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Thread: Caligula

  1. #41


    yea lol, on this topic at least.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by oyburger
    He was a completely sadistic psycho
    I think most historians, both ancient and contemporary, would consider that a very accurate assessment of Caligula.

    Quote Originally Posted by oyburger
    But I think ESTp is too easy of an answer. Perhaps ESFp? Or am I stretching here
    ESFp is not impossible; however, an ESFp would be democratic and process, and what comes from that description is aristocratic and result; or in terms of functions, an ESFp would me more likely to try to establish some kind of rapport with Philo's party (even if ultimately to use them), unless of course he'd be into total Se mode.

    Since people enjoyed Philo's report, here is what he says that Caligula said of Macro, the praetorian prefect, who had engineered Caligula's ascession to power, just before getting rid of Macro:

    "Here comes the teacher of one who has no longer any right to be looked upon as a pupil; -here comes the pedagogue of one who is no longer a child, the monitor of one who is wiser than himself, the man who thinks it proper that the emperor should obey his subject, who sets himself up as a man deeply versed by experience in the science of government, and as a teacher of it, though from whom he has learnt the principles of sovereign government I know not; (54) for from the moment that I left my cradle, I have had ten thousand instructors, fathers, brothers, uncles, cousins, and grandfathers, up to the very founders of my family, in fact every one related to me either on my father's or my mother's side, who had acquired absolute power for themselves, even without taking into consideration the fact that, by their being the authors of my being, they had implanted in me some degree of royal power and some natural aptitude for government. (55) For as similitudes of both body and soul exist both in the form, and position, and motions of men, and also as the inclinations, and dispositions, and actions of men are preserved in some degree of similitude through the principles of descent, so also is it probable that the very same principles should convey an outline of similitude in respect of one's aptitude for government. (56) Shall any one, then, who is ignorant dare to instruct me who am the reverse of ignorant? me who, even before my birth, while I was yet in my mother's womb, was fashioned as an emperor in the workshop of nature? For how can it be possible for persons, who but a short time before were private individuals, to contemplate as they should the intentions of an imperial soul? But some persons in their shameless audacity dare to put themselves forward as interpreters and perfecters of the principles of government, when in reality they scarcely ought to be enrolled among those who have any understanding whatever of the matter."
    That does sound more like an ESTp speaking.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  3. #43
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Shees, he was really mad.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Shees, he was really mad.

    What about this -- all by Suetonius, on Caligula:

    Having asked a man who had been recalled from an exile of long standing, how in the world he spent his time there, the man replied by way of flattery: I constantly prayed the gods for what has come to pass, that Tiberius might die and you become emperor. Thereupon Caligula, thinking that his exiles were likewise praying for his death, sent emissaries from island to island to butcher them all.
    At one of his more sumptuous banquets he suddenly burst into a fit of laughter, and when the consuls, who were reclining next him, politely inquired at what he was laughing, he replied: What do you suppose, except that at a single nod of mine both of you could have your throats cut on the spot?
    Whenever he kissed the neck of his wife or sweetheart, he would say: "Off comes this beautiful head whenever I give the word". He even used to threaten now and then that he would resort to torture if necessary, to find out from his dear Caesonia why he loved her so passionately.
    there was scarcely any woman of rank whom he did not approach. These as a rule he invited to dinner with their husbands, and as they passed by the foot of his couch, he would inspect them critically and deliberately, as if buying slaves, even putting out his hand and lifting up the face of anyone who looked down in modesty; then as often as the fancy took him he would leave the room, sending for the one who pleased him best, and returning soon afterward with evident signs of what had occurred, he would openly commend or criticize his partner, recounting her charms or defects and commenting on her conduct. To some he personally sent a bill of divorce in the name of their absent husbands, and had it entered in the public records.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  5. #45
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Awesome I mean, very funny to read, and probably even funny to watch at the time, even if obviously not exactly an irreproachable conduct
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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