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Thread: Adventures in Dating

  1. #561


    Quote Originally Posted by mysteryofdungeon View Post
    I am certain that my quality would not improve if I were a dad, as much as I’d like to be your daddy.
    Mon dieu!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    My best advice which might not be applicable to everyone..the ones you fall for the hardest probably aren’t the right one for you.
    and you will be all like why didn’t they like me as much, why am I so weird that I liked someone who was too good for meee. And then you realise they’re not, or even if they are it’s not like you are unequal in a bad way. It’s more like really good supervision/benefit…and it can’t last..! At least I hope that’s the truth
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 05-16-2022 at 06:04 PM.

  3. #563
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    and you will be all like why didn’t they like me as much, why am I so weird that I liked someone who was too good for meee. And then you realise they’re not, or even if they are it’s not like you are unequal in a bad way. It’s more like really good supervision/benefit…and it can’t last..!

    @Bethany, who we look for and who we should be looking for seem to be different.

    For the record, I've dated a few IEIs and I really like and admire them (because they are terrific people), but because I, myself, was in a Supervision relationship in my marriage, I'm resolute in not inflicting myself onto these women. Instead, I point them towards SLEs and hope for the best.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @Bethany, who we look for and who we should be looking for seem to be different.

    For the record, I've dated a few IEIs and I really like and admire them (because they are terrific people), but because I, myself, was in a Supervision relationship in my marriage, I'm resolute in not inflicting myself onto these women. Instead, I point them towards SLEs and hope for the best.
    oh great article..yep I know what you mean about supervision. I don't mean this in a bad way but LIE is the only type I can't picture myself dating (although I did fancy an LIE guy at uni). I don't tend to meet or fancy ESEs either but in my head I don't see IEI supervision over ESE as bad as the LIE/IEI dynamic. I'm probably completley wrong about that haha. I really don't like the idea of being someone's supervisor either..I guess coz being around your supervisor (for too long) does feel pretty stressful. What I was trying to say in my earlier post was that addictive relationships of any ITR might resemble supervision relationships...lots of fascination with each other but ultimately you end up making each other mad. I still would be intrigued to meet an LIE that doesn't feel like a typical supervisor...just to see how it feels But only out of curiosity...not to date them. So yeah I think addictive relationships would resemble a deceptively good seeming supervision relationship. Typically I don't find the average LIE fascinating but there have been a couple...I'm quite intrigued what makes these relationships work in the first place. I have had a few close ESE buddies and I was very fond of them. So I imagine it's something like that..very deceptively good-seeming indeed!

    With LIE/IEI I think it takes a bit of time to break the ice

  5. #565
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @Bethany, who we look for and who we should be looking for seem to be different.
    It's warmth, senstivity, loyalty, and reliability that do predict relationship stability, as does attachment, because it's a catch-all construct for these previous relationship prerequisites:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    I’ve been thinking about how much you can tell about a person from appearance alone-
    ok some more observations about this..when it comes to using dating apps I’ve decided that it’s important to find the person’s face immediately attractive as well as thinking they look like a nice person. They might not be the hottest but you just know you’d fancy them. These people are the ones who seem interested in me (it’s a two way thing) and it feels like there is potential for you to like each other/ go on some dates. I’m sure I’ve got it wrong sometimes and thought people seemed good for me based on looks alone who turned out not to be..but I am def starting to notice a pattern.

    I’ll see if I can elaborate later but essentially there have been a few who seemed attractive and trustworthy/interested from the start. E.g I’ve been talking to an SEI and I paused in the chat because I was talking to someone else. A couple days later he messaged saying he thinks we’d get on really well. I kinda believe him. But I’m talking to a nice seeming ILE as well as..SLE. The SLE, well he seems cool but we haven’t messaged that much yet. The ILE and the SLE are on the same app so kinda wondering if some algorithm actually worked and made me match with the cute and kind looking SLE after talking to the ILE. But yeah more later.

    I imagine there are some people who are types to grow on you after a few dates (who you don’t find immediately hot/nice), but when you’re tired of using’s nice to feel that immediate connection I suppose.
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 05-19-2022 at 11:17 AM.

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    I was having lunch with an ESI buddy of mine and we were swapping stories about old girlfriends. We’re both unexpectedly divorced.

    He said that dating was incredibly hard for him. He’s introverted and was married to one woman for many years before she accused him of cheating (ridiculous) and left him. He said that he now finds himself doing the exact same things on a date that he did when he was 18, before he met his wife.

    ”That’s when we stopped learning”, I said.

    ”I keep trying to recapture that feeling”, he continued. “Like she’s the One, and you’re going to have this perfect life together.”

    “I think you have a richer inner life than I do.” I was watching the late-middle aged ESE woman at the next table, who was sitting with her Alpha female friends but was listening to us talk.
    ”I’m just waiting for the third date, when I can get laid”, I said clearly.
    The ESE got a sour expression on her face and turned back to her friends. My buddy, unaware of her, just laughed at my comment.

    He said, ”I met this little oriental woman. She was so perfect. She just said what she meant. So practical and down to earth. I went out to California to be with her.” He paused, staring at his ale. “Then I came back here.
    “She didn’t.”
    An awkward few seconds passed.

    ”Hey!” He perked up. “I wanted to show you a video I found online. Get your opinion of the woman.” He tapped his phone a few times and handed it to me. “I’m not going to say anything about her.” He was pretty excited.

    I watched the video. It showed a complete jerk interviewing an attractive but clearly thoughtful blonde. My first impression was that she was IEI, but I gradually started to see the possibility of her being LIE.
    ”She might be your Dual”, I said.

    “A Dual. That’s good, right?”

    ”Yes, usually.
    ”What is it about her that you find attractive?”

    ”Oh, I don’t know. She seems like someone I could talk to for a long time and not get bored.”

    ”Duals are good, usually. They don’t step on your toes. But not every Dual is going to be a great match.
    ”For example, I was dating a woman who was a Dual, but she didn’t seem very interested in going out with me. In fact, the last time we texted, I asked her out and she told me that she had to clean her garage that day.”

    My buddy stared at me and then laughed. “Ironically?”

    ”No, I imagine she was serious.”

