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Thread: Merry/Serious quadra physical attraction

  1. #1
    roger557's Avatar
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    Default Merry/Serious quadra physical attraction

    The other day I was watching TV and saw a very beautiful IEE-Ne young woman (I would rate this woman 8.5 -- she was really beautiful), and I could envision myself kissing her. She had a white-ish complexion, and I could tell she harbored zero germs on her body. Then more recently, I noticed another very beautiful young woman, this time IEI-Fe (I would rate this woman a 8.2), and this one I could not envision myself kissing her. It's not that I could peek her mouth and she had rotten teeth or anything, but I simply could not see myself doing it.

    So I am wondering if merry quadrants are supposed to engage physically with each other, and serious quadrants the same.

    Any ideas?

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    The other day I was watching TV and saw a very beautiful IEE-Ne young woman (I would rate this woman 8.5 -- she was really beautiful), and I could envision myself kissing her. She had a white-ish complexion, and I could tell she harbored zero germs on her body. Then more recently, I noticed another very beautiful young woman, this time IEI-Fe (I would rate this woman a 8.2), and this one I could not envision myself kissing her. It's not that I could peek her mouth and she had rotten teeth or anything, but I simply could not see myself doing it.

    So I am wondering if merry quadrants are supposed to engage physically with each other, and serious quadrants the same.

    Any ideas?
    physical and psychological attraction are 2 different things. the intertype relations are based on that, relations, as in actual relationships and friendships beyond platonic level. you could try to fall in love with ur conflictor, which would be very hard in the first place, but lets say you do, you'd get burned.

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Seems like either way it was just a fantasy - if you got with the IEE what makes you so sure you'd like kissing her in reality?

    A vision is just a vision really I woudln't take it that it means anything in real life.

  4. #4
    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    I never got the 1-10 rating system for hotness, I definitely don't know how to determine an 8.5 from an 8.2.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    The other day I was watching TV and saw a very beautiful IEE-Ne young woman (I would rate this woman 8.5 -- she was really beautiful), and I could envision myself kissing her. She had a white-ish complexion, and I could tell she harbored zero germs on her body. Then more recently, I noticed another very beautiful young woman, this time IEI-Fe (I would rate this woman a 8.2), and this one I could not envision myself kissing her. It's not that I could peek her mouth and she had rotten teeth or anything, but I simply could not see myself doing it.

    So I am wondering if merry quadrants are supposed to engage physically with each other, and serious quadrants the same.
    Any ideas?
    wtf is this thread

    Are you trolling?

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    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    wtf is this thread

    Are you trolling?
    Says the one with a farting unicorn as an avatar...

  7. #7
    roger557's Avatar
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    I'm dead serious about this. I believe merry's hold germs, and they are supposed to get it on with each other, and serious' are sterile and hold no germs.

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    I'm dead serious about this. I believe merry's hold germs, and they are supposed to get it on with each other, and serious' are sterile and hold no germs.
    I've sometimes felt irrational impressions of serious types seeming lifeless or cold, and merry types seeming warm or glowing, so I think I see where you're coming from.

    I think you're making too much of what's just an Fi/Fe difference and being too consciously accepting of those kinds of thoughts, but if you accept that, aside from duality, semiduality for rationals and mirage for irrationals is considered the most successful ITR for an LTR, Alphas and Betas fall into a separate camp than Gammas and Deltas. So you'd have a theoretical basis to argue this if you'd want.

    ITRs are just tendencies though. I don't think you should approach this kind of thing with absolute rules.

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    Germophobes are more likely to get sick. Most germs are beneficial and helpful to the human body and only a few cause illnesses. Also I'm not really so sure what you are saying is true because so many Deltas smell bad. Have you ever smelled gray Delta union overalls after they've toiled in the Christian Cornfields all day? I wouldn't want to.

    Republican Delta Trump Supporters overly shelter their kids all day long so when the kid gets one little bee sting many years down the road he's going to get a severe allergic reaction and die from his adapative immune system not being properly developed.

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    It seems I'm not being understood.

    I'll explain further: alpha and beta types physique differs biologically from gamma and delta physique. Let's call alpha's and betas Heterostatics, and gamma and delta Homeostatics. Heterostatics are prone to stablishing a symbiotic relationship with bacteria, meaning they harbor bacteria colonies in places of their body, without this causing them any sort of issue. Homeostatics, on the other hand, have different working immune systems, that cause their bodies to harbor no bacteria or virus colonies.

    This being explained, what I am claiming in this thread is that if an heterostatic and an homeostatic kiss on the mouth, the heterostatic is going to notice that they coagulate certain materia from their partner, that is, bacteria and viruses that the merry type harbors in their system.

