1) Michael: Michael loves French (German, Spanish) class because he loves to talk. He can’t wait to tell you all about himself and his friends, family, etc. He loves to do skits and will often make up extra dialogue on the spur of the moment. When he sees you in the hall, he always says Bonjour!/Hola!/Guten tag! instead of hello. His notebook, however, is a mess, and he does not do well on the written tests. His oral work, while expansive, is full of errors. He is so enthusiastic, you can’t help but like him. He is always coming up before class to ask you questions about France or to tell you that he ate at La Madeleine restaurant. He wants to go on the student trip to France during Spring Break. To your surprise, a review of his grades shows that he is barely passing the class. (20 pts.)
2) Laura: Laura makes the highest grades on your Spanish (German, French) tests. She is extremely well organized and always gets 100% on her notebook. She sits up front and copies down everything that is on the board and most of what you say. She studies Spanish/Ger/Fren every night and knows the verb conjugations. When you call on her to speak, she takes her time answering to be sure she has the correct answer. She does not particularly like group work or skits, although she will do everything that is expected. Sometimes, during group work, you notice that Laura is answering all of the questions without giving anyone else a chance. The others don’t mind because she rarely makes a mistake. She also wants to go on the trip to Mexico/Germany/France over Spring Break. She wants to perfect her Spanish/Ger/Fren so she can use it someday when she majors in international business. Laura recently came to you to ask you for the particulars on a creative project that you assigned the class, a picture collage of an emotion. She was a little frustrated because you did not tell the class which emotion to use, how many pictures were required or how big the poster should be. (20 pts.)
3) Suzanne: Suzanne is extremely shy. You can hardly get her to participate in your German (French, Spanish) class at all. She sits in back and hides behind Ben, hoping that you won’t call on her. Although her written work is not bad, she will only give one-word answers when you call on her. During skits, you can hardly hear what she is saying because she speaks so low. When you pass out a test, Suzanne spends a lot of time looking at it before even picking up her pencil. She frequently gets low grades on tests because she does not finish.. She does excel at making her picture vocabulary cards and on drawing her room, her family tree, etc. She does not like group work or games. She has no interest in going on the student trip to Germany, Spain, Canada and she can’t wait until her 2-year language requirement is over with. (20 pts.)