Sp/So (Self-preservation > Social)


The Minimalist: Lives simply, but effectively, and can help others and themselves with a no-nonsense view on things.


The Slave: Is endlessly stuck in a grueling job and sees no other purpose or greater meaning to life other than to work and survive.
This variation of instincts uses SO in service of SP to make connections or find teams to help support their goals. This type tends to be practical and feels the calmest in energy. They are oftentimes the dependable star worker. They enjoy groups with shared interests, and enjoy cooperating and connecting with others as a means to feel more secure. This type tends to be less flashy overall, and more stable and consistent in their relations. A sexual blindspot can make them seem less passionate and less show-y. Reserved. Their primary goal is SP related (security), and they focus on Social aspects and connecting with others in order to feel secure.
Delta Aristocracy