    My buddy imitates a woman’s voice; “Oh, Adam! I really like you, but seeing you falls somewhere between cleaning out my garage and a root canal.”

    ”Yeah, that’s about right.
    You know, we’re both fucked. There are no good women left.”

  8. #568
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    It's warmth, senstivity, loyalty, and reliability that do predict relationship stability, as does attachment, because it's a catch-all construct for these previous relationship prerequisites
    It pleases me greatly when some normie tier youtube channel mentions something I've been harping on. Still, this is the better vid in regards to the subject:

    I do dig how your video mentioned NICU and how that can be a big problem. Hell, I've mentioned it elsewhere. You could win the lottery and be born to the warmest, most loving, and over all best parents ever. But you were a preme baby and yeah, human nature/neurochemistry/etc. is what it is and you can't just undo that. So you end up with broken attachment anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    I imagine there are some people who are types to grow on you after a few dates (who you don’t find immediately hot/nice), but when you’re tired of using’s nice to feel that immediate connection I suppose.
    I've said it elsewhere and I'll say it again. Do not use "dating aps" if you can avoid it. They exist to connect the broken with the broken. "Hook-Up" culture is horrible for everyone involved but exponentially horrible for women. A "Rake"/Cassanova/Don Juan can reform himself without too much damage to his future marriage prospects if he catches himself early enough into his fall. A "Whore" will find it almost impossible to recover from that reputation. "Can't turn an ho' into a housewife" as they say in the rapper community.

    Women know it in their bones by right of their sexuality. As do men. I'm a victim type and let me tell you I am absolutely disgusted every time I see these demons try to push how wonderful it'd be for women to "princess carry" their man to bed and essentially assume the masculine role as if they were men. Yeah, that's not how it ought to be.

    For us masculine/male victims it's the secret reality that's so delicious. Everyone else, even our direct blood relations, think we're all prim and proper. We're a "Catholic" couple properly wed by an ordained priest. We had an open bar for the after party but we hired discreet bartenders who knew when to "dial back" the alcohol content so nobody ever hit blackout unless they pre-gamed it as it were.

    She didn't ever dream of attempting to physically carry me. She was/is smarter and more understanding of what we both want. She knows in the marrow of her bones how a pretty face combined with a subtle glance with just the right clothing and makeup can, has, and always will accomplish things legions cannot and will never. She may just kiss me, or she may demand I do so with but a glance with eyes so hungry I can't possibly refuse her. Either way, who the "aggressor" is is obvious and it sure as hell ain't me. And that's what I want from my paramour.

    Cleopatra damn near fucked Rome twice over for damned good reason. She successfully wrapped both Ceasar and Mark Antony around her thumb quite effectively. Despite being popularly labeled as a "whore" by Roman society BTW.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post

    I watched the video. It showed a complete jerk interviewing an attractive but clearly thoughtful blonde. My first impression was that she was IEI, but I gradually started to see the possibility of her being LIE.
    You know, we’re both fucked. There are no good women left.”
    Do not give into the sin of despair @Adam Strange or anyone else here. There are indeed good women/men out there for you to meet, greet, get to know, fall for, and propose to. They may not be your duals, but they can be "good enough" as I constantly point out. (I think this may be a theme of the Delta types. I know my mom is a Delta and my sister in law's sister's husband is also a delta and he immediately warmed up to me when I mentioned that concept to him).

    If you make "perfection" the enemy of the good than you'll both fail to make optimal profits and, more tragically, fail to find happiness in life. A "Semi-Dual" is "good enough" as it were. Infinitely so if both people are fully willing to be truly vulnerable to each other. Hell, maybe my future wife is an ESE. If she was willing to be completely open with me I'd likely try to make it work. At that point she'd have reciprocated my attempts at being vulnerable. It might hurt somehow, but at least they're trying just as hard as I am.

    That deserves at least a little bit of perseverance on my part ...

  9. #569
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    @End what's wrong with whores?

  10. #570
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    @End what's wrong with whores?
    Nothing in and of itself, but all kinds of things if one is looking for Wife/Husband material. It's exponentially more difficult for a woman to recover from attaining the reputation of being a "whore" than it is for a man to recover from attaining the reputation of being a "skirt chaser" (i.e. the male version of a whore).

    If a woman has a "body count" in the double digits by the time she's 20 most "virtuous" men won't have anything to do with them. Subconsciously because she probably isn't going to be loyal to you even if you put ring on that and consciously because that screams attachment issues so bad she's willing to let dudes "Eifel Tower" her because she thinks that's the only way she can earn anyone's affection. That latter fact is supremely unattractive to men of virtue as, well, if she values herself so low so as to eagerly indulge in that abject humiliation how can she expect me to value her highly enough to spend the rest of my life with her?

    Those two are linked by the way. A woman with bad attachment thinks and acts like sex is the nuclear option. It's the guaranteed (and sadly in so far as she is concerned) the ultimate and only winning move she can make. Want a man to do what you want? What you really want? Fuck him (literally) in exchange for him following orders (in whatever BS way that'd basically require mind-reading for the male to get right).

    Men with bad attachment are only too happy to oblige as, for them, sex is the ultimate expression of approval and acceptance they so desperately want yet dare not ask for. If she lets you fuck her she must love you right? Same goes for women. If he chooses to mate with you it's because he loves you right?

    Both sides are wrong on this critical issue for reasons I've laid out elsewhere. Knowing how you're wrong is a great step on the path towards being right. If anyone has a specific question on this front please ask me. I am not obsessive enough about myself to be able to recall the exact posts where I dealt with that. I can, however, give you an answer regardless. The disclaimer of "Don't ask questions you don't really want answered" still applies though.

    I suck at so don't bet on me being gentle or putting it all in a non-offensive manner. You'll get an answer though. An answer you can trust was given in good faith.

  11. #571


    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Nothing in and of itself, but all kinds of things if one is looking for Wife/Husband material. It's exponentially more difficult for a woman to recover from attaining the reputation of being a "whore" than it is for a man to recover from attaining the reputation of being a "skirt chaser" (i.e. the male version of a whore).

