I'm not sure if it's entirely Si or also SP instinct, but I keep noticing myself talking about Si topics a lot, and of my own volition.
That's fine and all, but seriously, I'm not here to attract infantiles or even caregivers.
I think half the problem is that 1)I'm surrounded by alphas and deltas for a long time 2) I have a lot of influence from and have soaked up a lot of things from my ESI mom with very, very high-functioning Si/Se.
It's frustrating because when left on automatic I seem to naturally orient towards Ne/Si valuers because it's what I'm used to and more comfortable with I guess. How do I turn it off? I'm sick of all my friends being deltas and alphas. that's not where i belong.
At the end of the day

This is also a question on advice on how to bring out my base Ni more in a daily basis. i keep doing Si instead. we can't have these people thinking I'm an SEI (no offense meant to all the dear SEIs out there).