Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
T people can get into people and F people can get into making money.

Otherwise, typology and psychology forums would be filled with NF only.

The distinction between T and F can be detected by understanding their approach to it.

Not every strategy in economics have been made by T types.

These kind of experiments clearly must have been made by T types.

You can find data that says NF types are into psychology. However, there are different branches of it, you cannot find NF domination in every branch.
I'm not saying that psychology is exclusive a NF sphere - only that it is a NF sphere. I don't know what types these researchers had in these specific experiments, but I still think they are most likely NF types. I think it is only after the fact that they were considered questionable - the researchers could not have predicted that things could have ended up that way, although they could have handled them better. Variants of the experiments are still done today.