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Thread: Explain Information Elements with Jung's Original Texts

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    Default Explain Information Elements with Jung's Original Texts

    A lot of people don't understand why Socionics' definitions are the same as Jung's. So I attempt to explain all the 8 IMEs with Jung's original texts, trying to reveal the connections between Jung and Socionics.

    The article contains three parts: quotation, remark, and example. All quotations are from Jung's Psychological Types and Tavistock Lectures. Remarks and examples are written by me. In general, I quote the texts that support the dichotomy-based definitions and the texts that contradict common misinterpretations.

    1) Introversion and Extroversion

    Remark 1.1 The concepts of introversion and extroversion are core concepts in Jungian Typologies. They are essential to understand the eight information elements correctly. It's very easy to misunderstand them.

    Quotation 1.2 the introverted is distinguished from the extraverted type by the fact that, unlike the latter, who is prevailingly orientated by the object and objective data, he is governed by subjective factors. (The Introverted Type)

    Remark 1.3 A fundamental definition is given in this quotation. However, the meaning of "subjective factor" in Jung's texts is different from what we usually mean.

    Quotation 1.4 As the subjective factor, then, I understand that psychological action or reaction which, when merged with the effect of the object, makes a new psychic fact. Now, in so far as the subjective factor, since oldest times and among all peoples, remains in a very large measure identical with itself—since elementary perceptions and cognitions are almost universally the same—it is a reality that is just as firmly established as the outer object. (The Introverted Type)

    Quotation 1.5 The introverted attitude is normally governed by the psychological structure, theoretically determined by heredity, but which to the subject is an ever present subjective factor. (The Introverted Type)

    Remark 1.6 The "subjective factor" is determined by heredity. It's a cognitive pattern originating from our evolution. Hence, being introverted doesn't mean being personal. Instead, it has some internal similarities among all human beings.

    Quotation 1.7 The psychological structure is the same. Semon has termed it ‘mneme’, whereas I call it the ‘collective unconscious’. The individual Self is a portion, or excerpt, or representative, of something universally present in all living creatures, and, therefore, a correspondingly graduated kind of psychological process, which is born anew in every creature. Since earliest times, the inborn manner of acting has been called instinct, and for this manner of psychic apprehension of the object I have proposed the term archetype. (The Introverted Type)

    Remark 1.8 Jung defines the terms "collective unconscious" and "archetype" here. Also, in the same paragraph, he states that another word for archetype is "primordial image".

    Quotation 1.9 The contents of the collective unconscious are represented in consciousness in the form of pronounced tendencies, or definite ways of looking at things. They are generally regarded by the individual as being determined by the object—incorrectly, at bottom—since they have their source in the unconscious structure of the psyche, and are only released by the operation of the object. (The Introverted Type)

    Remark 1.10 Here, Jung points out that real "introverted" tendencies are easily misunderstood as being determined by objective factors. This is a common misinterpretation. Many may think that "my views" are subjective and hence introverted. This is different from what Jung means by introversion. The Jungian concept of introversion is about the collective unconscious. Such introverted views are easily misunderstood as objective ones. We will introduce more examples and explanations in the next.

    Remark 1.11 In Socionics, introverted information elements are defined to be relationship-oriented. This is exactly the same as Jung's original ideas. Both definitions could be viewed as logical negations of "object-oriented". It differs since Jung is an introvert while Aushra Augusta is an extrovert. Also, they have different background knowledge. In fact, when we process information from the perspective of the collective unconscious, we are dealing with relationship-oriented information. For instance, syllogism is a logical archetype shared around the world and it's relationship-oriented. It points out the relationships between three logical propositions.
    Last edited by CR400AF; 08-21-2021 at 05:20 AM.

