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Thread: Examples of Enneagram Type in community members and General Typing of Member’s Enneagram

  1. #41
    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    As far as old characters go, I think Haymitch from the Hunger Games is a good example of an Sp/Sx 8, @Adam Strange

    I cannot think of an Sx8 old character, sadly. I to compound matters, am not overly into media, nor am I an avid watcher of movies… I’ve met a few Sx8 in person that are old (one time this older man whilst I was going to be left off for 2 years in Arizona by myself that my mother and I had run into, was an Sx8, and he was going to ensure I was safe whilst I was there, but I did not end up staying there)… He was in his later 60’s. Still a spit fire. He easily was an SLE… But man, he was a spit fire and as radiant and bold as ever, dominant as well. And he was a hardcore drinker, his breath smelt of alcohol.. (Not all Sx8 of course will drink).

    As I said before, 8 is already a pretty rare type, probably the rarest type there is, and 8 is probably the rarest of all 3 8 variations.

    Haymitch is maybe an LSI? But not certain on that.

    You would not know video game characters.. And there are not many old people in video games to begin with (as main characters), and thus lesser opportunity expends for seeing an Sx8.
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    I am not going to comment on all of @Braingel's observations but I will say a few things.

    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    For one thing, he made Sedecology, a social media platform to engage, and exchange information on types..
    I explained this elsewhere but just to be clear - Sedecology was initially motivated as a more convenient way to organize WSS group typings. And the Detroit meetup was just because no one else was doing it - I prefer not to be a community organizer if I can avoid it.

    He never has really had a job that has not involved people..
    This is not true. The jobs I've had that I liked most and prefer are programming and research which both have minimal to no interaction with people. (Programming may have some if you work in a company but far less than other such jobs.)

    Social dom is well fitting with Fe suggestive and even alpha values, whereas overall, gamma is more aligned with Sp.
    The way the social self-preservation (typo) instinct is usually explained has a large element of Si so I don't agree that it would fit better solely on the basis of Fe suggestive.
    Last edited by Exodus; 02-16-2022 at 02:43 AM.

  3. #43

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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    The reason why I do not think you are Sx lead has do with archetypes. there are various schools of enneagram, and in the archetype kind, Sx is a very violent, aggressive go-getter. You seem much more subdued than that. More hippie laidback almost, but still intense and firm.

    An Sx 8 is the most along with Sx 4 and Sx6, petulant and intense personality.

    Sx is not what most people think it is, when it conflates with enneagram types (especially with the reactive triad, which 8 is in) to make an archetype. If you merely go by how you fulfill needs, it is differential, but Naranjo and Chesnut make it archetype.
    Archetypes can be caricature-like, though. It paints a picture of the essence of the type, but isn't always the most accurate representation of real people and their behaviors, which can be modified by any number of other personality and environmental factors.

    The SLE you mentioned...well, it's an SLE I'd imagine with an SLE there's less of a sense of restraint that comes from high Ni ("how will this action play out for me in the future?"). Also violence isn't necessarily the territory of 8 unless they are at very low levels of health. I've known a Te-dom e8 who I can't really imagine being violent but he was still a tyrant at work. Secretaries cried regularly.

    Not sure how rare Sx 8 is (you could be right), but I've definitely seen it be a common mistype. Most notably counterphobic Sixes mistyping as 8s a lot.

    Thanks for the fun list and thoughts

  4. #44
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    I think I'm 4 core, but I used to think I was a 9 core. 5 is very prominent for me, but not likely core. I'm probably so/sx from what I understand. I'm not real sure what you'd consider me in your version of enneagram though, Braingel
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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  5. #45
    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    I am not going to comment on all of @Braingel's observations but I will say a few things.

    I explained this elsewhere but just to be clear - Sedecology was initially motivated as a more convenient way to organize WSS group typings. And the Detroit meetup was just because no one else was doing it - I prefer not to be a community organizer if I can avoid it.

    This is not true. The jobs I've had that I liked most and prefer are programming and research which both have minimal to no interaction with people. (Programming may have some if you work in a company but far less than other such jobs.)

    The way the social instinct is usually explained has a large element of Si so I don't agree that it would fit better solely on the basis of Fe suggestive.
    Yes, but most Sp 5 still will veer away from the role, even if no one does it.. Not necessarily (as in they may do it), but they are pretty reserved people. 5 already to begin with is reserved though, and Sp adds even more emphasis. Social in general is alpha value, which is Fe/Si. An Sp 5 more likely still would keep to self, even with no one else doing it.. It is very similar to the idea that an Fe ignoring would publicly exhibit their emotion in dramatic way.. An Sp would much rather keep to self, though sp/so is more social than sp/Sx.. I had figured you entered the role because no one else was doing it, with you being PolR Se.. But it still is having the social standing to do of that. Most Sp’s, who are very select few, will not be able to do that.

    I have not in detail looked at these before, but I am scanning these, and whilst both of them have aspects to you, from what I at least have seen, and your wanting make typology more spiritual.. It seems more aligned with Social 5’s archetype. Even being apart of WSS.. That to me epitomizes the trying find a group of people who you intellectually can relate as to. Socionics in and of itself is a social study, and those who seriously partake it probably value So to large extent, yet those ITR averted can maybe be SX focused..

