Quote Originally Posted by Stray Cat View Post
The IEI I've met get tunnel vision. They focus on a singular thing & push that particular agenda.

An example:. An IEI I work with would wear a mask each day, covering her mouth & nose. One day she gets a nose ring between the bridge of her nostrils and now her mask never covers her nose. She'll deliberately break "mask rules" at work so everyone can check out the nose.

In other words, fuck COVID, fuck the job's rule & fuck society's perception of COVID just check out my nose ring.
None of that particularly screams IEI to me over any other type, but then again I don't know her. Even if she is IEI, I don't think I really get what you mean. I'm hyper-aware of what other people think about me and my actions and expend quite a lot of effort ensuring that I'm keeping up appearances. I can't imagine forgetting about other people's perception because of tunnel vision.

There is one way I think I can sometimes get tunnel vision though, but I'm not sure if it's in the way that you mean. Sometimes I'll find myself riding an emotional wave, particularly if I'm with other Fe-valuers and the energy is good, and I'll overshare a lot more about myself than I'm actually comfortable with then regret it massively later. I'm not sure if this is what you mean though