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Thread: Member Questionnaire (BILLY)

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  1. #1
    The Darling Duck~ MissDucki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BILLYLO View Post
    Is the smell that pungent? Yes, it's true, of all the SLIs on this site, I am the most well developed. My Ne, Fi, even Fe, is so much more powerful than theirs. The other SLIs on this site fear me and my sheer dominance as the paterfamilius of the SLI household.

    Which of the two do you think is most likely? D or N? Since you made a video, here's a short video from me. Let me know what you think:

    For fuck sakes I got Rick rolled. Touché my Si Dom buddy, touché.

    I was thinking you may be Creative as well like me but, I don’t know. Just, you’re not afraid to command a situation it seems but I don’t get hit with your heavy Te very much to be honest. I get a lot more Si and Fi. But I think that would show in more real life. My mom gets pissed at me when my Te sucks LMAO. I think normalizing could work because I see a lot of strong Fi, like too much lol. Which made me think normalizing. But, you respond and like a lot of Ne stuff and let your freak out on here since I have befriended you lol. But, you don’t seem to seek out a lot of Ne doms in general to get close. You enjoy them but not to the point of getting in a relationship (from most of your posts I have seen this far). I remember you chase after ESI’s a lot and they have strong Si.

    Actually, I think you are SLI-SI-Creative

    SLI have boosted Si and Fi so it would show that. Creatives have boosted Ne, Fe, and Se. I can see you going after harmonizing Fi types easily. Plus, creatives have less shame LMAO. It’s okay, I am like that too Plus I seem to get along with you a bit more then typical SLI’s. Maybe it’s because we’re both type 6 and have boosted Ne or something else. Anyway, that’s my final take

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    For fuck sakes I got Rick rolled. Touché my Si Dom buddy, touché.

    I was thinking you may be Creative as well like me but, I don’t know. Just, you’re not afraid to command a situation it seems but I don’t get hit with your heavy Te very much to be honest. I get a lot more Si and Fi. But I think that would show in more real life. My mom gets pissed at me when my Te sucks LMAO. I think normalizing could work because I see a lot of strong Fi, like too much lol. Which made me think normalizing. But, you respond and like a lot of Ne stuff and let your freak out on here since I have befriended you lol. But, you don’t seem to seek out a lot of Ne doms in general to get close. You enjoy them but not to the point of getting in a relationship (from most of your posts I have seen this far). I remember you chase after ESI’s a lot and they have strong Si.

    Actually, I think you are SLI-SI-Creative

    SLI have boosted Si and Fi so it would show that. Creatives have boosted Ne, Fe, and Se. I can see you going after harmonizing Fi types easily. Plus, creatives have less shame LMAO. It’s okay, I am like that too Plus I seem to get along with you a bit more then typical SLI’s. Maybe it’s because we’re both type 6 and have boosted Ne or something else. Anyway, that’s my final take
    I couldn't resist, never trust a link without a preview from me, I never make that mistake

    Yeah, honestly I feel like my Te is pretty subpar for an SLI. Good at organizing my personal space and personal work, such as what I was saying on the random thought thread about how a coworker I don't get along with but work same job with, was telling me how he's happy I'm back because nothing has been getting done with my absense, but beyond that, Te feels subpar compared other Te egos.

    I definitely enjoy friendship with Ne egos but I wouldn't want a relationship with one. I like people who seem stable and dedicated for something like that, like ExIs generally, and IxEs consistently seem too fickle and uncommitted to me to want to take the gamble.

    Thanks for the evaluation! I'll keep it on mind. So I think I'll cross out D and H from the equation and look more into C and N for which I am.

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