Quote Originally Posted by Dazu View Post
ESIs are like a bootleg version of an LSI. What happens is that you basically have a close-minded insufferable moralist... but with zero sense. All their reasoning can basically be just summarized as "my vagina". I once had a- I dunno what she was called, but a teacher's assistant in high school who I am sure is ESI. One could argue she was LSI, but I didn't see much structure or receptivity. But anyways, to exemplify their insanity once during high school I was looking for music on a computer and was able to re-earth a song I have been dying to listen to again. I shouted with excitement "I FINALLY FOUND IT! AHAH alright, time to pirate it." The teacher with a stone face, not even looking at me, just goes on a tirade saying that's illegal and she would call the authorities on me. Like, I get being principled, but are you really willing to lock up some kid or put him in eternal financial debt just because he wanted to pirate some obscure out-of-print Japanese remix of a song? So cool. ESIs are basically just aggressive NPCs to me.

ILIs... The most pointless type ever. There's being an "umm actually" and then there's... them. They'll often get pissy when people are having fun and or being boisterous, wanting everyone to confirm to their rigid non-expression. And when they do hog the limelight that's only being amassed because because they want to "correct" you, they don't even provide a solution or constructive response. It's like, if you're gonna get pissy about me being boisterous or being incorrect at least ACTUALLY try to correct me. But no, they literally expect you to be silent, wade through their paragraphs of text DEBOOONKING YOU just to get "idk lmao ur just dumb". At least LIEs actually do something with their relativism. Seriously, they just say a bunch of depressing shit that ruins my mood. "oh so you're against truth? that must mean you're stupid!" no, you're just annoying. Simple as.