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    What evidence do you have for this theory lol. Everybody establishes a symbiotic relationship with most bacteria:

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    I have some evidence in the form of personal experience.

    A while back I worked in a warehouse distributor. This company had a refrigerated chamber where you had to wear really thick insulation coat to get inside and manipulate the items therein. I usually didn't work at the chamber, but this one time the guy responsible was AWOL and I had to subtitute. Since I didn't have my own coat, I took the guy's coat, this especial coat has a mouth covering. I know I shouldn't, but I was feeling lazy (I'm not gay or anything) and used the mouth covering. The owner of this coat was an SLI-Si and I noticed nothing save for a little aftershave smell. Then another day, I had to fill in for another guy, this time an ESE-Si. I put on the mouth covering of his coat, and about half an hour later I started to notice that I was spiting dead germs, like my body wouldn't allow the substance of this guy. Granted, I haven't tested this in full by kissing merry and serious girls to confirm (I've never made out with anyone), but I'm pretty sure what I envision with the IEE-Ne and the IEI-Fe would probably happen.

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    I have some evidence in the form of personal experience.

    A while back I worked in a warehouse distributor. This company had a refrigerated chamber where you had to wear really thick insulation coat to get inside and manipulate the items therein. I usually didn't work at the chamber, but this one time the guy responsible was AWOL and I had to subtitute. Since I didn't have my own coat, I took the guy's coat, this especial coat has a mouth covering. I know I shouldn't, but I was feeling lazy (I'm not gay or anything) and used the mouth covering. The owner of this coat was an SLI-Si and I noticed nothing save for a little aftershave smell. Then another day, I had to fill in for another guy, this time an ESE-Si. I put on the mouth covering of his coat, and about half an hour later I started to notice that I was spiting dead germs, like my body wouldn't allow the substance of this guy. Granted, I haven't tested this in full by kissing merry and serious girls to confirm (I've never made out with anyone), but I'm pretty sure what I envision with the IEE-Ne and the IEI-Fe would probably happen.
    Quoting for posterity.

    If you develop more thoughts on this I’d love to read them.

  14. #14
    The Darling Duck~ MissDucki's Avatar
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    Deltas and gammas freak me out cause there’re so stinky and disgusting! They could be a 10/10 hot chad that wants to rail but their weird serious eyes and stinky-ness freaks me out! I just can’t! It just feels son wrong and I feel sooooooo weird to have such a serioussss ick all over me!

    Alpha and beta men, well I know they clean their whooooole body and I want to drench myself in their wonderful merry cleanliness! Ah! Just thinking about it makes me shiver! I mean, with their wonderful merry smiles it makes a women melt and her panties drop! Mmmmmmm I want all the merry men for myself! Even if they look like Quasimodo!


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    if I don't like something or I sense 'something gross' in the air or in my mouth too I will spit too- that's just a common human reaction. Maybe it's not all Merry types? I would most likely spit out if I had to kiss an ESE too. And some SLI males can be hot as fuck so I think you need a better sampling size + control group but thank u for sharing.

    No offense but I never ever been attracted to ESE lol. The idea of kissing one is gross to me. Absorbing somebody else's DNA in you is a big deal and feels gross if it's the wrong thing for you or some clashy microbial thing. I always figured sluts would just create new sexual transmitted diseases faster than we could think of ways to cure them - which is why there is strong shame around the issue with sex and why it's healthy to be picky and discnering with partners. The "shame" is not not always a bad thing as it stops people from getting sick and dying from Ultra AIDS etc.

    Everybody's gut microbes are different so it would stand to reason to me the internal fungal forest you make with somebody should be harmonious and compatible. That is part of why real rape is so disgusting to me. I'm not morally against it like some- well that too, but for me- it's more of a physical repulsion thing.

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    Ha jokes on you, I like being nasty .
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    Deltas and gammas freak me out cause there’re so stinky and disgusting! They could be a 10/10 hot chad that wants to rail but their weird serious eyes and stinky-ness freaks me out! I just can’t! It just feels son wrong and I feel sooooooo weird to have such a serioussss ick all over me!

    Alpha and beta men, well I know they clean their whooooole body and I want to drench myself in their wonderful merry cleanliness! Ah! Just thinking about it makes me shiver! I mean, with their wonderful merry smiles it makes a women melt and her panties drop! Mmmmmmm I want all the merry men for myself! Even if they look like Quasimodo!

    This almost feels like a @BandD impression reading it, minus the women panty dropping part.

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    The Darling Duck~ MissDucki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BILLYLO View Post
    This almost feels like a @BandD impression reading it, minus the women panty dropping part.
    I learned from the best <3

  19. #19
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    I find merry types more superficially attractive. My main crush throughout highschool was probably ENTp/my conflictor
    Last edited by Averroes; 08-27-2021 at 10:36 AM.

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