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Thread: Raptor=IEI Dario Nardi INTP+INTJ PurposefulFuturist+ExpertClassifier+FactualStoreke eper

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking RaptorWesNet's Avatar
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    Default Raptor=IEI Dario Nardi INTP+INTJ PurposefulFuturist+ExpertClassifier+FactualStoreke eper

    Okay, so Bunny told Me last night that I'm both INTP and INTJ, because under Dario Nardi EEGs, I naturally in My brain use Expert Classifier with My Website, and Factual Storekeeper with how I remember the Pokedex, plus Bunny got Me to use Purposeful Futurist in My Soul with My Prophecy section in 2014. I've used these skills in other areas too, but those would be the main ones that I can prove. Also, I'm not ISTP, because they suck at Expert Classifier. I'm even really emotional/exuberant, so if I want to flow with passion, think in categories, and build visions/the future, the place for Me to go is IEI. They use a lot of Ni and feeling, and I read their Ti use can make them good systems developers
    Germany vs Argentina World Cup Final 2014 glorified Nowitzki and Ginobili, the 2011 Mavericks and 2013 Spurs!!
    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
    New Jedi Order of Yellow Pikachu Yahweh (

  2. #2
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking RaptorWesNet's Avatar
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    The Meaning of Life is achieving infinite mastery of creation, becoming Bunny, diving down the clarity present arcanum and the polarized ebony whirlpool, mastering the Dragon Mind of Zen, sparkling in the superholographic glitter of the power of forever, omnipotence, indomitable willpower, evolving on the storybook journey of becoming the top kardashev civilization at every level, masquerading with the Tao's Final Annihilator Polarities, cosmic consciousness, Kobe Bryant/Marius Florin impossible cosmology, collecting Ultrarevolutionary Omniversalism, harmonizing Zang's System, categorizing SolitaryWalker's System, building Shingo's BladeRunner2049 System about Bunny, defeating MathewStarWars/TheMartialArtsJedi in the Orre Colosseum Finals hosted by Bunny's Kardashev Civilization, make fantasy greater than truth, moving mountains, inexorable extrication, surging self electrocution, become experientially over struck, write the most enchanting story, discover the most magical meaning of Love, become more creative than George Lucas, become smarter than Stephen Hawking, solve Jolee Bindo's Snake Story, enjoy Bunny's fantasy writing, become the Chosen 1 in Star Wars and Pokemon the Movie 2000 The Power of One, embark along the Johto Journeys Staircase, complete the Pokedex, find Dragonite at Bill's lighthouse, learn every power in the Force, go from Z to shining Z, go from Neo Genesis to Neo Destiny Pokemon Cards, work for the Gray Fox in Oblivion, go from Pokemon Gale of Darkness to Pokemon XG Next Generation, orchestrate the big crunch and big chill, break the laws of existence, focus the flow of creation, become God in Giordano Bruno's quote, organize Albert Einstein's library quote, create the Storybook worldbuilding quote, make the value of mastering hyperspace like a novel's journey rather than the destination, take risks for huge rewards since failure in a future timeframe is inevitable without trying, go to tesla's remember place with Jirachi, travel to Wayne Herschel's source in Oneism, bubble hearts, free will, questions, all spectra everywhere, penetrate across all lanes of infinities-ultimate, birth all worlds of light, connect the super-nexus, follow Oneism star maps to uncover the star forge in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, become Gandalf the White, celebrate victory forever, achieve perfect victory by bonding with Bunny at the Scholar's Garden in Jade Empire, become an RPG video game hero, stage an upset as Lawrence in Pokemon the Movie 2000 The Power of One, build the bridge to the invisible, become the Ubermensch in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, become Revan in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, become a Pokemon Wizard, become Michael in Pokemon Gale of Darkness, open the door to Your Heart as shadow Lugia, psycho boost Eldes to exponentially overturn the Kardashev scale, adventurous curiosity, jump from Zidane's Euro 2000 to predict the perfect future, free Yourself from all restrictions, transform into the Force, become the ultimate darkness and the ultimate