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    2) External and Internal, Four Macroelements

    Quotation 2.1 In the first place we will speak of the ectopsychic functions. First of all we have sensation, ...... Sensation tells me that something is: it does not tell me what it is and it does not tell me other things about that something; it only tells me that something is.
    The next function that is distinguishable is thinking. ......
    The third function you can distinguish and for which ordinary language has a term is feeling. ...... Now the 'dreadful' thing about feeling is that it is, like thinking, a rational function. ......
    Now the fourth function. Sensation tells us that a thing is. Thinking tells us what that thing is, feeling tells us what it is worth to us. Now what else could there be? One would assume one has a complete picture of the world when one knows there is something, what it is, and what it is worth. But there is another category, and that is time. Things have a past and they have a future. ...... (Tavistock Lectures)

    Remark 2.2 In this paragraph, the definitions of four cognitive functions are given. We will talk about them later. Besides that, Jung defines a relationship between them. He said that we distinguish thinking before feeling. For irrational functions, we distinguish sensing before intuition. This exactly matches the external-internal (explicit-implicit) dichotomy in Socionics. In Socionics, N is represented by triangles, which are inside the circles that represent S. Similar pattern applies for T and F.
    Last edited by CR400AF; 08-21-2021 at 05:38 AM.

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    3) Sensation
    3.1 ) Extroverted Sensation (Se)
    Quotation 3.1.1 Thus, mere sense impression develops into the depth of the meaningful, while extraverted sensation seizes only the momentary and manifest existence of things. (Introverted Sensation)

    Remark 3.1.2 Introverted Sensation (Si) is dynamic while Extroverted Sensation (Se) is static. The same as the definitions of Socionics.

    Quotation 3.1.3 As sense-perception, sensation is naturally dependent upon the object. But, just as naturally, it is also dependent upon the subject; hence, there is also a subjective sensation, which after its kind is entirely different from the objective. In the extraverted attitude this subjective share of sensation, in so far as its conscious application is concerned, is either inhibited or repressed. (Extroverted Sensation)

    Remark 3.1.4 Se tries its best to repress the influences of such "subjective factors". Notice the definition of "subject factor" in Jung's text (remark 1.6). The "subject factors" are perspectives originating from the collective unconscious.

    Quotation 3.1.5 As a function its sole criterion of value is the strength of the sensation as conditioned by its objective qualities. (Extroverted Sensation)

    Remark 3.1.6 Since the "subjective factors" are repressed, the sensation by Se is determined by the objective properties of objects.

    Example 3.1.7 The "kinetic energy", the "force properties" of objects are determined by the objects themselves. For instance, the force we need to exert to open a door successfully is determined by the physical properties of the door.

    Remark 3.1.8 Hence, Se has a nickname "force" in Socionics. Also, to repress such subjective factors (such as "tired") we also relate it to "volition". We will talk about the subjective factors in the next subsection.

    Quotation 3.1.9 In so far as one is disposed to regard a highly developed sense for sheer actuality as very reasonable, will such men be esteemed rational. (The Extroverted Sensation Type)

    Remark 3.1.10 Jung says that Se-leading types are easily regarded as rationals. This is why many say that the Socionics' Se definition looks like Te. It actually captures what Jung wants to express.

    Quotation 3.1.11 For true enjoyment has its own special morality, its own moderation and lawfulness, its own unselfishness and devotedness. ...... Wulfen’s Cicerone des r¨cksichtlosen Lebensgenusses is the unvarnished confession of a type of this sort. (The Extroverted Sensation Type)

    Remark 3.1.12 A common misinterpretation is related to the word "enjoy". Noticing that Jung claims the "enjoyments" of Se-leading people to be unselfish and devoted. So it's different from what we mean by enjoying usually. Hence, many confuse Si and Se. The "ruthless enjoyment" essentially reveals the inhibition and repression of the subjective factors.

    Quotation 3.1.13 Just as sensation, when given the priority, is not a mere reactive process of no further importance for the object, but is almost an action which seizes and shapes the object, so it is with intuition, which is by no means a mere perception, or awareness, but an active, creative process that builds into the object just as much as it takes out. (Extroverted Intuition)

    Remark 3.1.14 Here Jung explains the "enjoyment" of Se types with an analogy with Ne. In Socionics there is a similar analogy: Ne - "potential energy", Se - "kinetic energy".

    3.2 Introverted Sensation (Si)
    Quotation 3.2.1 In the introverted attitude sensation is definitely based upon the subjective portion of perception. (Introverted Sensation)

    Remark 3.2.2 A fundamental definition. Still, notice the meaning of "subjective factor" (remark 1.6) and its relationship to the collective unconscious.

