I got this idea from @BandD mentioning that people have said he doesn't panic enough. I related to that and wonder if there's any relationship between type and how easily we panic about different things.

I personally find that I don't panic or even feel particularly agitated by physical threats to my body other than with a couple specific things. Namely heights and unknown dogs running at me* (inb4 anyone says it, yeah that's partly why I'm a cat person lol). I don't really "panic" about those things though, they're just the only ones off the top of my head that actually awaken some level of genuine fear in me. I think I'm pretty composed regardless.
The only times I've ever actually "panicked" have been for entirely social reasons (stage-fright mostly, but also a few times people have gotten mad and yelled at me, also any time I'm calling my family and I think my grandma is about to ask me if I've gotten the vaccine).

So, how easily do you panic? What makes you panic? Do you think this has anything to do with Socionics, or is it better explained by Enneagram or maybe just life experiences? What do y'all think?

*I feel like I should clarify that dogs are nice and lovely creatures too. Bigger ones can just really freak me out when they run at me if I haven't gotten to know them yet