    If a woman has a "body count" in the double digits by the time she's 20 most "virtuous" men won't have anything to do with them. Subconsciously because she probably isn't going to be loyal to you even if you put ring on that and consciously because that screams attachment issues so bad she's willing to let dudes "Eifel Tower" her because she thinks that's the only way she can earn anyone's affection. That latter fact is supremely unattractive to men of virtue as, well, if she values herself so low so as to eagerly indulge in that abject humiliation how can she expect me to value her highly enough to spend the rest of my life with her?

    Those two are linked by the way. A woman with bad attachment thinks and acts like sex is the nuclear option. It's the guaranteed (and sadly in so far as she is concerned) the ultimate and only winning move she can make. Want a man to do what you want? What you really want? Fuck him (literally) in exchange for him following orders (in whatever BS way that'd basically require mind-reading for the male to get right).

    Men with bad attachment are only too happy to oblige as, for them, sex is the ultimate expression of approval and acceptance they so desperately want yet dare not ask for. If she lets you fuck her she must love you right? Same goes for women. If he chooses to mate with you it's because he loves you right?

    Both sides are wrong on this critical issue for reasons I've laid out elsewhere. Knowing how you're wrong is a great step on the path towards being right. If anyone has a specific question on this front please ask me. I am not obsessive enough about myself to be able to recall the exact posts where I dealt with that. I can, however, give you an answer regardless. The disclaimer of "Don't ask questions you don't really want answered" still applies though.

    I suck at so don't bet on me being gentle or putting it all in a non-offensive manner. You'll get an answer though. An answer you can trust was given in good faith.

    I may be coming into this conversation a bit late but the talk of attachment issues is fascinating me, as I’m trying to heal mine (I have disorganized attachment), and I guess I just had to say something. Do you feel as if men who also have a “body count” in the double digits by the time they reach 20 have attachment issues as well? Just wondering cause I feel like it’s a weird double standard that women who do it tend to have issues but for men it’s normal and are seen as having no problems or attachment issues. Also what do you mean by “virtuous” men, and do you feel that “virtuous” woman would have a problem with a man who has a “body count” in the double digits when he’s twenty?

  12. #572


    I respect your experience and perspective with these things but in my opinion, the issue is a little more nuanced than attachment issues.

    Sex, more often than not, is sometimes about the power exchange between two or more people engaging in sexual activity. That's why you find people who are willing to "give" it up to others in exchange for something --- they know that their value is usually deemed based on their body, external appearance and the like. I can empathize with these people to some degree. They feel as though that's the only form of power (and like you said, control) that they have over others and that they can use it to their advantage. It starts off feeling like a form of empowerment but down the end road they begin to lose themselves, lose self respect and the inner beauty/innocence within themselves. Sex becomes something perverse - a form of control and subordination - rather than a sacred (or enjoyable, pleasurable) act between others. Why do something you don't enjoy doing? They do it for the wrong reasons is what I'm saying...

  13. #573


    Whether you have a lot of sex, have little or consider yourself celibate, it shouldn't matter. Your value and worth as a human being does not decrease based on your sexual history. I'd say an active woman could be a great wife if she wanted to if she had a partner who could satisfy her. Same thing with a man, or whoever. Sex is a natural thing and no one should be shamed for having these desires/urges. That's why they treat it like a game or form of control over others

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    I went on a date with an ESI-Fi yesterday. All she talked about were her relationships with the people she knows, and how most people think she’s either a crazy bitch or too meddlesome in their lives.

    Weirdly enough, I didn’t mind listening to her Fi-rants. They didn’t bother me at all. We went to a Middle-Eastern restaurant and ordered two meals and shared them to taste the food.

    When I dropped her off at her place, we stood next to my car and talked for a while. We talked, then she wanted a kiss before she went in, then we’d talk some more, then she wanted another kiss. This repeated over about thirty minutes, but then I said it was late and I had to go.

    When I got home, I had a dream. I was back in the time just after my divorce, when I was hanging out at a restaurant with an IEI-Fe and her younger, mostly beta crew, which included one 22-year old ESI-Fi who actually liked me. The beta crew reminded me of the cliques in high school; inclusive and exclusive and hungry and incredibly competitive. The IEI-Fe had taken a picture of me and a young girl and posted it on Instagram with the title, “Beauty and the Beast”. Lol. An IEI view of an LIE.

    Anyway, in the dream, I had decided to go see a movie, which I almost never do. As I was crossing the parking lot, I ran into two of the girls from the Beta crew from the restaurant. They were, strangely enough, the girls I recognized and scruffy mutts at the same time. They laughed and approached me and were obviously going to the movie theater and were whispering to each other. I said, “Don’t worry. I won’t try to sit with you.”

    They ran ahead and disappeared into the theater. When I got to the ticket counter, I couldn’t remember which movie I wanted to see.

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    I have a secure attachment to yo mamma
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

  16. #576
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    Quote Originally Posted by iamablueberrymadeoflove View Post
    I may be coming into this conversation a bit late but the talk of attachment issues is fascinating me, as I’m trying to heal mine (I have disorganized attachment), and I guess I just had to say something. Do you feel as if men who also have a “body count” in the double digits by the time they reach 20 have attachment issues as well? Just wondering cause I feel like it’s a weird double standard that women who do it tend to have issues but for men it’s normal and are seen as having no problems or attachment issues. Also what do you mean by “virtuous” men, and do you feel that “virtuous” woman would have a problem with a man who has a “body count” in the double digits when he’s twenty?
    I believe I already spelled it out. The broken seek the broken, and men with high body counts seek out, find, and sadly add to the body counts of the women they bang. To spell it out, yes. If a dude has a high body count by the time he's 20 he's likely to have major issues. When I read "The Art of Seduction" one of the archetypes the author mentioned, the rake, is one of only 2 archetypes that is gender locked (it can only be a male whereas "the siren" can only ever be female). They are, essentially, examples of their sex with major attachment issues. I mean hell, he even succeeded in mentioning Lord Byron and Marylin Monroe as excellent examples of those types and they were utterly fucked in the head. Something I was actually hoping he'd do as, given my knowledge of attachment issues, were figures I would have bet loaned money on them having and thus fitting the archetype he was laying out.