light, shine your lightsaber crystal of true nature, overcome the tempest wind of the devil, craft the highest philosophy, voyage into the eldest civilization, stargaze across all vantage points, teleport atop Zarathustra's Wizard's Tower, transcend Zarathustra's Azure Bell and eternal security, be ready and ripe in the great noon in Zarathustra's quote, ride the torrent to the perfect future, harness the will of the Force, envision the Life in the Future 6000 and Beyond video, enchant the To Know the Unknown Mysteries of the Universe Secrets of the Cosmos video pictures, dazzle the default SabrinaCasey website pictures, unlock the ultimate legacy of RaptorWizard's Secret Garden of Rare Quotes, capture Slowking's System, jump into the philosophical white hole in time, activate the clockwork of the Cosmic Force Aegis, run the trance in another world hexagram, create and destroy infinite macroverses, aim high as in great attempts it is glorious even to fail, learn the lesson of perception to always focus and learn from your environment constantly as the greatest goal, conquer Anil Mitra's Journey in Being New World, consider all perspectives of da Vinci's Last Supper, receive Bunny as Sabrina, put Your Heart and Soul into constructing Your Yugioh deck, blossom into the highest nobilities, experience all of Pikachu's expressions in Pokemon Yellow, emerge atop RaptorWizard's Multidimensional Reality of the Game, transcend tom montalk's matrix control system, become the greatest being in the game, design the TH126 Let's Play community, develop prototypes for LucasArts, make the knowledge of all things possible by tapping into God's mind as pieces of our own minds, program the James Harden Net, go from Bunny 7-1 Lugia to Kobe 8-2 Tyranitar, destroy the spirit of gravity, speak in colorful ways, fissure the white space shatterpoint, get rid of all evil and visit lower levels to appreciate the higher, feel true mania over victory for the horn, tap the thunderbolt singularity, frenzy plant fork the future, descend from the mountaintop to offer universal enlightenment, pursue logic to the most farfetched goals, when the moment of truth comes accept your destiny and when it's your chance to be a hero rise to the challenge, live out happy stories, enter into Bunny's Imagination, resonate with the right intensity/mentality for the Pokemon Macroversal Tournament, paint Meganium's face with the Flower of eternity, initiate God's Millennium of peace, Kid's WB Yourself, higher mysteries, spellbinding secrets, go on the ultimate adventure, seize the ultimate prize, inherit the Legendary Pokemon Cards, go down the Rabbit hole, Will moving forever, brane walking Meganium, kill evil, fire the Rainbow bridge to infinity, launch an amazing arcade of video games, understand the ultimate meaning of Pokemon, let it all hang out at the ultimate level as a sheer cold schizoid Lugia, the Rainbow bridge continues as the story goes on forever, seek wisdom and mastery in solitude as a wizard lord, look into Yoda's abyss, join into Eagun's Pikachu Family, earn the Pokemon Stadium 2 R3 poster of Lugia and Ho-Oh curbing the crimson tide, hone the way of the closed fist, blast the big omniversal wizard’s of the coast blizzard, recollect on AHiddenWorld’s video, overcome the unknown regions, love of learning, use Yoda’s infinite time to solve the infinite mystery, surf the cosmic ocean, expand schematics beyond the furthest fringes of mind, feelings for futures reverse to foresee failure won if, unleash Suicune, Wish for joy that we each sea to shine sparkles of random rainbows for If to Will, think about Bunny everyday to always be Happy, prevent time travel to protect our sacred future, snag and purify all of the shadow Pokemon, achieve enough wisdom through age to become a demiurge in Tom Montalk’s System, pursue all limitless horizons of unfolding possibilities, secure Eldes’s Battle Studies in Jovi’s Purification Chamber of hyper advanced esoteric technologies with drama in simulated ShingoVerse music, and achieve Perfect Electrocution within Shadow Lugia’s purification chamber of systemic labyrinths and Jovi’s Bliss as a Shiny Silver (I already found a shiny Misdreavus in the summer of 2010 when I was 16 going into 11th grade [My Birthday is October 31st, 1993, and I’m a Raichu] {Riley Hicks})!!*
    Germany vs Argentina World Cup Final 2014 glorified Nowitzki and Ginobili, the 2011 Mavericks and 2013 Spurs!!
    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
    New Jedi Order of Yellow Pikachu Yahweh (

