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Thread: LII (Alpha) vs LSI (Beta) vs ILI (Gamma)

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    May look like an LSI, but -Te. Metaphor's Avatar
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    Default LII (Alpha) vs LSI (Beta) vs ILI (Gamma)

    Typo: It's "LII (Alpha) vs LSI (Beta) vs ILI (Gamma)" but I don't know how I put Beta and skip them all on that title

    To be honest, the answers I've got so far from the questionnaire weren't that appealing. It seems to me that I've been alienated from LII due to the eccentricity in doing unimaginable stuff hence also alienated from ILI since I'm not that pragmatic and often being pedantic at structuring despite having moments in deducing problems to solve those as efficient as possible. So, here I am, torn apart in between a cave that set apart my legs, thus, I ought to jump in one of them in order to survive from this misery. And to solve this, I have a questionnaire that are short by questions but I ought to say, that'd be easier to comprehend how I think by using this since it's flexible and according to the situation:



    Your significant other just ended your 2 year relationship quite suddenly and with no apparent explanation. Up until this point you had both been talking about marriage and last week you even went to look at rings together. Now he/she won't even return your phone calls or texts. After talking with his/her family you find out that he/she has just been diagnosed with terminal stage 4 cancer.

    - Describe how this scenario would make you feel as well as what sort of influences and motivations lie behind those feelings. Why do you feel the way you do?

    I mean, you should've told me whether she had a problem or even a disease, you know, it's all of a sudden! I mean, when she has a commitment with someone, you should know that means she can share what they feel, no matter what, and I don't care if that's a bad news or not, but the matter is to solve it, not just ugh, bailed out and abandoned the plan we've been waiting for so long, or to be exact, two years! That really is unfair, you know. And if I were to become her, I would just tell myself the details no matter what, because the communication is very important in building a relationship.

    - In this scenario what would you honestly say the primary focus of your feelings would be?
    I wonder but I somewhat try to make sense my thought process according to my feelings, however, at this time, I feel like being immersed by my thought to automatically think thoroughly towards the situation and it's not just about what I feel, since as for me, you couldn't delay a wedding by all of a sudden because it's nonsense, there must be something behind it and no matter what it is, I don't care. And its focus would be "If I were you.." kind of hypothetical situation.



    You are in college and this semester both you and your roommate end up in the same class together. You and your roommate get along fairly well and the living situation works but you aren't particularly close. You both typically do your own thing and are rather indifferent to each other. As the semester progresses you excel and become one of the top students in the class whereas your roommate is struggling significantly to grasp the material. The professor assigns a fairly challenging take home test that is a significant portion of your grade. He/she makes it clear that while it is open book, students are to work alone. Later your roommate comes to you begging for help after struggling with the test most of the weekend. You have already completed the assignment and he/she isn't asking to copy your answers, just to help tutor and mentor them as they struggle to complete the test, so there is no way your professor would ever know. However, this is the first time your room-mate has asked you for help this semester. He/she makes it clear that how they do on this test could mean the difference between passing and failing this class.

    - How do you respond to your roommate’s request and why?
    I asked my roommate to go and finish it alone, since we aren't allowed by the teacher and also, it's unfair if I helped my roommate to finish both of my and their homework. And to be honest, they could've searched for the resources and materials on the internet, like, they are free and you can grasp it anywhere. In other words, you don't need my help unless it's to support and mentor, give some assignments would be fine although I could say, it means we are cheating behind our teacher's back, which isn't fair.

    - What sort of things in this scenario stand out to you as far as having a strong influence on your decision making and why?

    My position as a top student and what teacher said according to the assignment.

    - Describe the flow of your decision making process.

    I simply thought what makes sense and doesn't to match my personal values.



    Your boss calls you into his/her office in order to assign you to a new project. He/she gives you a choice between two.

    Project 1 is a rather broad, expansive project covering multiple areas of company operations. It has the potential to have a very significant impact on company operations but it would require a collective effort and an extensive amount of group work where you would be logically thinking through the project together with the group of individuals your boss has also assigned to it.

    Project 2 has a much more specific and narrow focus and would require a significant amount of in depth individual analysis to work through the problem. You would be working alone and the completion of the project may or may not have much impact on company operations. However, after complete the process and problem you were working on will be streamlined and fundamentally understood.

    - Which project appeals to you the most, as it relates to the way you prefer to logically process information? Why?

    Both have its advantage or disadvantage but I'd prefer the latter and why? Keep in mind that the more narrow the subject, the easier and more efficient time it takes to solve it and as the process I've made would conclude the whole progress, that would be rather than finishing a big project that might be unfinished in a required duration, and I'd consider myself as a finisher than a starter. However, if I could, I'd take them both as Project 1 seems somewhat challenging, although by doing the Project 2 first.

