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Thread: Rock n role

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    Default Rock n role

    I'm not sure if it's entirely Si or also SP instinct, but I keep noticing myself talking about Si topics a lot, and of my own volition.
    That's fine and all, but seriously, I'm not here to attract infantiles or even caregivers.
    I think half the problem is that 1)I'm surrounded by alphas and deltas for a long time 2) I have a lot of influence from and have soaked up a lot of things from my ESI mom with very, very high-functioning Si/Se.
    It's frustrating because when left on automatic I seem to naturally orient towards Ne/Si valuers because it's what I'm used to and more comfortable with I guess. How do I turn it off? I'm sick of all my friends being deltas and alphas. that's not where i belong.
    At the end of the day

    This is also a question on advice on how to bring out my base Ni more in a daily basis. i keep doing Si instead. we can't have these people thinking I'm an SEI (no offense meant to all the dear SEIs out there).

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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    What exactly do you mean talking about Si topics?

    Edit. What is your dcnh?
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    I fixate on si stuff too, not really in a good way. Some of my earliest embarrassing moments are about si, and some of the good ones too. I think to a certain extent it’s normal to do that with role function. It’s the one we aren’t good at but want to be better at. Both my parents are si types (ESE and SLI) and I doubt it’s a coincidence that I have had a lot of si issues. Growing up wasn’t too bad- they took care of my si stuff. But when I was faced with having to do it on my own, I couldn’t. (Specifically going to the doc about health issues, especially embarrassing ones I hate to admit lol). Also, I had the tiniest tiniest sleeping space when I was 17 at the on-set of mental health problems. I could not keep it tidy..

    Also I remember reading on here that apparently when you’re around your dual you talk about your role function a lot. (Talk about si stuff ) I think generally I talk about it a lot. When I’m around certain types I do it more. It’s very typical of me to mention food. I can’t stand it when people talk about food in detail yet it’s very typical of me to talk about how hungry I am or full I am LOL. My latest obsession is sleep/lack of it. I really really really do suffer if I have a bad night’s sleep but my obsession with overcoming insomnia only made it worse for a long time. Even scared to mention it now in case I ‘jinx’ it hahaha.

    I love commenting on nature/my surroundings. If I go for a walk with my SEE sister and I do this she’s just like uh what. She needs something more exciting than the local park lol. Although she lights up when there’s animals. (I’m not keen although ok from afar for a short while. Don’t know how much this relates to si/se). I love dancing..but I’m fussy about what I dance to. I love tv (too much). I think that’s si/ni.
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 08-25-2021 at 09:18 AM.

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    That’s really all I talk about, too. Si shit lol. I know at this point I’m not SEI, too. I think when Ni is a base function, it’s more of a perception, like how you see colors, and it’s not really something that can be explained to others. It’s automatic. And personal. Idk, I’m just guessing lol. Si base would be same thing. I don’t think you can exactly identify these types through their leading perception functions ime. It more smaller other clues, like Quadra values
    Last edited by Aster; 08-25-2021 at 03:27 PM.
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    I think if I'm at work or I'm talking with strangers I probably lead with my Role Te. Using too much Fe is a little effeminate where I'm from so I don't go all out.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    When I try to finish a thing... It is like dragging yourself to a goal. Lot's of internal friction.
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    If it makes you feel any better, I’m always surrounded by Deltas and Gammas. I love them but they don’t get my crazy lol! I need more alpha and beta peeps around me. I’m tired of discussing Fi related topics all of the time! I want to be Fe!!!

    Betas tend to travel in packs and seem a bit broody IMO. I think if you search out more Ni/Se dominant topic and spaces you can and will find some more Beta’s and even some Gammas. Usually when I start spouting Ne/Si bullshit it weeds out the Gammas at least. Deltas it’s 50/50. My suggestion is to spout hella Ni and that shall get some attention from the Ni/Se valuers.

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    You're not Ni. Ni is just an information element. It's part of your TIM, same as Si is. You don't strike me as very Si on here, sleep and food and health are SP topics, not Si. You might attract creative subtypes types though, because I get a Harmonizing vibe from you.