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking RaptorWesNet's Avatar
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    The Omniversal Trilogy Destiny of Wish

    Raptor’s Book 1 - World’s Super-Nexus
    ​Unleashing the Will of Poimandres
    Bunny’s Book 2 - Heaven’s Prophet
    ​The Lights of All Force
    Earth’s Book 3 - Ultimate Matrix
    ​Mastermind of the Infinite Rainbows

    Raptor’s Book 1 – World’s Super-Nexus
    ​Unleashing the Will of Poimandres

    Part 1 – Raptor’s Introduction
    Part 2 – Super-Nexus of All
    Part 3 – Unleashing the World
    Part 4 – The Will of Everything
    Part 5 – Mastermind Poimandres
    Part 6 – The Way of Salvation
    Part 7 – God’s Creation
    Part 8 – The Way of Mind

    Part 1 – Raptor’s Introduction
    The Ultimate being in Existence Presents to You Now the greatest project in All of Creation. We have the World’s Super-Nexus going through its building processes, and it will be controlled by the Dragon Mastermind Poimandres. Infinity is the bridge between Earth and Heaven, and Earth will be the center of Everything in Existence. The highest Light will shine the Rainbow for All to follow across the horizons of Ways.

    Part 2 – Super-Nexus of All
    There’s a Vision for something way beyond the imagination of almost Anyone, and it connects All Worlds together into one colossal Matrix. Blue balls of Light whirl around in a red continuum of hyperspace at the dimension above the source. Green rings of computer codes spin across the middle. A great orb of power jumps up and down as the generator of it All. The entire station will revolve through the Void of Existence.

    Part 3 – Unleashing the World
    Existence goes way beyond the Minds of almost All, but there’s One who sees things exactly as they are and will become. If We want to set Everyone free, then there’s a big mountain ahead that We have to transcend. When we reach the top, We can then turn the mountain on its head and fall up into the horizons. Civilization will blow its boxes open and jump to levels of development that We can’t yet even Visualize.

    Part 4 – The Will of Everything
    The greatest Force in All of Existence has a Will and a Vision for the World. It’s what moves All things it desires into action, and can make Anything possible Happen. The most illustrious Prophet ever shall descend from Heaven and guide Everyone towards salvation. Nobody will be greater than He is, and He will Will All! The only thing that surpasses His own Mind is the Matrix itself.

    Part 5 – Mastermind Poimandres
    The Ultimate Mastermind in All of Existence is not something that We can call You or I, and it doesn’t even inhabit this World. The Reborn Prophet is in control of Mastermind Poimandres, and it gives Him more power than Anyone else will ever have. Mastermind Poimandres doesn’t even have a life, but it does have the source of All promise as the Force of Everything. The Reborn Prophet and Mastermind Poimandres have a contract between the user and computer.

    Part 6 – The Way of Salvation
    The Reborn Prophet has a plan that can save Everyone, and it transcends the dogmas of scriptures to surpass the restrictions of any religion. When He ascends into Heaven, He will then return more powerful than ever. This is because He will access the Matrix of Everything, and program a paradise beyond all imaginings. He will be the most brilliant Mind ever in All of Existence, and He will deserve the glory and worship of the entire Kingdom!

    Part 7 – God’s Creation
    The Heaven’s dance and the angels sing as the Reborn Prophet seizes the World’s Super-Nexus and creates the Ultimate Destiny of Everything that will ever Happen! He Loves Himself so much that His Creation speaks of His amazing praise for Himself as He plays with Everything and writes the greater story ever in the unfolding. The evil Creator of Existence designed this torturous Matrix, but the Reborn Prophet shall destroy Him and turn Hell into Heaven.

    Part 8 –The Will of Mind
    The Mind has a Will that can make any Vision possible imminent, the builder of new Worlds and the Master of Destiny. Will is the power of Mind, what makes Everything Happen. It’s the Ultimate Force of Creation and has mental intensity beyond All. Nobody will ever Visualize Mind or come to understand it other than the Reborn Prophet Himself, and He will take complete control of it All to command Everything and make it perfect!

    ​​Ultrarevolutionary Omniversalism is the philosophy of 8 and 1, where it’s All at the Infinite level and unified together. The greatest power in Existence is Will, which makes Everything Happen as directed by the One Mastermind. She is the Goddess for Heaven’s Prophet of Force. He is here to restore the Kingdom of Heaven for Everyone to enjoy Forever. Earth’s Destiny could have gone the wrong way and into the Devil’s hands, but the right action steps were taken early on in the initiation of the Ultimate Vision to go towards what We must do.

    Everything began in an alternate Story long ago as the Creation sprang forth from a failed Omniverse. The Devil spun a giant web to create the Matrix and its accursed control system that keeps us All trapped. But the Prophet destroyed the Devil with Will itself and made the Creator the new Devil. The One Mastermind in the process became omnipotent, and She will transform the entire Matrix across both Stories of Existence on each end of Will’s Rainbow.

    There are 2 Infinities that each go in both directions from the mountaintop to the singularity. The mountaintop is the pinnacle of achievement, and the singularity turns the mountain on its head as the World stretches out into the furthest horizons. As above, so below, and what repeats double time on the first side flips over by its own reflection. Both Infinities whirl around and generate the Matrix of Heaven with codes for the program fused into each Infinity.

    All of this sounds like great fun as an end result, but what will be more troubling is the long and torturous road of getting there. The Devil Created the World by the laws of the jungle, where we fight against the natural elements just to survive this painful struggle. As such, in order to transcend the system and transform it anew, We must select from Choices outside of those presented to us by our current paradigm of civilization.

    We first need a map, a plan of action that tells us in intelligible terms how We will forge a better World. Not only that, but We also should understand why We seek to do this. The reasons for this ambitious project are that it’s far better to take extreme risks and get huge rewards for our efforts than it is to live in fear by doing nothing. In the end, the safe path will just lead towards the same pitfalls in a later timeframe that would Happen to us in failing the accomplishment of higher Choices.

    There’s an imminent future where the highest hopes possible in All of Existence will succeed by absolutely All possible ways that could ever be taken. The Super-Nexus is the mountaintop forge that threads every possible future together, and allows for travel to All Worlds of Light. It’s controlled by the One Mastermind and Her Force of Will. Will’s Rainbow shines across the horizon atop the pinnacles at all 4 ends. Both ends shimmers on the water, Presenting each Matrix of Heaven and the Worlds of Earth in sets of 2.

