Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
An Sp8 is what you fit in archetypically, because you lack the dominant, aggressive, assertive qualities expected see in an Sx 8. They are volatile and highly impulsive.

I think old age would put out some fire, but you still see spit fire old people who are as strong and rebellious as ever, they may not get into fist fights but they will have the rebellion and the intensity.

Sx8, if you just are going purely by archetype, is extremely volatile.. people have no idea how impulsive they are.. Old age will lessen, but the tendencies will never eradicate at complete. The older men and women who never lose their fighting spirit are going to most likely be Sx8.. Sx8 also directly wants power and to control of others. caring about being overpowered by itself merely is Sp8.
Agree — rebellion, intensity, assertiveness
Disagree — volatile, impulsive, and age not affecting those traits

I think 8s anger is far too overblown in stereotypes. They make 8s sound like they need anger management therapy and can never actually show signs of improvement even if they go.

I'm speaking based on experience here partly, but I also think volatility is exaggerated. I think certain people sometimes see me as more emotionally volatile than I am. A little passion/speaking about something I feel strongly about or stand firm on, combined with blunt/forward/direct nature, is often interpreted as volatile. It's not. Frankly, I think sometimes people just overreact to someone who doesn't hold back and is bold, and they make it out to be more than what it is. Most of the time it's not real anger as much as it is merely a raw, visceral energy. Something more along the lines of vitality, willpower, and force. Anger is barely there, it just looks like that to others.

Bear in mind that Enneagram primarily talks about the unhealthy versions of the types. These are lower health level traits you're speaking about here.

Information should be organized. Not every single aspect of someone will align with their types. The most important part(s) in this system are the core fears and the defense mechanisms against said fears. Any deviations outside of that don't constitute as a mistype; just because some of the surface level outward manifestations of behaviors aren't there, doesn't mean the type isn't overall the best possible fit.

It is important to remember that what is driving the behaviors is what determines a person's type, not what behaviors are outwardly manifested.
Example: someone may be very original, but if they care nothing about that and simply naturally are that way anyway because they're very creative, that isn't related to type 4.

I have felt conflicted about my intensity during various times. On one hand, I'm like “if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.” On the other hand, it almost seems like I sometimes scare people away.