    Social Fives

    For Social Fives, the passion of avarice is connected to knowledge. These Fives don't need the nourishment relationships provide because their passion for knowledge somehow compensates for what they might get from direct human contact. It's as if they have an intuition that they can find everything they need through the mind. Needs (for people and for emotional sustenance) get displaced into a thirst for knowledge.

    The name given to this subtype is “Totem,” which communicates their need for “super-ideals,” or the need to relate to people who share their intellectual values, interests, and ideals. The image of a totem suggest both height and a character that is constructed (like an object) rather than a human being. These Fives do not relate to regular people in everyday life- they relate to easily idealized experts who share their ideals; to people who display what they see as outstanding characteristics based on shared values and knowledge and who they can keep at a certain distance. One Social Five I know says he “collects people” who share his interests and values.

    For Social Fives, then, avarice gets acted out through a greedy search for the ultimate ideals that will provide a sense of meaning by connecting them to something special, thereby elevating their life. The social five's passion is the need for the essential, the sublime, or the extraordinary instead of what is here and now. In line with this need for relationships based on shared ideals, social fives have a tendency to look upward, toward higher values. According to Naranjo, they look toward the stars and care little for life down on earth.

    In contrast to Sexual Fives, who are iconoclasts, Social fives are admiring people- individuals who admire others that express their ideals in extraordinary ways. In looking for and adhering to super-values, they can be disdainful of ordinary life and ordinary people. The life of the mind feels more compelling, and the people at a distance who represent the extraordinary seem more seductive and interesting to them than the people they meet in everyday life.

    Social fives are looking for the ultimate meaning in life, motivated by an underlying (potentially unconscious) sense that things are meaningless unless the ultimate meaning is found. This Five's drive to find the extraordinary underscores a polarity they may perceive between extraordinariness and meaninglessness. They look for meaning to avoid a fearful sense that the world is meaningless, but in their search for meaning they orient themselves so much toward finding the quintessence of life- the extraordinary- that they may become disinterested in everyday life. They see a gap between the ideal and everyday life, and they burn in the longing for the ultimate meaning. For this five, motivated by the social instinct in the service of avarice, the common, ordinary self does not have enough value to satisfy their drive for meaning.

    In their search for meaning, these fives can become spiritual or idealistic in a way that is actually counter to real spiritual attainment, because it bypasses compassion and empathy and the practical level of how people connect to each other in ordinary life. This tendency is the prototype of what is sometimes called a “spiritual bypass,” in which a person looks for and devotes himself to a higher ideal or a valued system of knowledge as a way of avoiding doing the emotional and psychological work he would need to do to grow and develop. They may believe they are transcending their ego, but their adherence to their spiritual values or practice is their way of escaping from their everyday emotional reality into a “higher” intellectual system that they have idealized. Any type can spiritually bypass, but the social five is the prototype of someone who employs this as a defense strategy.

    Social fives prefer not to feel. They can be mysterious and inaccessible, or fun and intellectually engaging. They may hide out in the pose of an expert, and they tend to have a sense of omnipotence through the exercise of their intellect. These fives may imagine that they are superior to others because of their higher values and ideals. Although they would never (intentionally) show it, they seek recognition and prestige; they want to be someone important, and they often seek to fulfill this desire this by allying themselves with people they admire.

    Social five can look like type sevens in that they can be fairly outgoing and display a great deal of excitement about interesting ideas and people. The social five is typically more “out there” than other fives, in the sense of being more social and able to engage. Social fives differ from sevens, however, in that they are more reserved, less self-interested, and less emotional than sevens.

    Specific Work For The Social Fives on the Path from Vice to Virtue

    Social Fives can travel the path from avarice to nonattachement by broadening their focus of attention from knowledge and information to a greater sense of emotional engagement with real people. If you are a social five, notice when your devotion to high ideals displaces an openness to what's happening in everyday life and actually causes you to close yourself off to others. Recognize when you may be idealizing or overidealizing experts and a narrow set of (potentially distant)) individuals- getting your relational needs met indirectly rather than taking the risk of interacting more directly with the people in your immediate environment. Notice and work against the tendency to connect only through shared ideas by intentionally sharing more of your emotions and gut feelings with others. Examine the ways in which you might be attached to trying to create meaning and avoid a deeper fear of meaninglessness through specific values and ideals; challenge yourself to more fully experience your fears as a first step on the path of letting go of those attachments. Appreciate the joys of everyday and the full range of human expression as a way of expanding your focus to allow for a richer experience of what life has to offer you.
    The Self-Preservation Five is the most "Five-ish" of the Fives. These Fives express avarice through their passion for hiddenness or for having sanctuary. The name given to this subtype is "Castle," which communicates this person's need to be encastled - to be able to hide behind or be protected by walls. Psychologically (and sometimes physically), Self-Preservation Fives build thick walls to protect themselves from the world and from other people.

    Self-Preservation Fives have a need for clearly defined boundaries. This personality is the clearest expression of the archetype of isolation and introversion. They have a need to be able to hide behind boundaries they can control, and to know they have a place of safety they can retreat to, in order to avoid feeling lost in the world. In focusing on finding shelter, they learn to survive inside walls - and they want to have everything inside those walls so that they don't have to venture out into the world. To them, the external world can seem hostile, inadequate, and brutal.