    - What sort of things in this scenario, across either project, stood out to you as having a strong influence on your decision? Why?

    The depth of a project, its efficiency, benefit, and significance in completing the whole progress.



    Your college professor has assigned you to a group project with 3 other individuals. All 3 of these individuals have a good strong work ethic and desire to contribute to the overall success of this project. You are at the first meeting of your group and the other members are tossing around valuable ideas as to the nature and direction of this project.

    - Describe your behavior in this situation as you process and think about the ideas they are presenting.
    There, of course, would be too many wasted ideas for sure but it's my job to be selective of which ideas that is possible, what works and what doesn't work according to my opinion. And they have to think about the direction of this project first, so, what I would do is to arrange them in an ordered manner, make the format to be an open discussion so we could talk about our opinions and ideas freely without any agreement or disagreement, but as I can't do the brainstorming to engage in the discussion, I would be the leader of discussion to see if there is any idea that might be useful for the progress of the project overall, and maybe, I would prepare for a presentation to describe what I would want to do for this project so those 3 other individuals, they'd have the core to elaborate in their discussion thoroughly.

    - Describe what major influences drive this behavior.
    Habit, or if not, just do what I think whether it'd make sense or not according to myself.



    It has been a very long week and you feel mentally and emotionally drained, but good news! It is Saturday and you have nothing significant that needs to be done. You FINALLY have some free time to yourself to recharge your batteries and do whatever you want.

    - Describe what sort of activities would help you to recharge. What would you enjoy doing after a long week and why?
    Take a jog around the park, listen to the music, classic songs are preferable, helping the household work, and doing an activity such as watering the flower because I'd be more relaxed and not to get tensed by tasks and assignments.

    - What sort of things do you feel you draw non-physical energy from doing?
    Sleeping, helping my little brother doing his homework, and talking about life to my parents.



    You have a meeting with your college career counselor to discuss potential careers that interest you. He/she offers you a list of the following careers and asks you to pick your TOP 3. He/she asks you to take money out of the equation. Imagine all of these careers received equal compensation. Focus instead on where you would truly feel most happy and fulfilled.

    Artist, Scientist, Actor, Engineer, Musician, Lawyer, Counselor, Entrepreneur, Teacher, Manager, Psychologist, Computer Programmer / Analyst, Clergy, Child Care, Medical Doctor

    - What were your top 3 choices and what aspects of these careers appeal to you?
    Musician, Entrepreneur, Teacher. Technical aspects and its legibility to improve. Musician would be known for its prodigy, Entrepreneur would be known for its influence towards the other people by benefitting themselves because of products that we have, and as for Teacher, I think it's involuntarily needed, and rather a call of duty to work as one.

    - Was it difficult or easy to pick only 3 and why?
    Fairly easy although, I was torn apart between Scientist, Analyst, Psychologist, and Manager, since I'd prefer them but I'm kinda bored with those kind of occupations so I picked Entrepreneur instead.

    - Prioritize the aspects of your career choices that influenced your decision, what things mattered most to you, where do you imagine finding the most fulfillment and why?
    What mattered of the job is that, they don't have any quantitative but qualitative aspects in order to survive.
    The most fulfillment? As a teacher, of course, because it'd be important to know how it feels like to be dutiful in our service for students despite of its wage, next is Musician since it's about talent, and the last would be Entrepreneur.


    Click on the image below and pay close attention to the things that jump out to you, objects, thoughts, feelings, impressions, ideas etc. What do you see?

    View attachment 295170

    - Describe the main things that stand out to you in this picture.
    A very big cave with a lot of stalacmites and stalactites with a river and a small land across it.

    - Why do you think/feel you focused on those things?
    It's just interesting and I'm usually focused on the bigger things before the details that entail in a picture.

    - Describe the strength with which this photo did or did not appeal to you and why?
    Not really appealing although, the stalactites part seems to be intriguing for me.
    Last edited by Metaphor; 08-20-2021 at 03:23 PM. Reason: Title correction

  2. #2

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    Quote Originally Posted by CTzu View Post
    Typo: It's "LII (Alpha) vs LSI (Beta) vs ILI (Gamma)" but I don't know how I put Beta and skip them all on that title

    To be honest, the answers I've got so far from the questionnaire weren't that appealing. It seems to me that I've been alienated from LII due to the eccentricity in doing unimaginable stuff hence also alienated from ILI since I'm not that pragmatic and often being pedantic at structuring despite having moments in deducing problems to solve those as efficient as possible.