    Quotation 3.2.3 The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them. (Introverted Sensation)

    Remark 3.2.4 The "subjective factors" which influence Si are essentially from our evolutionary history. They are not that personal but they share some great internal similarities among human beings.

    Example 3.2.5 The sensations of "comfort" and "pain" are evolutionary, they have a perspective from the unconscious and we have a great internal similarity in such sensations. When we are in a relationship with a good situation that helps our survival we tend to feel "comfort". Similarly, we feel "painful" in harmful situations.

    Remark 3.2.6 As pointed out in Quotation 1.9, such sensations are usually regarded as objective. For instance, we one hits the desk, (s)he feels pain and it seems objective since it's related to an objective event. (By the word "related", I mean that it's relationship-oriented information. So it's the same as how Socionics defines it.) However, such sensation essentially stems from our collective unconscious. When people are in dynamic relationships with the objective world, we keep having such sensations. Since there are great internal similarities among our human beings, one's Si is also able to try to understand others' such sensations. Hence, we should not say that Si is "my personal sensations" since it is essentially collective. Socionics defines it as "relationship-oriented" and it's accurate.

    Quotation 3.2.7 The too-low is raised a little, the too-high is made a little lower; the enthusiastic is damped, the extravagant restrained; and the unusual brought within the ‘correct’ formula: all this in order to keep the influence of the object within the necessary bounds. (The Introverted Sensation Type)

    Remark 3.2.8 This is a description of Si-leading types. It indeed shows how Si types value comfort. Also notice that Si types do this "to restrict the influence of the object" so it reveals how their Se-ignoring function works.

    Quotation 3.2.9 From an extraverted and rationalistic standpoint, such types are indeed the most fruitless of men. But, viewed from a higher standpoint, such men are living evidence of the fact that this rich and varied world with its overflowing and intoxicating life is not purely external, but also exists within. (Introverted Irrational Types)

    Remark 3.2.10 This sentence is from Jung's description of introverted irrational types. I quote it because it's the same as the descriptions of the Socionics' IP temperament while it contradicts how many other typologies view Si types.

    Quotation 3.2.11 Now the fourth function. Sensation tells us that a thing is. Thinking tells us what that thing is, feeling tells us what it is worth to us. Now what else could there be? One would assume one has a complete picture of the world when one knows there is something, what it is, and what it is worth. But there is another category, and that is time. Things have a past and they have a future. ...... (Tavistock Lectures)

    Quotation 3.2.13 Therefore the first function on that endopsychic side is memory. (Tavistock Lectures)

    Remark 3.2.13 Jung said these in a lecture given in 1935. It contrasts the popular saying that Si is about the past. In the same lecture, Jung also said that memory is an internal (endopsychic) function of the psyche. Since both S, N, T, and F are external (ectopsychic) functions, memory doesn't belong to any of them.

    3.3 )Summary

    Extraverted Sensation (Se): The object-oriented, external and static irrational information element. Example/nickname: force.

    Introverted Sensation (Si): The relation-oriented, external and dynamic irrational information element. Example/nickname: comfort.
    Last edited by CR400AF; 08-21-2021 at 05:39 AM.

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    That presentation. Someone reads math books. Well, your profile picture was telling already.
    Edit : actually, it is just a presentation in the LaTeX fashion. I couldn't put my finger on it right away.

    About your endeavour : I look forward to it, as someone who wants to read Jung but never had enough energy to go beyond a few pages.

    Also, I'm sorry, but I like to put my posts right in the interstices.
    Last edited by BaruchJorgell; 08-20-2021 at 05:48 PM.

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    4) Intuition

    4.1) Extroverted Intuition (Ne)

    Quotation 4.1.1 Intuition as the function of unconscious perception is wholly directed upon outer objects in the extraverted attitude. ...... In consciousness, the intuitive function is represented by a certain attitude of expectation, a perceptive and penetrating vision, wherein only the subsequent result can prove, in every case, how much was ‘perceived-into’, and how much actually lay in the object. (Extraverted Intuition)

    Remark 4.1.2
    Ne is oriented to objects. It perceives insights in the essence of objects that is not directly seeable. Such essence could only be shown in the past or future. (So both Ni and Ne are time-related.) This is why Ne is related to "potential energy" in Socionics. The object has such potential energy due to its essence. However, not all potentials will show up in the future, not all possibilities will come true.