    Related to this need for the protection of clear boundaries, Self-Preservation Fives also focus a great deal of attention on how to survive free from the limitation of external shocks or surprises. They have a feeling of having to be on guard and a difficulty with expressing anger, though they may communicate anger passively by withdrawing and hiding or going silent.

    Self-Preservation Fives' need for hiddenness can create difficulties with self-expression in general; this subtype is the least communicative of the three Five subtypes. Their passion for hiddenness also manifests in taking covert action: they act in secret so their actions do not compromise their ability to keep their guard up.

    The problem with this stance, especially when it tends toward the extreme, is that living in an enclosure is not really compatible with having and meeting basic human needs. The Self-Preservation Five is the most withdrawn of the Fives, and, as a natural part of renouncing needs and wants, they try to get by on very little, especially when it comes to the emotional support that relationships provide. Self-Preservation Fives limit their needs and wants because they believe that every desire could open the door to their becoming dependent on others. Desires, then, are either sublimated in specific interests or activities or erased from consciousness. Self-Preservation Fives "live little," meaning they get by with few resources, which amounts to living small or poorly.

    Naranjo explains that, normally, people have some ability to say, "I want that" - to express desires and do the work they need to do to get what they want - but these Fives cannot ask and cannot take. So they must rely on preserving what they are able to acquire themselves.

    You can see the Self-Preservation Five characteristics clearly reflected in the work of Franz Kafka (who was probably a Self-Preservation Five himself), especially in the books The Castle and The Tremendous World I Have Inside My Head, and in a story titled "The Hunger Artist," in which the main character becomes a specialist at renunciation.

    In relationships with others, Self-Preservation Fives avoid creating expectations or dependent relationships. They also avoid conflict, which is another way they detach from people. They do, however, typically experience a strong sense of attachment to a few places and people. To prevent conflict and manage contact with others, they may adapt to fit in to not be seen.

    One Self-Preservation Five I know who can seem outwardly quite sociable explains that she watches how other people interact and then acts in similar ways, modeling what she does on what she observes, using her ability to adapt to what is expected of her as a kind of camouflage. If people don't see her as especially reserved, she reasons, they won't challenge her boundaries. However, this need to adapt can cause Self-Preservation Fives to feel resentful when they feel like they have to expend energy to fit in with others.

    While they may at times choose to share feelings with a few trusted people in their lives, Self-Preservation Fives have strong inhibitions against showing aggression in particular. They will very seldom show their anger. However, they do have a kind of warmth and humor that is both a genuine expression of their internal sensitivity and a defensive construction or social shield. In social interactions, this can give their superficial acquaintances the feeling that a bond has been established when the Self-Preservation Five has merely been studying or placating them, not necessarily initiating a relationship. As the most Fivish of the Five subtypes, it is unlikely that this Five would be mistaken for another type.

    The Path from Vice to Virtue

    Self-Preservation Fives can travel the path from avarice to non-attachment by taking the risk to relax boundaries and barriers to connection more often, and by making more efforts to share their feelings with other people, even when it opens the door to fear and anxiety. People with this subtype can usefully work to notice how their beliefs about what's possible or desirable in relationships and in the world hold them back from getting the recognition or support that might help them grow. Rather than becoming fixated in resignation, challenge your sense of what's possible and imagine all the ways you might allow yourself to grow and expand if you didn't feel like you needed such high walls around you. Remind yourself that you can open up to letting people in more deeply and more often and still maintain a healthy sense of control in your life. Wake yourself up to ways in which you might be "living little," and realize that you don't necessarily have to make yourself smaller to feel okay. Open up to seeing ways you might share your gifts with the world if you were to spend more time outside the walls of your castle.
    Last edited by Braingel; 08-24-2021 at 10:47 AM.
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    This is just general, but..

    Alpha— So/Sp
    Beta— Sx/So. So/Sx
    Gamma— Sp/Sx . Sx/Sp

    As far as value. This is stereotype, but it is general.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    This is just general, but..

    Alpha— So/Sp
    Beta— Sx/So. So/Sx
    Gamma— Sp/Sx . Sx/Sp

    As far as value. This is stereotype, but it is general.
    I would say add sp/so for Delta. Both of my sister (EII) and my dad (LSE) are sp/so, or I might mistype them because they are Deltas. Hank Hill is a prototypical Delta and he's also a sp/so Delta. It's a very boring, non-intense instinctual variant.

    As for sx/sp, I think they are in between Beta and Gamma. Most of the description of sx/sp sounds very IEI ("shaman" and "self-cutter") but then again, sx/sp is more individualistic than the Beta description. If an enneagram 4 sx/sp is an IEI, then they wouldn't be confused for other sociotype. However, if an enneagram 4 sx/sp is not an IEI, then they would be easily confused for IEI.

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    Sp/So (Self-preservation > Social)


    The Minimalist: Lives simply, but effectively, and can help others and themselves with a no-nonsense view on things.


