
I like your typings of me. I am most like a 5. I am 4-ish but only superficially, my actual cognitive processes I don't really see how they are 4-like much at all. 9...peacemaker. Mehhhh I feel this sorta sucks away all my nuance and complexities too much as my true nature is probably more 'provocative' than peaceful. I like peace to an extent because I'm a faggit and faggits stereotypically enjoy peace & quiet over trailer trash fighting & rowdiness, but this also feels too shallow in a way so I do think 5 is the best fit for me as of late. But I could be some form of 549 tri-type definitely.

I would get into enneagram more if it had an intertype relationship system like socionics because I like the Fi-ish slumber party gossipiness of socionics intertype relationship system. But it doesn't even put how the types interact together into any tiers afaik which is part of why I don't get into it as much. It will try to explain them without labeling them or putting it in tiers and my Ti-valuing + aristocratic quadra nature enjoys labels & tier lists hehe.

I do know 1s probably irritate me the most and vice-versa it seems. I don't know how much of this is related to personality type though or if like morally self-righteous fucktards are just universally annoying. I don't really like completely immoral evil people either though.