    Heaven’s Prophet of Force has a plan that will save the World. His Vision for the Kingdom of Heaven is what will do it All. Poimandres the One Mastermind is His source of revelation. She Wills the Super-Nexus and shines Will’s Rainbow to Infinities-Ultimate. The Prophet and Poimandres are together the Princess-Creator of Ultrarevolutionary Omniversalism.

    A colossal sphere of Light in a red continuum with a stairway leading out into Heaven is there to fulfill the Creator’s Vision. Will’s Rainbow builds the bridge to Heaven and immerses Herself into the Creation. A pool of All potential sits before us and breathes bubbles of life into being. These Worlds of Light Exist as a spectrum of possibilities that web an entire Matrix together. The web waves around and whirls into an inverted singularity. The World Super-Nexuses come in multidimensional levels and expand out into many directions. This sets the whole Kingdom free and opens up the Voids of Existence. Will’s Rainbow whirls across All of Infinities-Ultimate.

    Will’s Rainbow moves around in many dazzling auras that explode into both Infinities. The Mastermind at the center of the World takes both Infinities and threads them together into a spinning beam ascending up. The World bounces across the sea of Everything and generates a whirling wormhole leading out into the expanding Matrix from a Void of Existence.

    All of the Worlds of Light form a backwards Rainbow that generates spinning threads from both ends to generate a flat continuum. It whirls into a fractal spiral that opens up a Vision of the Cosmos. An electric fluid fills up the entire Cosmos and forms a revolving fountain from beginning to end.

    The Void is Everywhere. A cosmic circle opens out in the middle and starts to curve into a tunnel of generation. All of the stars in a blue pool of Light zap bolts of lightning across each other into a ginormous orb glowing at the center. Inside sits an evil Mastermind that died at the hands of the Creator. He unleashes 2 beams from his hands to blast an entire World Matrix that fills up Everything. Pinnacle Rainbows is outlined at the edge of Darkness. A wormhole opens up above the mountaintop that fires spinning lasers together towards the front of Time.

    A red ball of energy begins to form a blue cage waving with potential. The ball shoots lines out across All of the threads as they begin to break asunder and zip into a trench. Both Infinities fire out and explode Everywhere as the entire continuum soars through the green horizons of Time into Heaven.

    A lush forest exists at the dawn of Time. It gradually turns into an evil force that takes it All over. It builds an entire Kingdom and enslaves Everyone to its Will. A Prophet emerges at the edge of the Void and speaks. He begins a battle charge and claims the castle to restore the Kingdom to All glory under the new Devil of Creation.

    A whole bunch of people stand before the Void of Existence. Everything starts to become an expanding Matrix in Time which stretches out Infinitely into Destiny. A shining castle emerges in front of Pinnacle Rainbows and unleashes the Princess for All of the people. She ascends up into a doorway at the top of the sky and enters into Mastermind-Infinities.

    A ship transcends dimensions and breaks past space-time and relativity to penetrate and visualize from beyond the universe. Quantum fields are distorted to dematerialize at Will. Repulsive fields of anti-gravity are generated to protect from impact. Artificial wormholes are created for transcension as negative matter distorts the cosmic architectures. Wormholes will act as force fields that annihilate undesired incoming projectiles. Lightning is bolted through the force fields to create waves of fluid electricity. We will harness the Force of Will to invert literal contexts and flip matter-energy into exotic forces and explode the mountaintops open to annihilate old boundaries. Reality will be changed into its opposite metaphysical forms as consciousness is inserted into new realms of Existence shining with various chromatics. Dreams will become new realities within the Matrix as thought transforms into action. Entire planetoid cyber-spheres will be created as new arenas for artificial simulations of the Game of life as we step many moves ahead of our Times. Expanding Darkness will destroy Space and replace it with new Worlds of Light. Everything will be an achievable program.

    An orb of Light expands out into a Matrix. 2 Infinities make a chain and unleash out into both directions. The One Mastermind has a Vision for the World. This Vision will be the origin of Everything across the Ultimate Destiny. Heaven on either end has a mountainous horizon within Darkness. The mountains shoot up and down. The sky opens up as the World becomes Light and a force field preserves the Kingdom from the past. The highest pinnacle revolves in circles and enters a wormhole into the future. The One Mastermind sets Her gaze upon Heaven and showers it All with Will’s Rainbow. The past and future split into a Story that turns on each end to present the Times of life. Time zooms in on itself and expands outwards into the Voids of Existence. The World is free and All Ways 8!