    The Slave: Is endlessly stuck in a grueling job and sees no other purpose or greater meaning to life other than to work and survive.
    This variation of instincts uses SO in service of SP to make connections or find teams to help support their goals. This type tends to be practical and feels the calmest in energy. They are oftentimes the dependable star worker. They enjoy groups with shared interests, and enjoy cooperating and connecting with others as a means to feel more secure. This type tends to be less flashy overall, and more stable and consistent in their relations. A sexual blindspot can make them seem less passionate and less show-y. Reserved. Their primary goal is SP related (security), and they focus on Social aspects and connecting with others in order to feel secure.
    Delta Aristocracy

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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    It is very similar to the idea that an Fe ignoring would publicly exhibit their emotion in dramatic way..

    Even being apart of WSS.. That to me epitomizes the trying find a group of people who you intellectually can relate as to.
    lol, you can ask Jack, I never really wanted to be a part of WSS's "official" stuff.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    I would say add sp/so for Delta. Both of my sister (EII) and my dad (LSE) are sp/so, or I might mistype them because they are Deltas. Hank Hill is a prototypical Delta and he's also a sp/so Delta. It's a very boring, non-intense instinctual variant.

    As for sx/sp, I think they are in between Beta and Gamma. Most of the description of sx/sp sounds very IEI ("shaman" and "self-cutter") but then again, sx/sp is more individualistic than the Beta description. If an enneagram 4 sx/sp is an IEI, then they wouldn't be confused for other sociotype. However, if an enneagram 4 sx/sp is not an IEI, then they would be easily confused for IEI.
    I think as a general rule of thumb, IEI is going to be Social 4. Sexual variance as secondary.. Sexual 4 archetype more so is fitting with HA Se than that of Se suggestive.. An Sx 4 IEI probably will mistype EIE by others, if it does happen.

    Sx dom fits SLE and EIE quite well..

    The type that may be Sp in our Quadra is LSI.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post

    lol, you can ask Jack, I never really wanted to be a part of WSS's "official" stuff.
    But the theme is that even if you do not want to do these things, you always find yourself in the position of social leading positions, which an Sp dom is not going to really do that. Maybe you are just good with organizing and being technical, but it always seems to be you, and you even if rather would be keeping to self like a 5, always anyhow find yourself circling into this role.. Owner and moderator of sedecology. Organizer of meet ups.. Apart of WSS… You are apart of various online communities…

    You are good enough with So means and hierarchies, to be able to effectively manage of them. This is not an Sp dom focus. An Sp dom focus averts on gathering the material resources and ensuring comfort and sensory efficiency.. To ensure the basics need… Your focuses are much more on social things, not necessarily practical, put to use things (compare with Prince Noir). You have to manage the social aspects of these groups.. This overtime, would strain an Sp dom who wants put their focus on Sp things and self-preserving pursuits.. You are in the constant focus and position of these social things, especially with Sedecology. You also invented the ability to show friends only of the typing, and that can be seen as more a social reading of whether or not it is appropriate to show someone their typing..

    A true Sp dom is going to really strain if their primary focus is not on Sp pursuit. Even with Social as a secondary means of fulfillment and to help preserve and stabilize the fundamental Sp core… An Sp dom will feel incomplete and like they cannot live without the preservation of their own resources, materials and that liking. However, 5 already has this fear to begin with to an extent in and of itself, which can be what is confusing.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post

    lol, you can ask Jack, I never really wanted to be a part of WSS's "official" stuff.

    Self-preservation: Home – The Castle Defender

    Home is one’s castle and a place to retreat from the world and feel safe. This subtype is concerned about having enough supplies, which can lead to hoarding. Or the opposite may be a true, with a lack in allegiance to any geographical location, forever traveling or moving from place to place.

    Social: Totem/Symbols – The Professor
    This subtype has a hunger for knowledge and mastery of the sacred symbols and language of the group or society (totems). Yet at the same time, this subtype can become trapped in the role of observer or learned teacher by over-emphasizing analysis and interpretation, which can get in the way of participating with others.

    One-to-One: Confidentiality – The Secret Agent
    This subtype will share confidences from the inner, private world in one-to-one relationships. A secretive quality or profound reserve can reflect some of the tension between the need to make contact and the need to preserve autonomy.
    Your interests in Socionics and I think you before have shared sacred geometry or something of sort, fits well with the focus on such matter.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    I think as a general rule of thumb, IEI is going to be Social 4. Sexual variance as secondary.. Sexual 4 archetype more so is fitting with HA Se than that of Se suggestive.. An Sx 4 IEI probably will mistype EIE by others, if it does happen.

    Sx dom fits SLE and EIE quite well..

    The type that may be Sp in our Quadra is LSI.
    I would say both so/sx and sx/sp are common in IEI. Both are synflow types and thus they are drawn to people. Abuse in Sedecology did said that IEI are associated with "So/Sx for the accessibility and Sx/Sp for the 'letting loose' part." I think the sexual 4 description sounds more sx/so 4 (contraflow and more extroverted) than sx/sp 4 (synflow and more introverted). Sx/sp 4 still has the "I suffer, you suffer" but it is very low-key. Sx/sp is more stalker (synflow) than sx/so cult leader (contraflow). It is less Se HA and more Ni lead. While IEI sx/so 4 are confused for EIE, it is very unlikely that an IEI sx/sp 4 are confused for EIE.