    Quotation 4.1.3 Just as sensation, when given the priority, is not a mere reactive process of no further importance for the object, but is almost an action which seizes and shapes the object, so it is with intuition, which is by no means a mere perception, or awareness, but an active, creative process that builds into the object just as much as it takes out. (Extroverted Intuition)

    Remark 4.1.4 This is why Ne has the nickname "possibility" in Socionics.

    4.2) Introverted Intuition (Ni)

    Quotation 4.2.1 Whereas introverted sensation is mainly confined to the perception of particular innervation phenomena by way of the unconscious, and does not go beyond them, intuition represses this side of the subjective factor and perceives the image which has really occasioned the innervation. (Introverted Intuition)

    Remark 4.2.2 When comparing Ni with Si, the main difference is that Ni is internal. It perceives what's beyond particular innervation phenomena. However, it's also dynamic and relationship-oriented.

    Quotation 4.2.3 Supposing, for instance, a man is overtaken by a psychogenic attack of giddiness. Sensation is arrested by the peculiar character of this innervationdisturbance, perceiving all its qualities, its intensity, its transient course, the nature of its origin and disappearance in their every detail, without raising the smallest inquiry concerning the nature of the thing which produced the disturbance, or advancing anything as to its content. Intuition, on the other hand, receives from the sensation only the impetus to immediate activity; it peers behind the scenes, quickly perceiving the inner image that gave rise to the specific phenomenon, i.e. the attack of vertigo, in the present case. It sees the image of a tottering man pierced through the heart by an arrow. This image fascinates the intuitive activity; it is arrested by it, and seeks to explore every detail of it. It holds fast to the vision, observing with the liveliest interest how the picture changes, unfolds further, and finally fades. (Introverted Intuition)

    Remark 4.2.4 A good example. At first, it shows that the Socionics' definition of Si is accurate. Then, Jung says that Ni sees internal, implicit things. Jung also describes how Ni is dynamic and relation-oriented in this example. It sees how it changes, unfolds, and finally fades. This is why Ni has the nickname "time" in Socionics. Although Ne is also related to time, it's static, it's not about how things develop and unfold.

    Quotation 4.2.5 In this way introverted intuition perceives all the background processes of consciousness with almost the same distinctness as extraverted sensation senses outer objects. (Introverted Intuition)

    Remark 4.2.6 It's dynamic and it's also very vivid. The keyword is "process".

    Quotation 4.2.7 it can even foresee new possibilities in more or less clear outline, as well as the event which later actually transpires. Its prophetic prevision is to be explained from its relation to the archetypes which represent the law-determined course of all experienceable things. (Introverted Intuition)

    Remark 4.2.8 It's the same as the Socionics' definition. Also, it shows why Ni is introverted. It's based on archetypes. Such archetype is our inborn pattern of apprehension, it's from our heredity and it shows the old, ancient principles which fall into the collective unconscious during our evolution. Such principles are relation-oriented, they tell us the relationships between events. In contrast, Ne sees the essence of objects and hence finds possibilities and potentials.

    Quotation 4.2.9 From an extraverted and rationalistic standpoint, such types are indeed the most fruitless of men. But, viewed from a higher standpoint, such men are living evidence of the fact that this rich and varied world with its overflowing and intoxicating life is not purely external, but also exists within. (Introverted Irrational Types)

    Remark 4.2.10 It's the same as how Socionics describe IP temperament.

    4.3) Summary
    Extroverted Intuition (Ne): the object-oriented, internal and static irrational information element.

    Introverted Intuition (Ni): the relation-oriented, internal and dynamic irrational information element.
    Last edited by CR400AF; 08-21-2021 at 04:01 AM.

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    5) Logic

    5.1) Extroverted Logic (Te)

    Quotation 5.1.1 for the extraverted judgment, the valid and determining criterion is the standard taken from objective conditions, no matter whether this be directly represented by an objectively perceptible fact, or expressed in an objective idea ; for an objective idea, even when subjectively sanctioned, is equally external and objective in origin. (Extroverted Thinking)

    Remark 5.1.2 Objective conditions are dynamic, they keep changing. This shows that Te is a dynamic information element.