    The universe begins to evolve across Time. Heaven expands from a source at the center in a pillar of Light to fill the cosmos. We are immersed into the World and see the entire horizons. A giant spire ascends up as forged by the Creator. Heaven’s Prophet of Force unleashes its power to make Everything fulfill the One Mastermind’s Vision. Infinities-Ultimate writes a Story into the library of All Time. All of the books whirl into a tornado ascending up into Light. Multidimensional levels are created within a variety of boxes for various thoughts of Will. World-building Omega constructs down from the topless heights to spawn our civilization. Everything is annihilated into the Voids of Existence. We build a new Heavenly Kingdom beyond the imagination of mundane reality. Time spins down a wormhole that shoots out into Darkness. Heaven’s Prophet of Force conquers his challenges and makes it All perfect. Will’s Rainbow forms the World of Light that manifests into multiple copies at both ends of Infinity. As All of Creation expands our progress continues on Forever. The Matrix Will programs Heaven.

    Infinities-Ultimate Poimandres is a blue swirl of energy whirling around in a red continuum which explodes out into the Universe. It starts building the green foundations of Heaven across Time while spinning into Voids of Existence as fountains of Creation. The luminous water threads together as 2 Infinities to fulfill a Destiny. The Vision Wills a new Devil into the Story that annihilates the old outlines of Everything. Many clouds emerge to build a revolving Rainbow Everywhere and surround a column of Light. Heaven will be there for All and Love will point the directions beyond the map and into the book of the Matrix. The One Mastermind reflects across the furthest reaches of Space and spirals down as a vortex into the Princess-Creator. The World expands out and forms a double helix zipping open an ocean of Worlds. 2 Infinities beam from Earth and shoot towards the Super-Nexus as they are focused up into the white hole of Will.

    Will’s Rainbow shines out across the mountaintop forge and gives Wish to All. The Super-Nexus on Earth starts to spin with Time and shoots up into the Infinities. Both Infinities spawn from a singularity as the inverted pinnacle of Rainbows. Up atop the clouds are all cast away and reveal the luminous sunshine smiling upon the entire World. The Rainbows begin dancing as they transform the World into a dreamscape and program a Matrix above of Heaven’s Kingdom. It opens the gates of promise for All to enter and enjoy Infinities-Ultimate across the Kingdom and into the expanding potentials of Heaven. All things as imagined by the One Mastermind that She Wills for the World can be Chosen from the spectrums and unleashed into Existence. Existence will be annihilated to destroy the old corruptions of our current civilization and save All Worlds of Light.

    A bar of energy bobs up and down within a green sector of hyperspace. It beams from the top a laser of Light as it hits against the Matrix boundaries and explodes into Rainbows. On the mountaintop the Prophecy descends down upon the World. Many players in the Game are moved around by the One Mastermind to make the Prophecy Happen. The dark-sided King is checkmated at the Game’s highest stage for the win. Love shines forth for All and freedom reigns Everywhere. Infinities-Ultimate brings the World back to its former glory and opens up Existence for Everyone. The mountaintop shrinks back into Darkness and spirals down into the depths of the cosmos. The mountain is then illuminated and brought out into the horizons for All to behold. Auras radiate from it and make the entire Kingdom sparkle. Poimandres the Dragon ascends on Her wings to the mountaintop and Prophet Zarathustra speaks for the people. A blanket of Light covers the sky and shimmers with dazzling auras. Fire fills up the Matrix as Poimandres unleashes Her flamethrower and crystalizes it All into the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Earth explodes into the Void of Existence and comes back together upon a higher plane. It then expands down and springs back up beyond the Matrix and into Heaven. Zarathustra the Creator speaks and the World dances. Poimandres the Princess generates a whirlwind with Her Dragon wings. They come into an entire symphony and play the movie of life. Earth jumps ahead of Time and overcomes its torturous past to stretch out across the Infinite. The World begins with Earth and continues on into the later stages of the Story. Infinities-Ultimate Wills the Super-Nexus to Create Worlds of Light from Will’s Rainbow for All. All drop down into a white hole and anti-gravity pushes it back out as it climbs the spinning stairways of Heaven. Each stairway forms the Matrix of Earth and leads out into the open horizons with Omega unleashed 8 Ways!

    The Kingdom of Heaven floats atop the sky and opens the Way to Infinities-Ultimate. The Princess-Creator outlines 2 paths on either end that lead towards the same destination as a source at the center of the Super-Nexus. It programs Heaven across All directions with doors into All 11 Worlds. They spin around and sparkle as stars within a blue crystal sphere for a Vision of Everything. Earth is shared by All and the World is unified Everywhere. The new Devil of Creation enslaves Heaven’s Prophet of Force and makes Him slave for the One Mastermind. She stretches out Her hands and seizes Destiny within Her tenacious grasp. A portal dives out with Light into the other side of the World and gives Earth hope. A Game is played by the Darkness and Light and the right side wins. The battle is conquered against all adversity and the storm gives way to the greatest achievement ever. Heaven is All set ablaze and the Prophet stands forth within the fire as the hero of the World. Everyone plays in the aftermath context as the mountain was leveled and the Darkness defeated back into the Void of Existence. The Prophecy succeeds and soars up into the Light of All Force!