    Fun fact: He pointed out how "the rake" is often catastrophically successful against what most would consider "virtuous" women. Surely, her virtue can reform this immensely seductive bad boy. If he wasn't so busted she might have been right. More often than not, sadly, it is she who gets strung along by the likes of a Don Juan, Richelieu, or Byron. To flip the genders wonder not at how sirens have been the abject ruin of nations. Cleopatra and Marylin Monroe are perfect examples of Sirens. Men have a big problem in any attempt to resist their seductions just as women are hard pressed to resist the tempations rakes provide them.

    I do note that, if properly directed towards virtuous ends, I can clearly see how such men and women could actually fill a niche in society that'd be awesome for everyone involved. A rake that'd allow a truly wonderful woman to reform him about 98% of the way. She wouldn't dream of fully eliminating his ultimately flirtatious nature. Yeah, he flirts with other women, but he married her and he only does it now because he knows how happy and aroused it makes her when he kisses her in front of this young and naieve harlot.

    The fantasy of the Siren is a wee bit simpler to understand. A sensuous stripper doesn't really "bang" all her "clients" as it were. Other men touch her as they slip the money in, but that's just "business". Ultimately shameful business but business nonetheless. All those other men throw money/attention at her, but only you are reciprocated. Many, many men pined for Cleopatra and made concrete efforts to win her affections, but only Ceasar (and later, Mark Antony) got their devotions reciprocated.

    In regards to healing your issues I wish you the best. Trying to heal mine has been a vastly rewarding experience. I'm almost "good enough" far as I can tell. I may somewhat bitch at having to supervise my LSE mother, but she does agree with me on this front. I am indeed onto something.

    All that remains now is to just be the best version of myself and count on how my own personality type will necessarily attract the factors required for success onto itself. All I need do now is, essentially, trust in my God. I offer of myself freely. May my destined mate find me willing and waiting...

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    Whenever I hear about a "strong, independent" woman, I think about how many dicks she had to suck to get there.
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
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    I’ve been thinking recently about the women I’ve been dating since my divorce. They have mostly been ESIs, but there have been a couple IEIs and an LSI in there. And my EII secretary, but I’ve not considered what we have been doing as “dating”.
    The thing that has worried me is that I like all of these women, but I don’t want to marry any of them. I’ve been concerned that some important part of me broke since my first marriage, but I couldn’t figure out what that might have been.

    But I think I have figured it out. I want a woman who is stronger than I am. My SLI ex was. Not physically stronger, but she was more determined than I am on some level, and I’m looking for a woman who can handle herself. Someone who is more forceful ( 3D Se vs my 2D Se) than I am. Who is also morally inflexible. Not a pushover.

    This sounds like an ESI, and I think it could be an ESI, but so far, I haven’t met the right one yet.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I’ve been thinking recently about the women I’ve been dating since my divorce. They have mostly been ESIs, but there have been a couple IEIs and an LSI in there. And my EII secretary, but I’ve not considered what we have been doing as “dating”.
    The thing that has worried me is that I like all of these women, but I don’t want to marry any of them. I’ve been concerned that some important part of me broke since my first marriage, but I couldn’t figure out what that might have been.

    But I think I have figured it out. I want a woman who is stronger than I am. My SLI ex was. Not physically stronger, but she was more determined than I am on some level, and I’m looking for a woman who can handle herself. Someone who is more forceful ( 3D Se vs my 2D Se) than I am. Who is also morally inflexible. Not a pushover.

    This sounds like an ESI, and I think it could be an ESI, but so far, I haven’t met the right one yet.
    Do you not think you should be more forceful and morally inflexible yourself?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Do you not think you should be more forceful and morally inflexible yourself?
    No, @FreelancePoliceman, I don’t.

    The ESIs I’ve met are already really morally inflexible, and they immediately “do” things (exert force) in the real world, right now. What I’ve see me bring to the table is a -perhaps- Ne-based approach to moral behavior in which I explain to ESIs why life is not black-or-white. Why people might do something, not because they are good or bad people, but rather because their logic, or circumstances, drive them to some temporary solution (which might change).
    ESIs won’t tell you this, but they really are very black-or-white people. Probably their LIE Duals are best at being able to introduce some shades-of-gray understanding into their moral pantheon.

    Furthermore, my intuition of the future is pretty well developed, while theirs is not. This fear of the future (and ESIs are often e6) causes them to do things immediately, while I am better at judging how much time there might be available for juggling multiple projects.

    My problem with having stronger Ni is that, while juggling multiple projects, some don’t get done. Moreover, I can easily get lost in the possible chess moves and forget to MOVE THE DAMNED PAWN NOW. ESIs don’t do that. Their fear of not meeting their Fi promises makes them do things RIGHT NOW. This makes them seem (to me) strong and focused and taking care of business.
    They cover my back in real world action-type situations, which makes them seem strong to me.

    This is all theory of Duals, though. The way I actually feel is that I lack the ability to apply force in the real world but I wish I could (Se-HA). I might be able to plot the future, but I feel vulnerable (Victim) to physical actions which could be taken against me.
    In reality, I’m quite strong, but I feel like I need the hair-trigger awareness of danger that ESIs have and use to defend against physical threats. They are the canaries in the coal mine who call me, from my Ni-dream state, back to the world so I can bring the big guns into play.

    In turn, my Ni serves them by letting them know which threats are dangerous and which are not. You may have seen pictures where LIEs are characterized as knights, serving their mistress. There is a lot of truth to that. The knight needs the strong and immediate mistress who loves him, and he, in turn, turns the sword to the outer world.

    You, Freelance, being a mirror-image of LIEs with regard to the functions, should be able to make a nearly identical argument regarding your relationship with your own Duals, flipping only the extroversion and introversion of the functions.

  21. #581


    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    No, @FreelancePoliceman, I don’t.

    The ESIs I’ve met are already really morally inflexible, and they immediately “do” things (exert force) in the real world, right now. What I’ve see me bring to the table is a -perhaps- Ne-based approach to moral behavior in which I explain to ESIs why life is not black-or-white.
    Ugh, this happens a lot with my LIE. I still haven't recovered from the last time. "Why you have to be ruthless also, and step on people to get ahead sometimes." I have cried and had more of an existential crisis than I want to admit. Sometimes I feel like I wasn't meant for this world. It's too cruel.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Leviathan View Post
    Ugh, this happens a lot with my LIE. I still haven't recovered from the last time. "Why you have to be ruthless also, and step on people to get ahead sometimes." I have cried and had more of an existential crisis than I want to admit. Sometimes I feel like I wasn't meant for this world. It's too cruel.
    I'm having a hard time telling who said what to whom in the above scenario, but tell him he needs to be more sympathetic to your side. Most people aren't bad, but they could stand to learn some finesse.