    If I were you, I wouldn't stop using Si, but if you want to enhance your Ni, it might be good to force yourself to hang out with Betas and Gammas Ni egos. Hanging out with gammas especially will force you to use Se/Ni since it's the only IEs you have in common. Or in general just take time to ponder and meditate about your life, lay in your bed dissociating from your body for a day or two and share those insights with people....

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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
    I think half the problem is that 1)I'm surrounded by alphas and deltas for a long time 2) I have a lot of influence from and have soaked up a lot of things from my ESI mom with very, very high-functioning Si/Se.
    the other half is that ur probably not IEI

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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
    I'm not sure if it's entirely Si or also SP instinct, but I keep noticing myself talking about Si topics a lot, and of my own volition.
    That's fine and all, but seriously, I'm not here to attract infantiles or even caregivers.
    I think half the problem is that 1)I'm surrounded by alphas and deltas for a long time 2) I have a lot of influence from and have soaked up a lot of things from my ESI mom with very, very high-functioning Si/Se.
    It's frustrating because when left on automatic I seem to naturally orient towards Ne/Si valuers because it's what I'm used to and more comfortable with I guess. How do I turn it off? I'm sick of all my friends being deltas and alphas. that's not where i belong.
    At the end of the day

    This is also a question on advice on how to bring out my base Ni more in a daily basis. i keep doing Si instead. we can't have these people thinking I'm an SEI (no offense meant to all the dear SEIs out there).
    How can you be sure you're Ni base? Even your nickname is what I associate with Si.
    If you were Ni base, the best way to bring it out would be to do some retreat and internal searching, but as someone pointed out, it shouldn't be really hard since it's supposed to be your base.
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    My ILI friend likes to talk to me about: her job, her pets, her family, sometimes a bit of politics/tv.

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    Don't overthink this. Just seek Se (and Beta Fe) and the rest solves itself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
    This is also a question on advice on how to bring out my base Ni more in a daily basis. i keep doing Si instead. we can't have these people thinking I'm an SEI (no offense meant to all the dear SEIs out there).
    As an SEI, no offense taken. I'm having the opposite struggle as you - being stuck in an loop, if you will. At first, I did it because to gimme ideas and honestly, I felt was useless. But I actually hate not being myself more than I hate being my actual self. Really, is there a way to stop Role'ing? Is it a subtype thing? It might have been Tallmo, but it seems a lot of programs neglect their base and just come off... weird. And not even in a functional way. Now I wonder if IxIs can have a similar problem... Could be attributed to the nature of introverted irrationality. Jung said such men were the most useless in society. It makes sense for them to be particularly compensative.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inaLim View Post
    Don't overthink this. Just seek Se (and Beta Fe) and the rest solves itself.
    I'm not sure how to seek or attract it.

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    Maybe we should switch places. I encounter so many ILEs it's not even funny!

    Do you mean that Betas travel in packs with themselves, or just in packs?

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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
    It's H and sometimes I dip into C.
    a combination of typical Si topics but it's not only that but also very caregivery behaviour
    So then it could to be connected to your subtype. Many H subs are caregivery regardless of their type.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
    Haha, but what are examples of Ni/Se topic
    Ive noticed that Ni/Se types like to talk about goals and plans and what can be accomplished to reach them. I’m the sense, my brother often talks about what he wants to do and how to go about it. Ni types don’t like thinking about hypotheticals that much due to their personal needs of reaching a linear goal. These types tend to like talking about fate and about time. That, and seeing if they can read a movie plot or hidden meanings behind things. How this apple represents the meaning of life~ I find Se types really eat that stuff up. Linear topics of discussion, meaning, time, or action tend to be favourites of Ni/Se types. Se types tend to go off on on stuff that they are doing right now while I have noticed with Ne types they often throw out and idea or what they will do potentially.
    Last edited by MissDucki; 08-29-2021 at 02:29 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
    Maybe we should switch places. I encounter so many ILEs it's not even funny!

    Do you mean that Betas travel in packs with themselves, or just in packs?
    GIMME! I’m always around SLE’s. We can switch. It must be the places we naturally attract to you know? I’m always in heavy sensor areas then. I get intimidated with too much intuitive stuff.

