I really love witty humour!
I don't find stupid stuff funny. Every time I read someone's profile saying a funny guy, most of them are not funny to me. I just don't like silly jokes.

Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
old-school mad tv probably my most favorite type of humor. And yeah, I didn't like Sex in the City either lol. That show being Beta doesn't make much sense to me- it seemed waaaay more Gamma than anything. They always did these serious non-merry like monologues during the show where Carrie would describe her Gamma SF narcissism in every message lol. It could even be Delta tbh. Also it wasn't a comedy so weird example lol. It wasn't even funny... it was a more of a regular drama pretty much? Do you think it's Beta because faggy IEI = Carrie's personal hairstylist? lol Faggy IEIs nature is pretty naturally ubiquitous - it doesn't make the show Beta however.

I know a female LIE who really liked Sex & the City.

Oh I also like physical humor a lot. Like Glory getting hit by the truck on Buffy. Although it should have been moving faster and it wasn't edited very well. Or that scene in Xena where the chakram hit like 2490723492 things in one episode.
I liked Sex & the City. Haha. It wasn't really a comedy though, but anyway.

I like baby Stewie in Family Guy!