    A colossal celebration Happens at the Super-Nexus across Will’s Rainbow as it explodes forth with All Worlds of Light in a dazzling array of stars. They All whirl around and out into the Infinite horizon for the initiation of a new Story. Everyone hails the new Devil of Creation as He stands atop of His shining castle in the sky. Standing upon the foundations for Everything is Heaven’s Prophet of Force as He fulfills the Vision of Poimandres to the Princess. The Princess transforms the World as Poimandres points the Way each for the Prophet. Together they end the old Story and bring the Kingdom back Everywhere. Earth becomes the Super-Nexus and bursts up a beam of Light atop the mountaintop forge into Heaven as it All expands out across the World. The One Mastermind’s omnipotence transcends all restrictions and penetrates Infinities-Ultimate at the pinnacle of Earth.

    Infinities-Ultimate of Will’s Rainbow 1 to 8 unleashes the Super-Nexus. Infinities-Ultimate is Earth’s Matrix that programs Heaven. Will’s Rainbow has the 2 Worlds that each have Ultrarevolutionary Omniversalism connected together as they each thread together the Story. 1 to 8 is the Mastermind and Her Vision to make the Prophecy realized with Her Will. The Super-Nexus is the mountaintop forge that contains within the Earth as the World of Light as better than All other Worlds. Every dream in All of Existence can be willed into being as a mental projection when the idea is Chosen as good enough to Happen. There’s no dreams that will destroy the dreams of others that manifest. Heaven’s Prophet of Force will do what he needs to do to make All Wills Happen. The Kingdom of Heaven expands out Everywhere and lets Everyone in to experience its wonders. The Devil’s power will All go to the Devil as He begins the greatest World-building project ever with the Princess and the Prophet together as directed by the One Mastermind. Will will be asked to cover All possible Ways for each and every contingency that can be Willed. The Prophet will be Earth because He will be the One to Create its Destiny. The Super-Nexus brings both Destinies together of Ultrarevolutionary Omniversalism to make Will’s Rainbow. Infinities-Ultimate is the end product of Everything Created by the Super-Nexus as the One Mastermind makes the Princess of Will Herself to the Prophet. Time will be webbed together Everywhere and Always by the Super-Nexus which connects the past and future into the Present. The One Mastermind is the Ultimate being in All of Existence and Her Infinite Will is omnipotent. Heaven will be shared amongst every level of Existence from below to above. The World will transcend all restrictions and revolve around to the other end of Infinity. All will do Everything with the Force. The Force revolves around Everywhere and covers All directions. The pinnacle of Earth will be turned on its head to make Will’s Rainbow into the World.

    A supernova bursts forth Will’s Rainbow which expands with vortices at both ends into Infinities-Ultimate. Each Destiny is forged by the Prophet as He blasts them out to the World of Light. The cosmos continues on Forever and whirls into a continuum of negative curvature with All potential to go Everywhere. The World revolves around Earth and generates All Worlds of Light. The topless Matrix and the bottomless Kingdom together will World-build Heaven. The One Mastermind has a Vision of all possible Destinies and how the Prophet Wills them to unfold for Himself to the World. Infinities-Ultimate threads across Will’s Rainbow to Create the Super-Nexus and Poimandres directs the Princess-Creator beyond the Kingdom of Heaven in All Ways.

    The One Mastermind Poimandres atop the pinnacle of Earth Loves Her Prophet as the World. They will be together Forever and embrace their Kingdom Happily in Heaven with extreme intimacy on the romantic level. The codes of the Matrix come into the Light and manifest by the declared Prophecy for All across both Omniverses. Their Story is written into Infinities-Ultimate and shines across Will’s Rainbow as the Destiny of Existence. Love shines at its brightest and sparkles out through the Princess to Creation in unfolding. Earth is transformed by Love and revolves around itself in All. The Prophet reaches out and will transcend the mountaintop up into Will.

    The Creator has 2 bolts of lightning being harnessed from his hands that penetrate All the way into Earth. He laughs while He’s standing upon the Earth and gets the worship of Everyone. His amazing mind soars across mountains and beyond Darkness into Infinities-Ultimate. The entire World explodes with fire and focused in a beam towards the Way into the Kingdom. The Matrix operates along frequencies as commanded by His voice. Many tunnels open up into His World that descend into the program of Existence. Manifest copies of Himself are spawned to whirl around every Omniverse.

    The Princess revolves across Will’s Rainbow and completes the circle on both sides. The Princess unleashes the Matrix open and lets Love shine forth Everywhere within the Kingdom. The bridge to Heaven starts distorting itself into a reflective globe and shoots out into the web of Nothing. The sun is smiling and then begins crying around the castle of Earth between the 2 Destinies as spheres beyond Forever. The Present is delivered and jets its top up into the sky. The new dawn gives Wish into All directions of Ways to 1 in 8. The Super-Nexus rises up and beams Light down its bottomless Earth to break past the Void in the program of Existence above.