    Betas like aristocracy.. While they can appear like lone wolves (the Beta ST that is) they still crave a lot of social Fe. I’ve noticed that once they caught feelings or feel needed in a group, they tend to really stick with that group. Then the pecking order stuff more so. But, that I relate to more large adult groups that have been together a long time then anything. Plus, Beta NF’s like to be protected so what’s the best way then in a group!
    Last edited by MissDucki; 08-28-2021 at 09:46 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    So then it could to be connected to your subtype. Many H subs are caregivery regardless of their type.
    Really? Makes sense. Thanks.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    Linear topics of discussion, meaning, time, or action tend to be favourites of Ni/Se types. Se types tend to go off on on stuff that they are doing right now while I have noticed with Ne types they often throw out and idea or what they will do potentially.
    I tend to talk about something for a while, I slowly circle around the point I'm trying to make. This is good for my dual because they hate Ne-style scatterbrained conversations where topics are rapidly changing.

    If you do that too much with my dual they will think you are an idiot who can't think straight.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    GIMME! I’m always around SLE’s. We can switch. It must be the places we naturally attract to you know? I’m always in heavy sensor areas then. I get intimidated with too much intuitive stuff.

    Betas like aristocracy.. While they can appear like line wolves (the Beta ST that is) they still crave a lot of social Fe. I’ve noticed that once they caught feelings or feel needed in a group, they tend to really stick with that group. Then the pecking order stuff more so. But, that I relate to more large adult groups that have been together a long time then anything. Plus, Beta NF’s like to be protected so what’s the best way then in a group!
    Thank you for all your comments not just this one!
    Yeah? So what are the heavy sensor areas you stick in? I just need a few examples so I can get an idea 0.0
    I should take my advice towards you from a while ago and befriend a bunch of SEIs.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki
    Ive noticed that Ni/Se types like to talk about goals and plans and what can be accomplished to reach them. I’m the sense, my brother often talks about what he wants to do and how to go about it. No types don’t like thinking about hypotheticals that much due to their personal needs of reaching a linear goal. These types tend to like talking about fate and about time. That, and seeing if they can read a movie plot or hidden meanings behind things. How this apple represents the meaning of life~ I find Se types really eat that stuff up. Linear topics of discussion, meaning, time, or action tend to be favourites of Ni/Se types. Se types tend to go off on on stuff that they are doing right now while I have noticed with Ne types they often throw out and idea or what they will do potentially.
    That’s correct, I’m always talking about stuff I have just done, am doing or intend to do in the very near future. I don’t care about hypothetical scenarios or a zillion potential ideas. Single clear path forward is the best.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
    Thank you for all your comments not just this one!
    Yeah? So what are the heavy sensor areas you stick in? I just need a few examples so I can get an idea 0.0
    I should take my advice towards you from a while ago and befriend a bunch of SEIs.
    Heavy sensory areas. In the Sense, I worked a lot of minimum wage jobs and I have met a lot of them through those. I don’t come across them very often at Uni. I’ve noticed that there are a lot of SLE cooks. Try your local mom and pop returning to be honest. That or keep your eye open for more trades jobs. Plumber, mechanic, etc. To be really stereotypical, you can look at used car lots Gyms would be easy too, a lot of them like the gym. Musicians, mainly anything in guitar usually.

    Low-key… I kinda find Beta ST’s as #basic so if you look in more basic man areas you should be fine lol. I would be surprised of SLE’s working on the farm. I can seem them as easily stereotypical hometown boys for some reason.

    Any recommendations for me in regards to ILE? In terms of places you go?

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    Heavy sensory areas. In the Sense, I worked a lot of minimum wage jobs and I have met a lot of them through those. I don’t come across them very often at Uni. I’ve noticed that there are a lot of SLE cooks. Try your local mom and pop returning to be honest. That or keep your eye open for more trades jobs. Plumber, mechanic, etc. To be really stereotypical, you can look at used car lots Gyms would be easy too, a lot of them like the gym. Musicians, mainly anything in guitar usually.

    Low-key… I kinda find Beta ST’s as #basic so if you look in more basic man areas you should be fine lol. I would be surprised of SLE’s working on the farm. I can seem them as easily stereotypical hometown boys for some reason.