    You're debating your type between those three? the periodic table elements comparison to information elements was some obvious strong NE no??

    ": a state of trying to see novel connections between or combinations of previously disparate things; a continual searching for change and newness, including things unexpected and random"

    Socionics Information Elements (

    I would have thought that you can easily rule out LSI, and put NE ignoring ILI as unlikely?

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    Putting this here from also, so it doesn't just show the 'play around' side of NE

    : potential/possibility, the unique and unusual, ability, essence, perception of the whole, uncertainty, the unknown, search, internal makeup, suddenness, chance, being, permanence, impermanence

  4. #4
    May look like an LSI, but -Te. Metaphor's Avatar
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    Might be Ne as an ID block. I thought of LSI too since some people said I seemed Beta by quadra. Ignoring isn't that weak either, but thanks.

  5. #5
    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    You definitely have Ti in the ego.

    Creative Ne? Linking elements from the periodic table to information elements seems to be very Ti - Ne.

    Unfortunately, you being a Ti type I do know that you will not be satisfied by anyone's explanation and will only settle on a type when you decide it seems correct lol.

    I think LSI is possible, but 1D Ne wouldn't be apt to consider other's suggestions as possibilities as you are with these people who consider you to be LSI.

    You are resembling an LII by being rigidly in doubt. LIIs love to consider possibilities and then reconsider and reconsider once more. Drilling further and further down on an idea.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    May look like an LSI, but -Te. Metaphor's Avatar
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    Makes sense and let's see, as ILI would make more sense in a way how I perceive information or LII in a way how I built a system. Perhaps, I also already know why some historical figures such as Isaac Newton, Carl G. Jung, and Marie Curie are torn apart between LII/ILI in people perspective.

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    It's hard to tell because the entire nature of the questionnaire was hypothetical scenarios, so of course there would be a lot of Ne in the answers.

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    Never mind, LII is already correct haha, thanks.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CyRiTzu View Post
    Typo: It's "LII (Alpha) vs LSI (Beta) vs ILI (Gamma)" but I don't know how I put Beta and skip them all on that title

    To be honest, the answers I've got so far from the questionnaire weren't that appealing. It seems to me that I've been alienated from LII due to the eccentricity in doing unimaginable stuff hence also alienated from ILI since I'm not that pragmatic and often being pedantic at structuring despite having moments in deducing problems to solve those as efficient as possible. So, here I am, torn apart in between a cave that set apart my legs, thus, I ought to jump in one of them in order to survive from this misery. And to solve this, I have a questionnaire that are short by questions but I ought to say, that'd be easier to comprehend how I think by using this since it's flexible and according to the situation:
    My answers if you wanna compare (LSI) Idk what you are, and I'm not so sure these questions help with that, but . . .

    1. I'd be angry, and feel betrayed. He knows he's going to die, and doesn't want me there? If he somehow recovered and didn't die, that betrayal would remain - when the chips were down you didn't want me there, this can't work. We have to be a team in hard times too, or else what are we?

    2. I'd help my roommate. I'd explain concepts and stuff and help them understand what they needed to, and give them suggestions, but wouldn't outright give them any answers. Strongest influence on my decision - someone needs help, and is struggling to understand something, why wouldn't I help?

    3. The 2nd project relates more to how I "logically process information" as I usually just read and understand things on my own, which was the question. As to which one I'd actually prefer irl - would depend on the specifics and the team I'd be working with. With cool people it can be fun to work together solving stuff, when everyone is an idiot, I'd rather work alone. But that wasn't the question.

    4. I'd let things play out, listening to ideas, adding my own and suggesting a direction we could take them in. Usually someone else at this point has begun writing down the ideas and being the organizer (normalizer role) and I get people to the point of deciding on how we want to tackle it. I've been in this scenario before - so it's usually me saying something like, "I like this idea, how to we want to accomplish this?" And people throw out ideas on an approach, and I give my input on what idea I like the best or add my own idea on what I think would be the best approach to take and the organizer person starts assigning parts. What influences my behavior? Idk, it's just how it usually plays out - I can do ideas, and I can get decisions made - I'm not the one who keeps track and organizes it though. I think this is a DCNH question btw.

    5. Non-physical energy - reading, writing stuff, thinking. Thinking about interesting things can be very energizing - and if they're worth keeping track of - you'll see my hand flying across paper trying to put it all down. Yeah, that can be very energizing.