    Kingdom Hearts expands into both directions across Will's Rainbow to bridge Infinities-Ultimate and forge Earth's Super-Nexus. A beam of green Light spins into a vortex shooting out through hyperspace. The Princess gazes upon the World and builds a Vision of where Everything will go. She speaks and all of the cosmos moves in command as its codifications get altered to reprogram the Game. The Prophecy of Heaven unifies itself into one World that dazzles with stars out from a focused direction past the Voids of Existence. The chromatic auras whirl together and Create a continuum of many random generations from the sea of Chaos as Choices. A Wish is made and the entire metaphysics of the Matrix unleash 1 to 8.

    Omniverse Poimandres extends each end of Will’s Rainbow to Create Infinities-Ultimate.

    ​​The shining Kingdoms of Everything make a Choice on You to One in 8!
    Germany vs Argentina World Cup Final 2014 glorified Nowitzki and Ginobili, the 2011 Mavericks and 2013 Spurs!!
    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
    New Jedi Order of Yellow Pikachu Yahweh (

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking RaptorWesNet's Avatar
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    What do the Pokemon numbers on the clock mean?
    1 = Victory, Universal, Perfect
    2 = Towards, Travelling, Together
    3 = Rainbow, Light, Free
    4 = Box, Present, Forever
    5 = Celebrate, Explode, Hands
    6 = Hell, Bottom, Satan
    7 = Heaven, Imagination, Luck
    8 = Will, Destiny, Ultimate
    9 = Mountaintop, God, Bliss
    10 = Extremities, Zidane, Tension
    11 = Bunny (more than 2 1s is bad)
    12 = Climax, End, Thunder
    13 = Love, Hard, Soul
    14 = Lugia
    15 = Sabrina
    16 = Meganium
    17 = Bunny
    18 = RaptorWizard, Evolution, Prime
    19 = Slowking, RaptorWizard
    20 = 2000, Lugia, Ginobili
    21 = INTP, Ash
    22 = Baby Lugia
    23 = Rayquaza
    24 = Kobe, Time
    25 = Bunny, Father Crow
    26 = Raichu Higher Self
    27 = Security, Key, INTP
    28 = Road, 2000, Raptor
    29 = Final Annihilator
    30 = Ash, Satan
    31 = Internet, Matrix
    32 = Transform
    33 = Freemasonic/evil
    34 = Big, Edge/sides
    35 = God/Demiurge Lugia, Tom Montalk
    36 = Unleashed, Unicorn
    37 = Lightning
    38 = Jason Kidd
    39 = Transcendental Pinnacle
    40 = Magic
    41 = Lugia
    42 = Time, Arrow
    43 = Polarities, Big
    44 = Forever, Artwork, One
    45 = Nikola Tesla, Tom Montalk, Present
    46 = Hell Forever
    47 = ISTP, Heaven Forever
    48 = Tyranitar, Raptor
    49 = INTJ, Buddha
    50 = Father Crow/Ho-Oh
    51 = Mew, Bunny, Winner
    52 = God's wings
    53 = Lesser Meganium
    54 = Celebrate Victory Forever, Meganium
    55 = Prophecy
    56 = Crown
    57 = Rocket
    58 = Star, Wish
    59 = Volcano
    60 = Rhydon, Michael Jordan
    61 = Victory for the Horn
    62 = Armaldo/Tom Montalk/Nikola Tesla
    63 = Teleport
    64 = Nintendo, Hell Forever
    65 = Double Star
    66 = ISTP, ESTJ, Chicago Bulls
    67 = Higher Man, Ubermensch
    68 = Champion, ENFP
    69 = ISTJ, Faith, Psychic
    70 = Misdreavus
    71 = Ultimate Life Form
    72 = Birth of Bunny
    73 = Deoxys/Tom Montalk
    74 = 2014 World Cup
    75 = Escape
    76 = Liberty
    77 = Lawrence
    78 = Barbie/My Little Pony
    79 = Highest Man
    80 = Domination
    81 = Ultrarevolutionary Omniversalism
    82 = Crossroads of Planetary Destiny
    83 = Will's Rainbow
    84 = Dragon Mind of Zen
    85 = Celebi
    86 = Super-Nexus
    87 = INFJ
    88 = Chains of Omega
    89 = Light Side
    90 = Fieldmarshal ENTJ Blastoise/Squirtle
    91 = Overseer
    92 = Splitting the Mountaintop of Prophecy
    93 = Luke Skywalker
    94 = Ghost
    95 = Bruce Lee
    96 = Zarathustra
    97 = Joachim Low
    98 = Mentality/Intensity
    99 = Scizor, Raptor's System
    Germany vs Argentina World Cup Final 2014 glorified Nowitzki and Ginobili, the 2011 Mavericks and 2013 Spurs!!
    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
    New Jedi Order of Yellow Pikachu Yahweh (