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    Come and think about it, sx/sp sounds like Beta and Gamma irrational (Se or Ni lead) in many descriptions. Push-and-pull in sx/sp is basically the description of aggressor-victim relations. It's spontaneous. It's push-and-pull, all-or-nothing, and burst of intensity but then pulling back to protect oneself. Rather than a marathon, it's a 100 m sprint or 40 yd dash.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    But the theme is that even if you do not want to do these things, you always find yourself in the position of social leading positions, which an Sp dom is not going to really do that. Maybe you are just good with organizing and being technical, but it always seems to be you, and you even if rather would be keeping to self like a 5, always anyhow find yourself circling into this role.. Owner and moderator of sedecology. Organizer of meet ups.. Apart of WSS… You are apart of various online communities…
    I'm not sure how something can be considered part of your personality unless it's done naturally of your own volition.

    You are good enough with So means and hierarchies, to be able to effectively manage of them. This is not an Sp dom focus. An Sp dom focus averts on gathering the material resources and ensuring comfort and sensory efficiency..
    You aren't really privy to those other things seeing only my online behavior. But sure, I think so is a part of my behavior at least, at least more than sx.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    I'm not sure how something can be considered part of your personality unless it's done naturally of your own volition.

    You aren't really privy to those other things seeing only my online behavior. But sure, I think so is a part of my behavior at least, at least more than sx.
    Enneagram is not as much personality, in spite of it being a “personality metric”. Its original purpose outside of it being channeled, was to depict psychopathology within one. Predict personality disorders, anxiety and other means.. It has been made into it. the enneagram involves unconscious mechanisms that formulate within childhood, and an instinct is an unconscious focus.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Does this identify with narcissism?

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    I wonder what would you type me :3c
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    Alright, I tried to get everyone I can think of an interact with here a bit on here. I am sorry if I didn’t get you. These are just my opinions, they could be false. Enjoy y’all.

    My typings:

    @Adam Strange: Type 8w7

    @BILLYLOType 6w5. Though, sometimes I think you are a w7 honestly. But that So really shines through for you. You are so so counter phobic

    @chriscorey: Type 7w8

    @fatgurl:Type 9w1, you basically scream type 1 to me.

    @Braingel:Type 4, no doubt. But I see you with balanced wings personally

    @D E M O N:Type 2w3

    @Beautiful sky: Type 2w1, I think you are the best representing for that type.

    @BandD: Type 5w4. I would say type 6 but you seem a lot more comfortable being without support. W6 have a different kind of cray crazy that I don’t see with you.

    @DEAD: Type 8w9

    @Stray Cat: Type 8, maybe counter phobic type 6

    @FreelancePoliceman: I really want to say type 5 but I can’t. You seem type 9w1 to me. Especially because you have mentioned you don’t like asserting individuality. I feel a type 3 would help you out more then a type 8 in terms of development. You have a 1 sharpness as well when it comes to social aspects. Very So.

    @myresearch: Type 5w6. I get you girl. I know a type 6 wing when I see it

    @aster: hmmmm I honestly really don’t know. You seem to me like a type 2w3. Heart triad and you are not afraid to be assertive. Maybe even type 3w2.

    @Poptart: Type 9 or type 3. Personally, I just have a feeling you may be a type 3w2. I can’t see you in the instinct triad but I won’t rule it out.

    @one You are a tricky one (pun intended ). I think type 3, type 6, or type 8. I think type 3 to be honest and you are moving towards type 6 possibly. You remind me a bit of my type 3 friend.

    @PinKDiGiT18- you are a tough one too. Either heart or instinct triad. Either type 4, type 2 or type 9w8.

    @rtht: Type 9 or 2 possibly, I haven’t interacted with you enough to fully feel it.

    @lkdhf qkb: My Type 6 Brother! I honestly see you as a type 6w7 personally.

    @flowers and sugar: Type 9

    @aixelsyd: this is touch for me. I would say type 5.

    @AWellArmedCat: Type 5

    @Tallmo- Type 9w1 I would say.

    @MidnightWilderness: Type 4w3

    @pandemic candy: Type 8, I want to say type 6 counter phobic but so can’t.

    @PseudoRandomBSGenerator: I think type 7w6. If not type 7, then for sure type 9.

    @RaptorWizard Fool: I find you as one of the hardest to type to be honest. I have had to decode a lot (which I really enjoy) and from your ideology, I think either a type 4w5 or 1w2 personally.

    @Baqer: You always stump me the most to be honest. Often a mystery to me. You’re either type 5, type 8, or type 3. I am heavily leaning toward type 8w9.

    Last edited by MissDucki; 08-26-2021 at 04:18 PM.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post

    @D E M O N:Type 2w3
    I got mentioned

    I haven't thought about what my enneagram is very much, I've been trying to learn more about it. This could be true I'm going to look into it.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

  21. #61
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    I don’t think I’m 9… I don’t fear conflict or minimize problems. I also doubt 1 or 3, but my enneagram type doesn’t matter to me much so idk.

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    Yes I like 5w4 a lot for me. I always looked over it for many years cuz I was hooked on thinking I was a 4 or a 9- but reading about 5 it just felt like it was so me.

