Quote Originally Posted by heath
I think ENFj. ESTps enjoy power, sure, but the theatrics make him ENFj. Also, the bit in Philo's encounter where Caligula asks, "Why don't your people eat pig's flesh?" Why would an ESTp ask this? They wouldn't-- there is no result and nothing real is gained-- I doubt very much that an ESTp would find profit in socially humiliating another person/group! Why would an ENFj ask this? Because it makes a profound impression on other people--even if it is a bad one.
First, I think ENFj is a plausible type. My main reason for preferring ESTp is that, from Philo's description and from comments by other historians, I get more the impression of an EP type.

As for the result and gains -- well, I see that scene as Caligula essentially having fun at the expense of Philo and his party. Like bullying the nerdy kids. It all depends on what Caligula was thinking. If he was essentially putting an act for the sake of the other people present, that would be more ENFj. If he wanted to have a good time, he would relax precisely by exercising his dominant function ie Se if he is ESTp.

Quote Originally Posted by heath
Edit to Add: Let's not forget that the system of Socionics is meant to examine common everyday people and that larger than life personalities that are often found in celebrities and the famous are very often out of the scope of Socionics.
Well, larger than life personalities also have a type -- I agree that this makes it more difficult on one hand, but on the other hand, especially in the case of a near-absolute ruler, it makes it easier since he'd more naturally tend to use his stronger functions.

EDIT: ah, and looking at dichotomies, Caligula in that scene was very clearly Result (ESTp) rather than Process (ENFj).