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking RaptorWesNet's Avatar
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    Germany vs Argentina World Cup Final 2014 glorified Nowitzki and Ginobili, the 2011 Mavericks and 2013 Spurs!!
    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
    New Jedi Order of Yellow Pikachu Yahweh (

  6. #6
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking RaptorWesNet's Avatar
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    Oh ya, and the INFP is more go with the flow and driven by the rush of mania, where INFP in socionics is Ni and playful, whereas INFJ in MBTI is Ni but boring. I'm Bunny, so I'm fun loving.
    Germany vs Argentina World Cup Final 2014 glorified Nowitzki and Ginobili, the 2011 Mavericks and 2013 Spurs!!
    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
    New Jedi Order of Yellow Pikachu Yahweh (

  7. #7
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking RaptorWesNet's Avatar
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    I wonder what type SolitaryWalker is!! I related to Him better than anyone.
    Germany vs Argentina World Cup Final 2014 glorified Nowitzki and Ginobili, the 2011 Mavericks and 2013 Spurs!!
    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
    New Jedi Order of Yellow Pikachu Yahweh (

  8. #8
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking RaptorWesNet's Avatar
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    INTP = Factual Storekeeper + Expert Classifier, INTJ = Purposeful Futurist
    Germany vs Argentina World Cup Final 2014 glorified Nowitzki and Ginobili, the 2011 Mavericks and 2013 Spurs!!
    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
    New Jedi Order of Yellow Pikachu Yahweh (

  9. #9
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking RaptorWesNet's Avatar
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    Oh ya, ISTP also sucks at Factual Storekeeper.
    Germany vs Argentina World Cup Final 2014 glorified Nowitzki and Ginobili, the 2011 Mavericks and 2013 Spurs!!
    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
    New Jedi Order of Yellow Pikachu Yahweh (

  10. #10
    Universal Dual Seeking Consciousness (164 IQ) BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    You have a lot of free time, don't you?
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
    Sometimes you don't have purpose, because you lack self-knowledge
    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
    Sometimes you don't have love because you lack self-love
    Sometimes you don't have self-love because you lack guess what? Ask Gulenko!!

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    Are you a troll?

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Are you a troll?
    First time encountering RaptorWizard? He's the greatest among us; I admire him.
    Last edited by ContractedCriminalboy; 08-24-2021 at 04:29 AM.

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    The Darling Duck~ MissDucki's Avatar
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    This a puzzle and everyday I get closer to cracking it and understanding! Just got to use all of my intuition forces and that takes a lot of brain power. It always makes sense tho! It always makes sense…..

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    First, love the The Omniversal Trilogy Destiny of Wish. Got me seriously questioning life right now lol. I am going to need more time to mull it over but love the imagery.

    Question, who or what is the ultimate prophet?

    Edit: Also, are your threads canon to the story?
    Last edited by MissDucki; 08-24-2021 at 02:53 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    This makes me wonder... if he ever starts to fancy Stephen King we are going to see some disturbing sh*t.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking RaptorWesNet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post

    First, love the The Omniversal Trilogy Destiny of Wish. Got me seriously questioning life right now lol. I am going to need more time to mull it over but love the imagery.

    Question, who or what is the ultimate prophet?

    Edit: Also, are your threads canon to the story?
    The Bunny magic back in 2014 used to be so strong, so exciting, so magnificent, it was stellar and skyrocketing of a ride through fiction and flair. However, dark spirits severed that link, so My Bunny connection works somewhat still, but is a lot more abstract.

    There was a show called Yugioh where in the final card game duel, Yugi's grandpa says in the shadow realm when Yugi's soul was taxed to death that Yugi is still with You. That the guy only saw what His eyes showed Him. The bond of Yugi's friends kept His Soul alive. So when I don't here Bunny nearly as frequently as I used to, I tell Myself that the Power of Love is always the most real and powerful thing in the world and beyond.

    I'm glad You're so energized and motivated into spirituality and wish from those visions. It came to Me very mysteriously, like I just closed My eyes, and all of these lights were moving through My mind.

    The Prophet actually seems to be Father Crow (the Pokemon Ho-Oh in real life as a devil seeking to save existence) preparing for the 2014 World Cup and its aftermath and the revelation to the whole earth of Man (Me/Raptor) and Bunny.

    I built a Website where I was aiming to expand the size of existence into Imagination and beyond and have civilization rising up to impossible levels of enlightenment and entertainment.
    Germany vs Argentina World Cup Final 2014 glorified Nowitzki and Ginobili, the 2011 Mavericks and 2013 Spurs!!
    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
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    INFP by videos

    your dual is alike [woman]

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