    6. I chose science when I was in this position and would again. Money was never something I took into consideration, just my own interest. Top 3 of those, I guess Programmer/Analyst and Teacher would be the other 2 from that list I might consider. Programmer/Analyst because I'd be good at it, and Teacher because it's good to see ppl learn stuff. Wasn't difficult to pick. Interest mattered the most, something I could get excited by, followed by what I could do well at. I enjoy art and music, but wouldn't want to try to make a career of them - my heart wouldn't be in it. I'm too technical - and while I wish I wasn't sometimes, wish I was a bit more free-flowy, I'm not, and thats really the "art" part of art and music - I could be technically good at either, but would it be art? Idk. And childcare, doctor, manager, lawyer, ugggghh, those things would suck. I've been an entrepreneur - too much selling/marketing involved. Science is best.

    7. First thought: Beautiful. Wonder how deep that water is, wading depth, or deep enough for a boat? Noticed the sediment layers forming stripes, many seasons shown there, probably flood seasons and dry seasons, different sediment being laid down. Pretty picture. Yes it appeals to me. I've been places that look like that. (PS there are no stalagmites or stalactites in this photo - it's a canyon with a river going through it. The river has cut through the rock over time forming overhangs and high canyon walls. Did I somehow get a different picture than you did?)

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    This thought process of yours that is written all over the place is Ti, Ne all the way. I'd consider ILE before LSI.
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    May look like an LSI, but -Te. Metaphor's Avatar
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    Makes sense.
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    May look like an LSI, but -Te. Metaphor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    My answers if you wanna compare (LSI) Idk what you are, and I'm not so sure these questions help with that, but . . .

    1. We have to be a team in hard times too, or else what are we? I don't have idea about that, a partner, mayhaps.

    2. I'd help my roommate. I'd explain concepts and stuff and help them understand what they needed to, and give them suggestions, but wouldn't outright give them any answers. Strongest influence on my decision - someone needs help, and is struggling to understand something, why wouldn't I help? Makes sense.

    3. The 2nd project relates more to how I "logically process information" as I usually just read and understand things on my own, which was the question. As to which one I'd actually prefer irl - would depend on the specifics and the team I'd be working with. With cool people it can be fun to work together solving stuff, when everyone is an idiot, I'd rather work alone. But that wasn't the question. I see.

    4. I'd let things play out, listening to ideas, adding my own and suggesting a direction we could take them in. Usually someone else at this point has begun writing down the ideas and being the organizer (normalizer role) and I get people to the point of deciding on how we want to tackle it. I've been in this scenario before - so it's usually me saying something like, "I like this idea, how to we want to accomplish this?" And people throw out ideas on an approach, and I give my input on what idea I like the best or add my own idea on what I think would be the best approach to take and the organizer person starts assigning parts. What influences my behavior? Idk, it's just how it usually plays out - I can do ideas, and I can get decisions made - I'm not the one who keeps track and organizes it though. I think this is a DCNH question btw.

    Makes sense, since I'm a Normalizing as well.

    5. Non-physical energy - reading, writing stuff, thinking. Thinking about interesting things can be very energizing - and if they're worth keeping track of - you'll see my hand flying across paper trying to put it all down. Yeah, that can be very energizing.


    6. I chose science when I was in this position and would again. Money was never something I took into consideration, just my own interest. Top 3 of those, I guess Programmer/Analyst and Teacher would be the other 2 from that list I might consider. Programmer/Analyst because I'd be good at it, and Teacher because it's good to see ppl learn stuff. Wasn't difficult to pick. Interest mattered the most, something I could get excited by, followed by what I could do well at. I enjoy art and music, but wouldn't want to try to make a career of them - my heart wouldn't be in it. I'm too technical - and while I wish I wasn't sometimes, wish I was a bit more free-flowy, I'm not, and thats really the "art" part of art and music - I could be technically good at either, but would it be art? Idk. And childcare, doctor, manager, lawyer, ugggghh, those things would suck. I've been an entrepreneur - too much selling/marketing involved. Science is best.

    I see.

    7. First thought: Beautiful. Wonder how deep that water is, wading depth, or deep enough for a boat? Noticed the sediment layers forming stripes, many seasons shown there, probably flood seasons and dry seasons, different sediment being laid down. Pretty picture. Yes it appeals to me. I've been places that look like that. (PS there are no stalagmites or stalactites in this photo - it's a canyon with a river going through it. The river has cut through the rock over time forming overhangs and high canyon walls. Did I somehow get a different picture than you did?)

    Yes, I saw the sharp things as stalagmites or stalactites and watched a cave instead of canyon... interesting.
    Those are intriguing answers by the way, and this also helps me comparing Se-ego vs Ne-ego in a sense.
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