    Type 6 I think is looking for a buddy too much- I mean I can get lonely and like having friends but I don't really do well when somebody tries to ease my anxieties and insecurities. The only way for anybody to really relieve my anxiety or insecurities would be to either leave me alone and get out of my way- or give me power hehe (5 integrating to 8) I feel much better being the supportive one than receiving 'support' I think.

    I am 6-like at times because I will do the question authority thing sometimes that 6s are known for. But I think I'm mostly questioning authority because I want to be the Head Authority myself lolol (again 8 integration) - not because I want a loyal Fi friend. ((totally different motivation))

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    Yeah @MissDucki I feel soooo much better when I'm more 8-ish. Although I'm way too shy, laid-back and introverted to be an 8 myself of course lol - it is more like psychologically feeling 8-ish in my mind. 5s are so in-our-heads that finding some sense of external authority (like healthy 8s) is really the way to go.

    4 integrating to 1- meh. Other people like it when I'm morally principled but I don't care much for it. I just want power.

    6 integrating to 9 - Not really at all. Being more 9-ish would exacerbate all my perceived problems instead of help or alleviate them.

    9 integrating to 3 - Probably the 2nd closest best. However I don't feel like 'myself' as a faux-3 as much as I do when I'm a faux-8. Feels like trying to be somebody I'm not just so celebrities or Karens would like me more, but in all reality I'm the Celebrity Slayer lolol.

    Giving me therapy and support doesn't work. Giving me the nuclear codes works! ((even though I don't have the Te to use them- so don't worry. Or probably worry for that very reason...)) Luckily I will hire Te people to handle that stuff when I'm President!

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Yeah @MissDucki I feel soooo much better when I'm more 8-ish. Although I'm way too shy, laid-back and introverted to be an 8 myself of course lol - it is more like psychologically feeling 8-ish in my mind. 5s are so in-our-heads that finding some sense of external authority (like healthy 8s) is really the way to go.

    4 integrating to 1- meh. Other people like it when I'm morally principled but I don't care much for it. I just want power.

    6 integrating to 9 - Not really at all. Being more 9-ish would exacerbate all my perceived problems instead of help or alleviate them.

    9 integrating to 3 - Probably the 2nd closest best. However I don't feel like 'myself' as a faux-3 as much as I do when I'm a faux-8. Feels like trying to be somebody I'm not just so celebrities or Karens would like me more, but in all reality I'm the Celebrity Slayer lolol.

    Giving me therapy and support doesn't work. Giving me the nuclear codes works! ((even though I don't have the Te to use them- so don't worry. Or probably worry for that very reason...)) Luckily I will hire Te people to handle that stuff when I'm President!
    I think once you get known well, it is obvious you are a 5 core.. You seem withdrawn, not quite as caring about harmony and sustenance of peace, and you do not seem individually focused enough to be a 4, and you seem in a way, shameless. you also are older.. But you seem versed in some aspects of information, and it is very easy to imagine you disintegrating to 7.
    I am in my head; not society.

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    But you seem versed in some aspects of information, and it is very easy to imagine you disintegrating to 7.
    I'll try to explain what my 7 disintegration feels like... if I'm going on a trip or vacation, and people want to fit too many things in the day (7s enjoy very varied lifestyles) I will feel insecure and overwhelmed. It kinda drains away all my confidence. I'd MUCH rather do one or two things that day and really absorb the knowledge of those things I like, then do multiple things more superficially... in fact, I would be honest with myself and say I really, really dislike that. And if I go on a trip with people who can appreciate this about me I would probably love them forever and ever lol.

    Also if I'm just not doing anything or too lost in my head- I will start to feel the world as being way too open-ended and I feel neurotic. I have noticed I can even feel like I am going 'crazy' if this goes on well enough. Also this is mixed in with Ne devaluing I think.

  26. #66
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    I type myself as 5w4 sp/sx.

    @MissDucki I know you get me, I feel understood <3 and you are definitely right on your reasoning.

    @Braingel I also see what you see, why you think I can be so/sp.

    I consider these typings for myself, they can fit me. I can give examples to illustrate how they fit me.

    But there are also other things that are recurring and that are at the core of my being that I haven't mentioned here at all. When I add these typings with my sociotype, lots of stuff doesn't make sense. I can again give examples about these things.

    I can open a thread in the future and I would like to hear your opinions then. However, I don't want to get into typology identity crisis at the moment

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    Alright, I tried to get everyone I can think of an interact with here a bit on here. I am sorry if I didn’t get you. These are just my opinions, they could be false. Enjoy y’all.

    My typings:

    @Adam Strange: Type 8w7

    @BILLYLOType 6w5. Though, sometimes I think you are a w7 honestly. But that So really shines through for you. You are so so counter phobic

    @chriscorey: Type 7w8

    @fatgurl:Type 9w1, you basically scream type 1 to me.

    @Braingel:Type 4, no doubt. But I see you with balanced wings personally

    @D E M O N:Type 2w3

    @Beautiful sky: Type 2w1, I think you are the best representing for that type.

    @BandD: Type 5w4. I would say type 6 but you seem a lot more comfortable being without support. W6 have a different kind of cray crazy that I don’t see with you.