    Any recommendations for me in regards to ILE? In terms of places you go?
    I'm not really sure because all throughout life in every arena they just happen upon me. Let me think about it. The only thing that comes to mind right now is playing cards and videogames

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    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    sleep and food and health are SP topics, not Si...
    maybe this is what I mean idk

    like if one were to look through my text messages, the main focus tends to be on me talking about health,
    sleep, and food. I feel like I obsess over such things, so idk. I started taking a ridiculous number of vitamins because I thought it might help my mental health because just maybe I’m ‘deficient’ in something and that’s my problem (see, I’m always trying to work out what’s wrong with me, physically or mentally, through google trial and error. I tried eating paleo or low carb, around or under 1200 for days, and I got really tired, and then it hit me, maybe I’m not eating enough carbs. So I eat a few pieces of toast and I’m like ok maybe that’s it. Because I think I felt more awake. However I also have an addiction to excedrin, which I take three times a day, which I know is unhealthy, and I drink like two or three pops a day which I’m unwilling to give up. And the numbers on the scale are a fixation. And I like my sleep a lot but I feel
    like I hardly get any. Anyway. I’m not much of a cook. Most of the things I eat are the highest protein, leanest, healthiest things I can find with the goal of making me lose weight and have more energy. The taste, as long is it is tolerable, isn’t as much an issue.

    I also shop a lot. I just binge spent on rings, necklaces, earrings. Nail polish, and love looking for stuff to buy online. I have a ton of shopping apps. I can pretty materialistic and shallow at times. But honestly I don’t think all this is exactly ‘normal’ for any type. A lot of it has to do with my mom and the way I was raised and prob having ‘issues’, And it’s a distraction. X
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    Aster, you sound like an sp-first e4.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Aster, you sound like an sp-first e4.
    lol Yeahh maybe that kind of does

    Ive considered it for myself for sure. I kinda wonder if I’m not sp first anyway, or sp/so. The only reason I really go with so/sp is I read somewhere that the second instinct is more obvious and that the sp instinct fuses into the so aspect in so/sp as like a social purifier and me going on about sp stuff in social realm. If that’s not how it is, I’m def sp first, because that’s what I notice from myself most instinct wise

    I guess I can sound like 4, 9, or 6 depending on the day or what I feel like emphasizing, what the convo revolves around, bringing that out to the surface. So idk lol. Just that tritype fits me perfectly . I had my eldest daughter take the enneagram test for me and she got 964.
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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
    Really? Makes sense. Thanks.
    Could you focus more on Ni stuff: litterature, poetry, art, movies, philosophy, history, style/aesthetics, architecture.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    IDK about you all but I had enough Te most of the time. I use it for work all the time.

    I'd rather not do it but I use my role when I need to.

    MY education and work experience gave me excellent Te, I just absolutely hate everything about it usually.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
    I'm not sure if it's entirely Si or also SP instinct, but I keep noticing myself talking about Si topics a lot, and of my own volition.
    That's fine and all, but seriously, I'm not here to attract infantiles or even caregivers.
    I think half the problem is that 1)I'm surrounded by alphas and deltas for a long time 2) I have a lot of influence from and have soaked up a lot of things from my ESI mom with very, very high-functioning Si/Se.
    It's frustrating because when left on automatic I seem to naturally orient towards Ne/Si valuers because it's what I'm used to and more comfortable with I guess. How do I turn it off? I'm sick of all my friends being deltas and alphas. that's not where i belong.
    At the end of the day

    This is also a question on advice on how to bring out my base Ni more in a daily basis. i keep doing Si instead. we can't have these people thinking I'm an SEI (no offense meant to all the dear SEIs out there).
    This is probably You going full on Si Role, it can be influenced by surroundings too. I think a Lot of IEI just prefer sticking up to Si because of fear of Se and convenience. They don't like Si but think is their duty (role) and think Se is too rude or hard with them(even when they admire Se and keep fantasizing with it), si they prefere to keep it "easy".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dazu View Post
    As an SEI, no offense taken. I'm having the opposite struggle as you - being stuck in an loop, if you will. At first, I did it because to gimme ideas and honestly, I felt was useless. But I actually hate not being myself more than I hate being my actual self. Really, is there a way to stop Role'ing? Is it a subtype thing? It might have been Tallmo, but it seems a lot of programs neglect their base and just come off... weird. And not even in a functional way. Now I wonder if IxIs can have a similar problem... Could be attributed to the nature of introverted irrationality. Jung said such men were the most useless in society. It makes sense for them to be particularly compensative.
    I think this happens to most ppl at least at some point. Tbh I think it's pretty usual for most in Daily basis, just it come out in certain moments, it's ik as long as its kept under control, ppl gets unhealthy when going full on it 24/7. I mean they life become a mess and they forgot their own strenghts and goals (or give up on them idk). Often feel unhappy or stressed and think they are losing of something. A struggle between ego and super ego is meant to keep a balance of psyche. Ppl can't be just ego, thats also unhealthy (according psychology).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Could you focus more on Ni stuff: litterature, poetry, art, movies, philosophy, history, style/aesthetics, architecture.
    what do you mean by style and aesthetics?