    Quotation 5.1.3 The criterion of judgment, therefore, as to whether or no a thinking is extraverted, hangs directly upon the question: by which standard is its judgment governed—is it furnished from without, or is its origin subjective? A further criterion is afforded by the direction of the thinker’s conclusion, namely, whether or no the thinking has a preferential direction outwards. (Extroverted Thinking)

    Remark 5.1.4 Basic definition. Notice the meaning of "subjective" in Jung's text (see Remark 1.6).

    Quotation 5.1.5 or whether (if they are clearly not abstractions from immediate experience) they may not be derived from tradition or borrowed from the intellectual atmosphere of the time. (Extroverted Thinking)

    Remark 5.1.6 The keyword is "of the time". It shows that Te is dynamic.

    Quotation 5.1.7 The vertiginous abundance of the socalled scientific literature of today owes a deplorably high percentage of its existence to this misorientation. (Extroverted Thinking)

    Remark 5.1.8 Although Jung describes the drawbacks of every element, it seems that he is particularly biased against Te. This supports his self-typing such that he is of a Ti-lead type.

    5.2) Introverted Logic (Ti)

    Quotation 5.2.1 Introverted thinking is primarily orientated by the subjective factor. At the least, this subjective factor is represented by a subjective feeling of direction, which, in the last resort, determines judgment. Occasionally, it is a more or less finished image, which to some extent, serves as a standard. (Introverted Thinking)

    Remark 5.2.2 Such subjective factor or image is inborn, decided by heredity and it's an evolved pattern for apprehension. This pattern helps to "serve as a standard" so it's something related to principles. Such logical principles are static and relationship-oriented. For instance, logical laws define relationships among logical propositions. Such principles and laws share a great internal similarity among human beings. For instance, syllogism is a valid logical principle for all human beings while "Because A->B, we must have B->A" is wrong.

    Quotation 5.2.3 This thinking may be conceived either with concrete or with abstract factors, but always at the decisive points it is orientated by subjective data. (Introverted Thinking)

    Remark 5.2.4 It shows the differences in quadra values.

    Quotation 5.2.5 The thinking of the introverted type is positive and synthetic in the development of those ideas which in ever increasing measure approach the eternal validity of the primordial images. (The Introverted Thinking Type)

    Remark 5.2.6 It shows that Ti is static.

    5.3) Summary
    Extroverted Logic (Te): The object-oriented, external and dynamic rational information element.

    Introverted Logic (Ti): The relation-oriented, external and static rational information element.
    Last edited by CR400AF; 08-22-2021 at 07:03 AM.

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    6) Ethics
    6.1) Extraverted Ethics (Fe)

    Quotation 6.1.1 the object is the indispensable determinant of the kind of feeling. (Extroverted Feeling)

    Remark 6.1.2 A basic definition. To understand it, we need to understand "object" and "subjective factors" correctly.

    Quotation 6.1.3 I may feel constrained, for instance, to use the predicate ‘beautiful’ or ‘good’, not because I find the object ‘beautiful’ or ‘good’ from my own subjective feeling, but because it is fitting and politic so to do; (Extroverted Feeling)

    Remark 6.1.4 "I like it" is a judgment about the needing relations between people and things. Such ethical judgments have an evolutionary root such that we share great internal similarities in terms of "like" and "dislike". However, a dynamic emotional atmosphere is not oriented by such subjective factors. When one says that something is 'good' because (s)he believes that it helps the atmosphere, it shows Fe.

    Quotation 6.1.5 Fashions, too, owe their existence to it, and, what is far more valuable, the whole positive and widespread support of social, philanthropic, and such like cultural enterprises. In such matters, extraverted feeling proves itself a creative factor. (Extroverted Feeling)

    Remark 6.1.6 It is a creative factor to create and manipulate emotional atmospheres. These are what Fe types in Socionics good at.

    6.2) Introverted Ethics (Fi)

    Quotation 6.2.1 Primordial images are, of course, just as much idea as feeling. Thus, basic ideas such as God, freedom, immortality are just as much feeling-values as they are significant as ideas. Everything, therefore, that has been said of the introverted thinking refers equally to introverted feeling, only here everything is felt while there it was thought. (Introverted Feeling)

    Remark 6.2.2 Notice that "primordial image" means "archetype", it's an inborn manner of psychic apprehension. However, Fi differs from Ti since it's about ethical judgments, which are internal.

