Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
100%. So types to be more rules, ideology, and group oriented. I’m surprised when you typed yourself Sp first because of your need of community and finding the right religious ideology for yourself. So types tend to be we/us and everyone is connected and hold a responsibility to each other then we, I, and me.

Like, I come first lol. Every action I do is to make sure I will be okay and be perceived positively to make sure I don’t loose my security. I honestly don’t care about „community“ or „ideology“ too much. I don’t like groups, I don’t trust groups. If I like an authority is because I personally chooses to do so but I will dethrone him if he screwed with the security and is pulling too much ideology crap (personally). The only time I consider someone’s identity a threat is if this Affiliation or threat effects me or my people‘s security. I think I’m more so So blind though.

I personally think you are So/sp personally. You have that self focus Sp aspect but ideology seems to be the most important for you. I think I am Sp/sx. I deeply care about my close and personal relationships, but I come first. I will not sacrifice myself so easily. My security is always #1
When I first got into the enneagram I thought Sp first people were all selfish, lol. It's the me first thing, I don't know why it rubs me the wrong way. Maybe because I do sacrifice myself a lot for other people. I can't tell when last I ever thought me first. But that can be a benefit of Sp.