  23. #583


    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I'm having a hard time telling who said what to whom in the above scenario, but tell him he needs to be more sympathetic to your side. Most people aren't bad, but they could stand to learn some finesse.
    Quoted was him. Sharing only bc I would like to see what others say about it. Perhaps hes wrong and doesnt realize. Idk.

    Anyway, yeah...he said basically the same thing in response to my meltdown. "It's not all black" (left the white out this time)

    Basically, in my mind, if stepping on others to get ahead is necessary, the way this world works is fucking cruel. Animals needing to eat each other alive to survive is bad enough. Metaphorically...I am like an animal that would rather die than eat others to survive because I don't have the heart for this shit. I'm cursed with too much empathy and idealism.

    Ignore this, I just always take things into the personal realm without meaning to. I struggle to be impersonal, I drag convos to a less generalized and more intimate space by nature. It can be annoying to others or inappropriate for social settings. Soc IV blindness and 99% Sx.

    Point was: accurate af post you wrote.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 06-02-2022 at 06:01 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Leviathan View Post
    Quoted was him. Sharing only bc I would like to see what others say about it. Perhaps hes wrong and doesnt realize. Idk.

    Anyway, yeah...he said basically the same thing in response to my meltdown. "It's not all black" (left the white out this time)

    Basically, in my mind, if stepping on others to get ahead is necessary, the way this world works is fucking cruel. Animals needing to eat each other alive to survive is bad enough. Metaphorically...I am like an animal that would rather die than eat others to survive because I don't have the heart for this shit. I'm cursed with too much empathy and idealism.
    This is weird. I’ve never seen an ESI step on someone to get ahead. I have often seen ESIs reprimanding people for not doing the right thing, but that’s very different.
    I’ve never seen an LIE step on someone to get ahead, either. I’ve seen them confront people, or tell them to get off the bus, or decide that they are not worth dealing with, but stepping on someone seems to be outside the range of ESI-LIE behavior that I’ve seen.

    To step on someone, you have to believe that they are less than you are, but Gammas are democratic. Maybe your LIE is misinterpreting your actions.

    I could see a Gamma refusing to play with someone, but I have a harder time imagining a Gamma stepping on a person.

    As for you being ruthless, well, sometimes you have to draw a line to enforce boundaries. It’s amazing how some people will treat you like a piece of trash if you let them. They will piss on you and tell you it’s raining.
    Dealing ruthlessly with people who are not honest with you is a very good approach, in my opinion.

  25. #585


    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    This is weird. I’ve never seen an ESI step on someone to get ahead. I have often seen ESIs reprimanding people for not doing the right thing, but that’s very different.
    I’ve never seen an LIE step on someone to get ahead, either. I’ve seen them confront people, or tell them to get off the bus, or decide that they are not worth dealing with, but stepping on someone seems to be outside the range of ESI-LIE behavior that I’ve seen.

    To step on someone, you have to believe that they are less than you are, but Gammas are democratic. Maybe your LIE is misinterpreting your actions.

    I could see a Gamma refusing to play with someone, but I have a harder time imagining a Gamma stepping on a person.

    As for you being ruthless, well, sometimes you have to draw a line to enforce boundaries. It’s amazing how some people will treat you like a piece of trash if you let them. They will piss on you and tell you it’s raining.
    Dealing ruthlessly with people who are not honest with you is a very good approach, in my opinion.
    I think I didn't explain clearly and it resulted in misunderstanding. Anyway, he was pretty much saying the same things you've said. Note that I've been drinking and probably miscommunicated. *Hide the pain meme*

    I could not love someone who stepped on others to get ahead for no reason besides gain.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 06-02-2022 at 07:01 AM.

  26. #586
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    But I think I have figured it out. I want a woman who is stronger than I am. My SLI ex was. Not physically stronger, but she was more determined than I am on some level, and I’m looking for a woman who can handle herself. Someone who is more forceful ( 3D Se vs my 2D Se) than I am. Who is also morally inflexible. Not a pushover.

    This sounds like an ESI, and I think it could be an ESI, but so far, I haven’t met the right one yet.
    Yeah, but you're also a man and "men" must act in certain ways if they are both to be considered "healthy" and stand a good chance at landing an ideal romantic relationship. Few truly know where the term "Masochism" comes from. I do. While I've never read that particular literary work from that particular author I've read the synopsis of the plot and I'll say this. A man who attempts to pass the "leadership" role in all things to the woman will get cucked as harshly and cruelly as Severin did.

    I'm not being sexist here. I'm stating a fact. If a female is being told/demanded by her culture to vault over the trench and lead a charge over "No Man's Land" something has gone profoundly wrong.

    The "Aggressor" female still rightfully expects her "Victim" ideal partner to lead the charge. I know I would for many a reason. Plus that major idiosyncrasy would drive me (and her) wild. Who could or would imagine the man who lead that charge would be so "weak" as to allow his ideal lover to pin him down and have her way with him so eagerly? How could she relish the thought of making such a "bold move" herself that the fantasy overtook her and she did exactly that in a moment of her own personal weakness only to have a sexual encounter that made her orgasm so many times she literally ached down there for the next week?

    I can tell you and any other who would ask why...

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I could see a Gamma refusing to play with someone, but I have a harder time imagining a Gamma stepping on a person.
    I'd have agreed with you up until a day or two ago where I had an epiphany. See, for the lost/broken, people aren't people as I assume we'd both define the term. For the lost/broken, people are in actuality objects. Tools. Things that either do as they ought or, if they do not, need to be manipulated and disciplined into doing as they ought. Case in point? How Amber Herd treated Depp. Holy fuck what a shitshow BTW. That he actually won surprised me (eternal cynic that I am) but I digress.

