping an eye out and how our own attachment issues cloud our vision in choosing a partner is eye opening.
    @MissDucki, this woman is an ESI-Fi e6 but when I met her, I really wasn’t sure if she was ESI or SEI. She’s been married twice and both marriages ended badly.

    I also know an ESI-Se e6w7 CP who is a lesbian and goes through partners pretty quickly. I wonder if this failure to connect is related to feeling-doms and e6’s?

    E6: the Loyal Skeptic. The Doubter.

    This is actually how I recognize e6’s. They want to be in a relationship and will often tell you that immediately, but after that initial rush, it’s always “Oh, yeah? You’ve been steadfastly by my side and you say you love me. Well, I don’t believe you, buster.”

    This is going to sound fairly fucked up, but I’m beginning to believe that the best way for an e8 to live with an e6 is to just be there for them, use them for sex, and not pressure them to like you.
    IDK. I think I suck at this relationship stuff.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 09-07-2021 at 01:14 PM.

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