Something an SLI once wrote:

How to approach SLI in the wild.

1. Use cautious and slow gestures.

2. Communicate clearly and directly. State your purpose or at least show respect of physical boundaries. "Do you mind if I sit beside you?"
Note: SLI might say yes but later mean no. You have to be constantly alert to this change of demeanour.

3. Pay attention to SLI physical state. If it starts tapping it's fingers or wringing its hands you should increase psychological distance. Do not close psychological distance too quickly or you may be attacked.

4. You should reinforce your intention to the SLI at this point so it doesn't get paranoid about why you are suddenly in its personal sphere "I thought you looked interesting and wanted to talk to you” etc. SLI are good at keeping up conversation. Never ask an SLI you just met what it's feeling.

5. If the SLI seems relaxed enough, you might try holding out some peanuts, almonds or dried fish in your hand. Make sure you avert your gaze and don't bring your hand directly to the SLI, this might appear to be a show of dominance and will activate the SLI 3D Se, making it antagonistic and defensive.

6. If the SLI isn't responsive you should cautiously back away. Don't turn your back to it, but simply step slowly and cautiously out of its personal space. Likely you will be unable to approach that specific SLI again.