    We'd never dream of treating another human being as anything but. That's pretty much gamma made manifest. We're dealing with truly sentient humans/equals. They deserve our utmost respect and the freedom to make any choice they may wish no matter how hard we may want to scream at them how bad their choices are. It's their choice to make and once we've said our piece and they choose the worst option we can imagine we can and will only say "you will regret that harder than you can probably conceive of" with an air of absolute certainty.

    Sadly, such an utterance fails to sway most...

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    In turn, my Ni serves them by letting them know which threats are dangerous and which are not. You may have seen pictures where LIEs are characterized as knights, serving their mistress.
    Such is how the Victim/Aggressor dynamic unfolds if the "traditional" genders get flipped. We are the chivalrous knights devoted to our most worthy of princesses. Like I've said elsewhere, if you have in your program or creative function slot as a man you will crave a "strong" (i.e. valuing) woman. And she will you as well. Nobody, especially a true aggressor, wants a true doormat who just follows her blindly and unquestioningly. The greatest conquests are hard won after all.

    Her most egregious demands will be met with firm and absolute refusal. She will test us on that front and we will ultimately pass it when we steadfastly and adamantly tell her "No". If she demands what is essentially impossible anyway after that than she's among the lost. Princess Kaguya was/is a perfect example of a lost cause. A woman who would not ever settle for what is actually possible for her to attain. That her suitors refused to realize that does, sadly, speak to a truth. Far too many men value beauty/sexiness over character and/or clearly observable patterns of behavior...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post

    When I got home, I had a dream. I was back in the time just after my divorce, when I was hanging out at a restaurant with an IEI-Fe and her younger, mostly beta crew, which included one 22-year old ESI-Fi who actually liked me. The beta crew reminded me of the cliques in high school; inclusive and exclusive and hungry and incredibly competitive. The IEI-Fe had taken a picture of me and a young girl and posted it on Instagram with the title, “Beauty and the Beast”. Lol. An IEI view of an LIE.
    aw noo..I’m not sure I’ve ever consciously thought that about an LIE (apart from the weird woman I work with but honestly I think she reminds me of myself in a way!! Yikes). Maybe all types see their supervisor this way. Maybe it is a bit more exaggerated with IEI/LIE. Even if I do think like that I think the thought is usually gone in a flash and I probably think most people are beast-like at times lol. I think of IEEs as a threat to my actual life sometimes but I still love them..remember I said I was trying to think of an LIE who didn’t feel like a typical supervisor? Well I realised my friend’s ex is LIE, not LSE like I originally thought. I don’t get that typical supervisor feeling from him. Outwardly he seems tough but gentle. I like people who seem like si types even if they aren’t, although I’m not sure these are always the best people for me.

    oh the young LIE guy I was working with told me he was leaving. I was all like “aw will I see you before you leave!” He kinda pulled a face like he was annoyed I said that. Men are so odd sometimes- they hound you for attention one minute and then act like you’re a clingy beast the next lol.
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 06-03-2022 at 09:51 AM.

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    when I was in my 20's a friend of my sister's friend became interested in me. I liked her, she was funny and friendly so we became friends I guess. One day , I don't remember how, I found myself in her car, she and I went to her friend's house for a visit. I am a very shy person and I tried to not show it but I felt a little bit uncomfortable. When her friend asked her who I was, she told her that I was her boyfriend . I was surprised since I didn't know that she and I were that close but I didn't show it or at least I tried to not show it cuz I'm an easy blusher.
    Anyway, we stayed in contact for about a week until she stopped coming to our house with my sister's friend. Nothing ever happened between us, not even a kiss, although I wished it. I never had a real and "official Date" in the proper ritualistic romantic sense, (at least not in my country) but I think that came a little close. That was the only time I have been introduced as a boyfriend. That was the summer of 2002.

    To me real romantic passion has always been marked with the seal of secrecy and the greatest love has always been like a forbidden fruit. I ate it though and I was cursed to wander through the ocean of time haunted by the memories of an Idyll of which I will never feel the warmth again.
    I'm halfway now, but there is nothing but a stretch of monochromic time between me and the final destination.

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    I matched with a girl on Tinder and we met. She lives close to me, just a few blocks away. I didn't expect much because her replies to me have been very short, almost rude. I suggested we meet right away so we did. I suggested we meet at the beach nearby. She seemed very shy, and hyper-sensitive but sweet. First I thought she might have some mental condition because she seemed to have problems speaking. When we became warmer and more open turned out that she is not so shy at all and very nice. Different types popped up in my head as we started our date, walking by the sea. IEI, ESI, EII ? Now I am 99 % sure that she is EII. Subtype is clearly normalizing. Our chemistry seemed fluctuating. We had a lot to talk about, but we could suddenly be quiet and distant. I feel numb to her Fi. I am torn about this matter, but she is attractive and very nice, and I can see myself spending time with her and see where this leads. I'm thinking about telling her brutally honestly about how I feel tomorrow: That I like to her but that our chemistry is what it is (neither good nor bad)
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    I’m not dating her, but I’m spending a lot of time going to different places with an attractive female (lesbian) Dual, who is young enough to be my daughter.

    She’s beautiful, strong and intelligent, dresses with an amazing fashion sense, and we look like a couple despite being opposites in every way.

    Yesterday we were out buying stuff. I was wearing a black Polo shirt, jeans, and $500 dress shoes because they are super comfortable and are also a capitalist tool. She had on jeans, a loose, man's shirt artfully tucked into one side of the front of her jeans with the other side out, and flip-flops made from an old tire or something. She looked like a fashion model who was out slumming.

    When we’d approach a sales person in a store, we’d invariably invoke the same response. From hetero men, they’d look at her, then me, then her again, and would get this expression of helpful contempt on their face, which would only fade when they saw how easily and equally she and I interacted.

    With saleswomen, they would be much smoother at hiding their reactions, as if it was perfectly natural for an old man to be shopping with a beautiful young woman. It took them longer to see our compatibility. Maybe their prejudices are stronger.

    In one showroom, the ESI and I had found a beautiful vanity and mirror, and I was looking at the price tags while the ESI was in the ladies room. I said, marveling at the prices of this stuff, to the very intelligent IEI-Fe saleswoman, about the ESI, “Wow. She knows how to spend money.”
    ”I’ll bet she does”, the IEI said, very quietly. Which kind of pissed me off, but was funny at the same time. Meeeeoow.

