Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
SEE and ILI women seem to not like me/hate me. I don’t know why! I like them! It can get down right hostile with SEE and ILI sometimes. Like Bro, I like you guys and were in this weird quad thing. SEE women view me as weird and freaking strange. Probably useless too. ILI it can get very strange. The healthy ones and that like Fi are no issue. Just the ones that haven’t developed their weaker functions tend to either get very jealous of me or weirdly intimidated Like, you shine girly! I’m not doing anything special, I’m just being a freaking weirdo. I like these types too, I just don’t know why I seem to rub them the wrong way :/

I can see ILIs having a problem with you, since they don't really like any Fe so I normally need to hide my Fe power level around them. The SEE thing is strange, but in theory I shouldn't have such a problem with IEEs, and well, I obviously do. I think SEIs are more open to being quirky and fun and not as worried about being "cool" like I've noticed central types seem to care about. This SEE relative is very condescending to my SOs family; told one of her relatives to marry for money, talks about how rich she is, talks down to people who haven't been to places she has. I always feel in competition with her and we are "frenemies". When I showed the engagement ring she compared it to the size of hers and "was surprised it was the same size". My SO and mother in law just ignore her and think she's just an idiot. I said "do you guy's get that she's making fun of you?" they're like "yeah I don't care". Well I do.

It could also be a problem with extinguishing.

Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
My LSE manager is a narcissistic ass hole and she's a total control freak. She would even tell me not to breast feed my own daughter when she was born. I cut her out of my life.

Breastfeeding your child is the most natural thing you can do so don't let anyone discourage you!
I think conflicts between duals can be particularly frustrating because it seems like you can understand one another so well. I think it's best that person isn't in your life.