Quote Originally Posted by Eudaimonia View Post
I was stuck between EIE and SEE for a while. I never really considered myself an SLE, so when I was typed that it really confused me.

I've always been a 4, my enneagram wasn't as hard to figure out for me and I do have a 3 wing. I had Katherine type me to see what she would say, I would be open to others to do the same.

I'm not super knowledgeable of enneagram but the typing really makes sense for me.

She did my tritype and that makes a little less sense but that's another story.
Well here I am again. I'm stuck between SEE and EIE.

Fe is kinda hard for me to relate to, to be honest. The other problem is that I value Fi too much for me to consider it as an ignoring function.

For example this excerpt:

Hamlet has difficulty in vocalizing and revealing abstract ethical concepts such as friendship, love, morality, good, and evil. It is easier for him to explain what is good and what is bad, on concrete actions, discussing how should and how not to act. He also perceives information about people's relationships unconsciously, paying more attention to how people communicate with each other, what words they say to each other, and so on.
EIE does not strive for stability in relations, it tends to either decrease or increase the distance in order to control the behavior of other people in this way. Changes in relationships do not cause stress in him, on the contrary, it is associated with something interesting, with leisure. Hamlet does not have a clear idea of ​​how to relate to what, how to evaluate certain phenomena. His own moral standards and values ​​are vague, vague, and often contrary to generally accepted ones, which can shock other people.
Information about the qualities of people, about which values ​​and attitudes towards life are correct and which are not, causes internal resistance in this type. He does not want to discuss this information and consume it beyond what is necessary.
This does not describe me at all. People that have communicated with me will know that I discuss these subjects too frequently to accept this.

So where does that leave me? I don't relate to my base function so I am either a square peg in a round hole, or I'm a different type.