Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
Do you think that Michelle here is IEI and the black woman conducting the interviews is EII?


I feel sorry for Michelle Conrad. What she did is in no way right, but she was on antidepressants and clearly did have her own issue. She as well had eating disorder. If she was suicidal her own self, she probably saw it as not bad trying instruct someone to take their own life.. Then why did she not take her own life either, we will not know, but she is scapegoated for more here than should be. She is young too.. 20 at time of arrest, was 17 when committed act.

For her to treat her own body poorly, abuse and starve it and to have be on antidepressants shows she did not value being alive either, and she was acting from that and her own illness...

To have to put this in your body:

And when it increases morbid thoughts.. Apart of the villain here is the industry creating that and world in first places making one depressed and feel need to take life.