    @DEAD: Type 8w9

    @Stray Cat: Type 8, maybe counter phobic type 6

    @FreelancePoliceman: I really want to say type 5 but I can’t. You seem type 9w1 to me. Especially because you have mentioned you don’t like asserting individuality. I feel a type 3 would help you out more then a type 8 in terms of development. You have a 1 sharpness as well when it comes to social aspects. Very So.

    @myresearch: Type 5w6. I get you girl. I know a type 6 wing when I see it

    @aster: hmmmm I honestly really don’t know. You seem to me like a type 2w3. Heart triad and you are not afraid to be assertive. Maybe even type 3w2.

    @Poptart: Type 9 or type 3. Personally, I just have a feeling you may be a type 3w2. I can’t see you in the instinct triad but I won’t rule it out.

    @one You are a tricky one (pun intended ). I think type 3, type 6, or type 8. I think type 3 to be honest and you are moving towards type 6 possibly. You remind me a bit of my type 3 friend.

    @PinKDiGiT18- you are a tough one too. Either heart or instinct triad. Either type 4, type 2 or type 9w8.

    @rtht: Type 9 or 2 possibly, I haven’t interacted with you enough to fully feel it.

    @lkdhf qkb: My Type 6 Brother! I honestly see you as a type 6w7 personally.

    @flowers and sugar: Type 9

    @aixelsyd: this is touch for me. I would say type 5.

    @AWellArmedCat: Type 5

    @Tallmo- Type 9w1 I would say.

    @MidnightWilderness: Type 4w3

    @pandemic candy: Type 8, I want to say type 6 counter phobic but so can’t.

    @PseudoRandomBSGenerator: I think type 7w6. If not type 7, then for sure type 9.

    @RaptorWizard Fool: I find you as one of the hardest to type to be honest. I have had to decode a lot (which I really enjoy) and from your ideology, I think either a type 4w5 or 1w2 personally.

    @Baqer: You always stump me the most to be honest. Often a mystery to me. You’re either type 5, type 8, or type 3. I am heavily leaning toward type 8w9.

    lol You think I'm So first as well?

  28. #68
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    This is such a major costume jungle of sweet Bunny halos to the convex distorter realm of inversion and alternate mapping for the piston to counter balance the heavy rainfall of Pokemon Stadium.

    Basically, people are trying on many masks and getting power boosted augments to show off a new face.
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    Quote Originally Posted by BILLYLO View Post
    lol You think I'm So first as well?
    100%. So types to be more rules, ideology, and group oriented. I’m surprised when you typed yourself Sp first because of your need of community and finding the right religious ideology for yourself. So types tend to be we/us and everyone is connected and hold a responsibility to each other then we, I, and me.

    Like, I come first lol. Every action I do is to make sure I will be okay and be perceived positively to make sure I don’t loose my security. I honestly don’t care about „community“ or „ideology“ too much. I don’t like groups, I don’t trust groups. If I like an authority is because I personally chooses to do so but I will dethrone him if he screwed with the security and is pulling too much ideology crap (personally). The only time I consider someone’s identity a threat is if this Affiliation or threat effects me or my people‘s security. I think I’m more so So blind though.

    I personally think you are So/sp personally. You have that self focus Sp aspect but ideology seems to be the most important for you. I think I am Sp/sx. I deeply care about my close and personal relationships, but I come first. I will not sacrifice myself so easily. My security is always #1

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    My typings:
    @DEAD: Type 8w9
    Yeah, I would say that's possible because I've mellowed out quite a lot from my teenage years. As a teenager, I was very angry and aggressive. I got mad at a lot of stupid things, but now I am learning to be 'less agressive', which is VERY hard, considering some of the people in the world and to fuel most of my anger into situations that really need it. I find that listening to music and punching thinhs helps a lot. In my mid 20s, I am a lot less aggressive now than I was before. I do have a strong presence that's grounded as well. I'd say I am more softer than the w7. But I'm not afraid of conflict at all. I try to ignore the stupid stuff, but it's hard to pick battles wisely. I like to be in control as much as I can and I also like to be alone.

    I'm watching the TVD and I
    definitely relate to the werewolves a LOT more than the vampires. I'm on Season Two and if I was in TVD universe, I'd deffo be one, but I guess they are pretty much the 'type eight' of supernatural beasts, more so than the vampires.

    [Also, y'all know you can snip quotes right, so everyone typed doesn't have to show up?]

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post

    [Also, y'all know you can snip quotes right, so everyone typed doesn't have to show up?]
    I know, but I find it nice being mentioned. I get excited when I am mentioned! People don’t have to like or respond really. I feel bad not mentioning people when I write their name. I feel shady

  32. #72
    ☽ the cutest type ☾ Aquamarine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    Alright, I tried to get everyone I can think of an interact with here a bit on here. I am sorry if I didn’t get you. These are just my opinions, they could be false. Enjoy y’all.

    My typings:

    @Adam Strange: Type 8w7

    @BILLYLOType 6w5. Though, sometimes I think you are a w7 honestly. But that So really shines through for you. You are so so counter phobic

    @chriscorey: Type 7w8

    @fatgurl:Type 9w1, you basically scream type 1 to me.