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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
    Yes, I'm harmonizing!
    Well, the phrasing comes from how i see the base as what you are and the creative as what you use. I know I'm not an IE though haha.
    What are Si topics? Like how these sheets make me feel? Admittedly when I talk about Si (SP...?) it comes from a Ni place. I don't really care how these things make me feel, at the end of the day. It's because I want to be healthy with a good lifestyle, which is what you could call one of my Ni purposes.
    Sheets could be a "Si topic". It's about how sensory impressions leave a trace on you. It could be how your favourite dish that your mom cooks when you're sick smells, and feeling how eating it reassures you. Or the taste of your lover and how he makes your body shake. Or how seeing the sun on crisp winter days makes you want to smile. Stuff like that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post
    maybe this is what I mean idk

    like if one were to look through my text messages, the main focus tends to be on me talking about health,
    sleep, and food. I feel like I obsess over such things, so idk. I started taking a ridiculous number of vitamins because I thought it might help my mental health because just maybe I’m ‘deficient’ in something and that’s my problem (see, I’m always trying to work out what’s wrong with me, physically or mentally, through google trial and error. I tried eating paleo or low carb, around or under 1200 for days, and I got really tired, and then it hit me, maybe I’m not eating enough carbs. So I eat a few pieces of toast and I’m like ok maybe that’s it. Because I think I felt more awake. However I also have an addiction to excedrin, which I take three times a day, which I know is unhealthy, and I drink like two or three pops a day which I’m unwilling to give up. And the numbers on the scale are a fixation. And I like my sleep a lot but I feel
    like I hardly get any. Anyway. I’m not much of a cook. Most of the things I eat are the highest protein, leanest, healthiest things I can find with the goal of making me lose weight and have more energy. The taste, as long is it is tolerable, isn’t as much an issue.

    I also shop a lot. I just binge spent on rings, necklaces, earrings. Nail polish, and love looking for stuff to buy online. I have a ton of shopping apps. I can pretty materialistic and shallow at times. But honestly I don’t think all this is exactly ‘normal’ for any type. A lot of it has to do with my mom and the way I was raised and prob having ‘issues’, And it’s a distraction. X
    It sounds like you have high requirements for your body. That's not Si unless it's about how those things "feel like" to you. It actually looks more like Se and sp instinct.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    Any recommendations for me in regards to ILE? In terms of places you go?
    You could attempt to try to get into some video or board gaming circles, though ofc their mental health would be questionable. Though I'd assume that there would be a decent amount of ILE's in your Uni, they shouldn't be too hard to find and probably have at least a bit of their life put together.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
    I'm not sure how to seek or attract it.

    The site logged me out and ate my post.

    IEI attract by how you make an impression on the senses (look, intrigue, body language), mind (insight, the way you see, the way you think), or by drawing us in with Fe, toying with us, stirring up the pot.

    IEI seek Se by how you bait & respond to Se, or broadcast needing help with Se struggles directly or indirectly. IEI Si/Se is going to come out as victimy or romanticized or mixed with an implied call for ST help, whether its Si or Se. So don't worry about Si (it's probably Sp Se seeking). You don't have to "do" much other than be IEI, and put yourself around Se ego. Its mostly involuntary and automatic.

    Sports, gyms, nightclubs are where I run into the most Se types. Its a lot easier if you're in school. Lot of SEEs in church, especially musicians.

    There was some more Se seeking and Ni stuff, but that's the gist of what I remember. Check these out for now. I might come back to this later if I can remember what else I had.

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