    The most entertaining reactions would come from the middle-aged women out shopping with their middle-aged husbands. They'd take one look at us and would quietly but firmly steer their husbands to another part of the store.
    "Don't look at them. They don't exist. "These are not the droids you are looking for."" Lol

    People all make the same assumption about the ESI and me. It’s almost as if no one else is in a Dual relationship. The lesbian ESI and I are on the same page and we support each other. We have fun together and we have each other’s back, despite playing on different ball teams.

    Something happens to most people when they grow up. They lose something that they shouldn’t lose.

    After buying the vanity and mirror from the intelligent and attractive IEI-Fe saleswoman, she took my name and number and said she'd call me when it came in. I asked her her name.
    The IEI-Fe looked up at me neutrally, totally not looking at the ESI standing next to me, and didn't reply, but just stared, as if to say, "Work harder for it. This is a test of your strength and assertiveness." Lol.
    "I get a lot of calls all day long, and a lot of them are bullshit calls. I want to be sure that I recognize your call."
    "She'll leave a message", the ESI said.
    "Heidi", said the IEI, carefully, neutrally.

    IEI's are amazing sometimes. Lol.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 06-05-2022 at 04:55 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I'm bad with abbreviations, so what phenomenon from the attachment video does "NICU" refer to?

    Quote Originally Posted by mysteryofdungeon View Post
    I have a secure attachment to yo mamma
    Ah, so that's why she handed you a restraining order.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    I think of IEEs as a threat to my actual life sometimes
    IEEs, a threat to anyone's life? But how?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    I feel numb to her Fi. I am torn about this matter, but she is attractive and very nice, and I can see myself spending time with her and see where this leads. I'm thinking about telling her brutally honestly about how I feel tomorrow: That I like to her but that our chemistry is what it is (neither good nor bad)
    It's fair of you to be open about your feelings, but it seems rather early to make up your mind about her so soon after only a first date. You could also decide to tell her after the second date instead, in order to give her some more time, because she dispelled your initial impression of her before, so she might do so again.
    Last edited by Armitage; 06-05-2022 at 04:34 PM.

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    So I'm standing in line to buy lunch at my favorite Alpha food specialty store and the new cashier is -my god- the spitting image of my favorite LSI porn star and my dick is saying "Do it do it do it do it do it" and my head is saying "You're not seeing anyone right now and her body is PERFECT and she's LSI and so it would be easy and natural and my dick is telling me "DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT" and I'm kind of just standing there in line, waiting for the SEI granny to finish checking out, just standing there with my mouth kind of hanging open, I guess, because
    The SEI guy who owns the place walks by, takes one look at me and starts laughing and says "I can help you at this next register."

    No, dude, not like her you can't.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    I think of IEEs as a threat to my actual life sometimes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    IEEs, a threat to anyone's life? But how?
    They will talk you to death. It's a pretty common phenomenon.

    You find dead people on park benches, dead people in tents in the woods, dead people in nursing homes, and no one looks for the IEE who was last seen talking to them.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 06-05-2022 at 04:59 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post

    It's fair of you to be open about your feelings, but it seems rather early to make up your mind about her so soon after only a first date. You could also decide to tell her after the second date instead, in order to give her some more time, because she dispelled your initial impression of her before, so she might do so again.
    Yes you're right. I changed my mind after sleeping one night. I am not going to be "brutally honest". It's not really my style anyway. But she is, and will remain EII, and nothing's gonna change that. I have been with EII before and I know that relating to the Fi base is going to be a problem. You can't change the fact that Fi base hits my demonstrative. However, I'm not going to think too much about that now, hopefully I will see her soon again and we'll see were this goes.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Yes you're right. I changed my mind after sleeping one night. I am not going to be "brutally honest". It's not really my style anyway. But she is, and will remain EII, and nothing's gonna change that. I have been with EII before and I know that relating to the Fi base is going to be a problem. You can't change the fact that Fi base hits my demonstrative. However, I'm not going to think too much about that now, hopefully I will see her soon again and we'll see were this goes.
    In the worst case, you both might learn something.

    It was my second LSI gf, separated from the first by time and distance, who convinced me that people with identical types have much in common.

    If I hadn’t proven this to myself, I might not now be looking so hard only for ESIs.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    IEEs, a threat to anyone's life? But how?

    in aroundabout way (low si?)

    Hmm. Putting drugs in people’s mouths when they’ve already had too much? Watching their best friend throw their young life away for 8 years+? Harassing you to listen to their problems, not realising yours are actually worse? Even though they do know really. They’re very good at blanking stuff out that makes them uncomfortable. Calling you the night before your first date with an SLE and stressing you out so much you end up not sleeping and cancelling the date. (Life debilitating if not threatening :/) These are the type of problems that pop up in unhealthy contrary friendships (IEI/IEE). However, if the IEI backs off, the IEE usually realises their error and vastly improves their behaviour. And the IEI knows how to spot the signs of the IEE beginning to misbehave again. These friendships can be really good, I don’t doubt it. But the IEI is secretly boss

    oh and my SEE and IEE superiors completely failed to recognise obvious examples of harassment in the work place..
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 06-05-2022 at 07:40 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    They will talk you to death. It's a pretty common phenomenon.

    You find dead people on park benches, dead people in tents in the woods, dead people in nursing homes, and no one looks for the IEE who was last seen talking to them.
    Lol Adam. I used to have a really really good IEE friend, a school friend. She talked a lot about her narcissistic mother. I could never remember the details after she spoke about her..The way she spoke was hypnotic.

    A more mature IEE will make sure the conversation is less one-sided and the level of emotional support in the friendship is balanced. Tbh we got on very well and maybe by rights we should still be friends. But she wasn’t there for me, and you can’t turn back time. Sometimes friendships go wrong when both people have too much similar style trauma.

    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 06-05-2022 at 07:38 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    I'm bad with abbreviations, so what phenomenon from the attachment video does "NICU" refer to?.
    Natal Intensive Care Unit. Preme baby=Premature Baby. One of my own relations had such a birth. Poor thing was confined to a plastic box for three months outside the womb with all kinds of tubes stuck into his form. His parents are wonderful far as I can tell, but like I said, you can't undo how our brains work in a mechanical sense.