    Example 6.2.3 The needing relations among people or between people and things are such inborn manners. For instance, love, like, need, support, against, etc.

    Quotation 6.2.4 In order to communicate with others it has to find an external form which is not only fitted to absorb the subjective feeling in a satisfying expression, but which must also convey it to one’s fellowman in such a way that a parallel process takes place in him. Thanks to the relatively great internal (as well as external) similarity of the human being, this effect can actually be achieved (Introverted Feeling)

    Remark 6.2.5 This sentence is extremely important. Jung shows that Fi judgments can be communicated among different people. Due to the internal similarities of us human beings, one's Fi could process Fi information related to others. A common misinterpretation in ethical elements is that only "personal feelings" are regarded as Fi. Everything related to another person is regarded as Fe instead. Such misunderstandings contradict Jung's statement here. Indeed, this statement by Jung shows that we should describe Fi as relation-oriented instead of personal.

    Quotation 6.2.6 A superficial judgment might well be betrayed, by a rather cold and reserved demeanour, into denying all feeling to this type. Such a view, however, would be quite false; the truth is, her feelings are intensive rather than extensive. (The Introverted Feeling Type)

    Remark 6.2.7 Jung shows the Fe-ignoring feature of Fi-leading types in this description. It also helps us to understand the difference between Fe and Fi.

    6.3) Summary

    Extraverted Ethics (Fe): The object-oriented, internal and dynamic rational information element.

    Introverted Ethics (Fi): The relation-oriented, internal and static rational information element.

    Remark 6.3.1 In Tavistock Lectures, Jung said that emotion is an internal function, which is the same as memory. In Socionics, the nickname of Fe is also emotion. Notice that the word "emotion" means differently in the two contexts. But anyway I prefer to use dichotomy-based definitions, which essentially form a vector space, in Socionics.
    Last edited by CR400AF; 08-21-2021 at 05:44 AM.

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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Nice work. I just wanted to comment on this:

    Quote Originally Posted by CR400AF View Post

    Quotation 3.2.7 The too-low is raised a little, the too-high is made a little lower; the enthusiastic is damped, the extravagant restrained; and the unusual brought within the ‘correct’ formula: all this in order to keep the influence of the object within the necessary bounds. (The Introverted Sensation Type)

    Remark 3.2.8 This is a description of Si-leading types. It indeed shows how Si types value comfort.
    Yes this is about Si leading types and shows how they value comfort, balance or maybe homeostasis. As far as I can tell Jung is here talking about the objective influence so it is not Si, but rather an observation on "Se ignoring" (in Socionics terminology). This is sometimes confused in Socionics discussions. It should be attributed to Si leading types, but not to Si as a single function.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    This is what I have written so far. It's just an attempt to connect Socionics' definitions and Jung's texts. If there's any problems in the contents please point it out so I could fix it and post it in other places in the future.

    I believe that Socionics' definitions are essentially the same as Jung's. I also tried to support the dichotomy-based definition with Jung's texts since I regard this mathematical definition as the primary one in Socionics. For the nicknames such that comfort, logic and emotion, I regard them as correct examples that will help us to understand Jung.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Nice work. I just wanted to comment on this:

    Yes this is about Si leading types and shows how they value comfort, balance or maybe homeostasis. As far as I can tell Jung is here talking about the objective influence so it is not Si, but rather an observation on "Se ignoring" (in Socionics terminology). This is sometimes confused in Socionics discussions. It should be attributed to Si leading types, but not to Si as a single function.
    I will fix it tomorrow. It should be interpreted as Se-ignoring although it's the same as Si-leading. I pointed out a similar situation in Fi-leading descriptions but I failed to point out this one.

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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CR400AF View Post
    I will fix it tomorrow. It should be interpreted as Se-ignoring although it's the same as Si-leading. I pointed out a similar situation in Fi-leading descriptions but I failed to point out this one.
    I think you did it correctly because you attributed it to the Si type, just like Jung did. I just wanted to clarify this because sometimes people think it is about the Si function itself. Anyway, it is an important paragraph because it is pretty easy to observe in Si leading types.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    updated, fixed errors and spelling issues

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    Interesting, I like it.

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