    @Braingel:Type 4, no doubt. But I see you with balanced wings personally

    @D E M O N:Type 2w3

    @Beautiful sky: Type 2w1, I think you are the best representing for that type.

    @BandD: Type 5w4. I would say type 6 but you seem a lot more comfortable being without support. W6 have a different kind of cray crazy that I don’t see with you.

    @DEAD: Type 8w9

    @Stray Cat: Type 8, maybe counter phobic type 6

    @FreelancePoliceman: I really want to say type 5 but I can’t. You seem type 9w1 to me. Especially because you have mentioned you don’t like asserting individuality. I feel a type 3 would help you out more then a type 8 in terms of development. You have a 1 sharpness as well when it comes to social aspects. Very So.

    @myresearch: Type 5w6. I get you girl. I know a type 6 wing when I see it

    @aster: hmmmm I honestly really don’t know. You seem to me like a type 2w3. Heart triad and you are not afraid to be assertive. Maybe even type 3w2.

    @Poptart: Type 9 or type 3. Personally, I just have a feeling you may be a type 3w2. I can’t see you in the instinct triad but I won’t rule it out.

    @one You are a tricky one (pun intended ). I think type 3, type 6, or type 8. I think type 3 to be honest and you are moving towards type 6 possibly. You remind me a bit of my type 3 friend.

    @PinKDiGiT18- you are a tough one too. Either heart or instinct triad. Either type 4, type 2 or type 9w8.

    @rtht: Type 9 or 2 possibly, I haven’t interacted with you enough to fully feel it.

    @lkdhf qkb: My Type 6 Brother! I honestly see you as a type 6w7 personally.

    @flowers and sugar: Type 9

    @aixelsyd: this is touch for me. I would say type 5.

    @AWellArmedCat: Type 5

    @Tallmo- Type 9w1 I would say.

    @MidnightWilderness: Type 4w3

    @pandemic candy: Type 8, I want to say type 6 counter phobic but so can’t.

    @PseudoRandomBSGenerator: I think type 7w6. If not type 7, then for sure type 9.

    @RaptorWizard Fool: I find you as one of the hardest to type to be honest. I have had to decode a lot (which I really enjoy) and from your ideology, I think either a type 4w5 or 1w2 personally.

    @Baqer: You always stump me the most to be honest. Often a mystery to me. You’re either type 5, type 8, or type 3. I am heavily leaning toward type 8w9.

    I do relate a lot to type 1. I actually wondered if it could be my type for a while but it's just a really strong wing.
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    I don't remember being mentioned on a list before, that's fun.
    I'm pretty well settled on my 9-ness by now, never been sure of wing tho, but is it necessary?
    Not in my case it seems.

    I'd be interested in knowing if people see any sort of instinct in me tho. When passing tests, I often think all the options are effing awful(and painfully obvious) so I probably got weak instincts anyway.

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    100%. So types to be more rules, ideology, and group oriented. I’m surprised when you typed yourself Sp first because of your need of community and finding the right religious ideology for yourself. So types tend to be we/us and everyone is connected and hold a responsibility to each other then we, I, and me.

    Like, I come first lol. Every action I do is to make sure I will be okay and be perceived positively to make sure I don’t loose my security. I honestly don’t care about „community“ or „ideology“ too much. I don’t like groups, I don’t trust groups. If I like an authority is because I personally chooses to do so but I will dethrone him if he screwed with the security and is pulling too much ideology crap (personally). The only time I consider someone’s identity a threat is if this Affiliation or threat effects me or my people‘s security. I think I’m more so So blind though.

    I personally think you are So/sp personally. You have that self focus Sp aspect but ideology seems to be the most important for you. I think I am Sp/sx. I deeply care about my close and personal relationships, but I come first. I will not sacrifice myself so easily. My security is always #1
    When I first got into the enneagram I thought Sp first people were all selfish, lol. It's the me first thing, I don't know why it rubs me the wrong way. Maybe because I do sacrifice myself a lot for other people. I can't tell when last I ever thought me first. But that can be a benefit of Sp.
    Chronic "grass is always greener" syndrome

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post

    @Tallmo- Type 9w1 I would say.

    You're probably right. I've always typed myself 9w1. I don't know much about the Enneagram though. But as far as I can tell.

    Someone once suggested that I could be a 5. But I don't relate to that at all. Nine it is.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  36. #76
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    Ok @MissDucki I looked more into it and I think you might be right about me being a 2. I've been listening to videos about enneagram and I took a couple of quizzes and I got 2.

    Do you have X-Ray vision? Because I think you can see right through me lol .
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    I know, but I find it nice being mentioned. I get excited when I am mentioned! People don’t have to like or respond really. I feel bad not mentioning people when I write their name. I feel shady

    I was talking to the people who have the whole damn post of your types quoted just to write one sentence under it lol. Not you, Ducki.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post

    @PseudoRandomBSGenerator: I think type 7w6. If not type 7, then for sure type 9.
    I'm quite sure of 792 and it is hard for me not to think anything but head first type.
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    Why is there such a strong Christian following in the enneagram community?
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Quote Originally Posted by D E M O N View Post
    Why is there such a strong Christian following in the enneagram community?
    There is? Seems like it'd be the opposite with the Catholic church condemning it.

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