    Well, I think it was three months. Point is he was barely viable when he was born and the box was his world up until he had finally become fully viable as a nine-month old baby (if we count from the moment of fertilization).

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    Quote Originally Posted by diamondhearts View Post
    Whether you have a lot of sex, have little or consider yourself celibate, it shouldn't matter. Your value and worth as a human being does not decrease based on your sexual history. I'd say an active woman could be a great wife if she wanted to if she had a partner who could satisfy her. Same thing with a man, or whoever. Sex is a natural thing and no one should be shamed for having these desires/urges. That's why they treat it like a game or form of control over others
    Mostly true. After all, you're never too old to start making good decisions. However, I will note that objective reality is, well, objective. While your intrinsic value as a human/sentient being is beyond reproach your perceived value is (perhaps sadly in this example) open to interpretation and that interpretation is actually pretty easy to figure out.

    Remember how for Gamma types like me Life is a game? A game with rules that only idiots fail to learn hard and fast? Yeah, sexual history actually matters and it doubly matters for women. "Can't turn a Ho into a Housewife" resonates for even non-Gamma types for a good reason. If she has 7 kids by 6 different fathers what are the odds you won't be the reason she has 8 kids by 7 different fathers?

    Kids I will note you probably aren't even trying to get close to emotionally. Big idea for anyone dating a "single mother" (or father) that you actually want to wife/husband up earnestly and honestly. If you must be "Captain Save a Ho/rake" than know this. The fastest way into the pants and ultimately heart of a woman/man with children they know is theirs is to try to heal their own children's attachment issues.

    You are, by necessity, crushing the innate dreams of the child. After all, what they innately want is for their true mommy and daddy to make up and get back together. If you wed her and become their step-father/mother you have, in point of fact, crushed their most wholly wished for and most innocent of dreams.

    However, there is something else I and most other ILI's will harp on. If you gotta do something "wrong", do it right. You are not their biological dad/mom. Yeah, damn right I'm not. Guess what, that doesn't matter to me because I can still be an amazing uncle or something else like that. I cannot "replace" your dad/mom, but I can still be an awesome figure in your life. You need a hug? I'll give ya one. Why? Because I wanna make you as happy as I can. I actually do love you faults and all! And I'm willing to prove it to you.

    I sadly regret to report that such thinking isn't encouraged in modern society...

  40. #600


    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    No, @FreelancePoliceman, I don’t.

    The ESIs I’ve met are already really morally inflexible, and they immediately “do” things (exert force) in the real world, right now. What I’ve see me bring to the table is a -perhaps- Ne-based approach to moral behavior in which I explain to ESIs why life is not black-or-white. Why people might do something, not because they are good or bad people, but rather because their logic, or circumstances, drive them to some temporary solution (which might change).
    ESIs won’t tell you this, but they really are very black-or-white people. Probably their LIE Duals are best at being able to introduce some shades-of-gray understanding into their moral pantheon.

    Furthermore, my intuition of the future is pretty well developed, while theirs is not. This fear of the future (and ESIs are often e6) causes them to do things immediately, while I am better at judging how much time there might be available for juggling multiple projects.

    My problem with having stronger Ni is that, while juggling multiple projects, some don’t get done. Moreover, I can easily get lost in the possible chess moves and forget to MOVE THE DAMNED PAWN NOW. ESIs don’t do that. Their fear of not meeting their Fi promises makes them do things RIGHT NOW. This makes them seem (to me) strong and focused and taking care of business.
    They cover my back in real world action-type situations, which makes them seem strong to me.

    This is all theory of Duals, though. The way I actually feel is that I lack the ability to apply force in the real world but I wish I could (Se-HA). I might be able to plot the future, but I feel vulnerable (Victim) to physical actions which could be taken against me.
    In reality, I’m quite strong, but I feel like I need the hair-trigger awareness of danger that ESIs have and use to defend against physical threats. They are the canaries in the coal mine who call me, from my Ni-dream state, back to the world so I can bring the big guns into play.

    In turn, my Ni serves them by letting them know which threats are dangerous and which are not. You may have seen pictures where LIEs are characterized as knights, serving their mistress. There is a lot of truth to that. The knight needs the strong and immediate mistress who loves him, and he, in turn, turns the sword to the outer world.

    You, Freelance, being a mirror-image of LIEs with regard to the functions, should be able to make a nearly identical argument regarding your relationship with your own Duals, flipping only the extroversion and introversion of the functions.
    True, an ESI who is say maybe an enneagram 1 also might be morally flexible. But an ESI who is an enneagram 3 would be, I assure you, nothing of the sort. Fi has more to do with just morality. It also deals with a persons inner feelings, which is where the ethical/feeling dichotomy is opposite of say of logical types in that way in which we deal with logic. If you mix Fi with say a gut type you might get someone whose inflexible in how they feel about their ethics, but mixing it with a heart type or especially an enneagram 3 and you get a whole different experience I promise you. My ESI enneagram 3 friends and other heart types friends tend to be inflexible in their Fi yes, but it’s in a way that’s about their deeper Fi emotions/sentiments which they won’t betray or go against and they expect you to respect as well. Fi can be used in different ways and is a pretty complex function and it doesn’t always have to deal with morality, although yes an Fi lead would still be inflexible that way with it if it did pertain to ethics alone since us Ne polr tends to have issues with seeing other possibilities. Although, if I may add, having a difficulty in seeing other possibilities doesn’t have to always lead to black and white thinking or splitting in areas of ethics. That’s more unhealthy enneagram 1 territory than socionics type. We just come off as closed minded to other new ways and possibilities, but that doesn’t mean we won’t consider the possibilities we’ve already thought of in the past. Seeing Ne polr from the outside from someone else’s point of view is pretty different than actually experiencing it lol. These are just my experiences as an actual Ne polr with other Ne polr ESI and LSI friends that I’ve been close to though, and I’m not trying to invalidate your opinions and experiences on this matter in any way.

    By the way, yes we are forceful due to our 3D Se but I actually don’t mind if a guy is weaker than me since I actually unconsciously expect it from them since I’m an agressor lol. So if anybody has a problem with you being weaker in that function than them instead of them just taking it over for themselves then they probably aren’t your dual lol.

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