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Thread: Fe creatives & lying

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    Stray Cat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Regarding Fe bases: I think either they don’t lie so frequently/are so intentionally deceitful as Fe creatives, or if they do lie, it doesn’t seem to be compulsive for them.

    I’ve known more ESE than EIE, so this may not be as true for EIE, but something strikes me as much more deceitful about xEI. The ESE I’ve known generally tell white lies to smooth things over, usually to questions like “what do you think of my...” But these types of lies seem to be in accord with their values, and I’ve never known an ESE to be particularly conflicted about their answer; if you press them they’ll just be annoyed and tell you they felt they were doing the right thing; end of story. They also don’t seem to mind telling the truth when they perceive it will be more appreciated. xEIs give me an impression of having more “flexible” values, and I don’t think it’s just about “not rocking the boat” with them — not only do they strike me as more willing to lie to get ahead materially, they seem to be looking constantly for ways to do this. Their lies are more of a sort that if you press them, they get cagey or defensive and avoid coming up with justifications for what they said.

    When I was in a relationship with an SEI, something that I really didn’t like was a feeling she would never quite level with me. She’d tell me something, something would strike me as not quite right about her response, and I’d have to ask a million questions to get something approximating the truth. Or I’d have to come up with outright evidence she’d been lying to me and say “what gives.” What bothered me most was a feeling like any time she’d lie it was over something inconsequential — like there was no reason to do it, yet she’d do it anyway.

    I don’t want to give too many examples, but for instance, one time she decided to try going back on antidepressants, without telling me, since she knew I disapproved. The first day she began taking them I asked if she’d been taking anything, since her behavior seemed different. “...No.” It wasn’t until much later she admitted it. And that’s the sort of thing I mean — regarding an example like that, I’m not exactly a very angry person IRL, and I never tried to control her personal decisions like that. If she’d had said “yes” I would have sighed and asked for how long she was planning to stay on them. So the feeling was she’d be willing to lie to me just to escape a feeling I’d disapprove of her — but even in that instance, it was like she never thought I’d be actually mad to find she lied to me over almost nothing!

    Maybe this was just a particularly unhealthy relationship, but given the xEI I’ve known, I can’t imagine this is too atypical. Given the assumption that xLE are supposedly perfect for them, I wonder if xLE like being kept on their toes. Personally, I don’t.
    I've read that IEI/SLE engage in psychological games of this particular nature. Its one of those things that keeps the relationship interesting & not boring.

    I don't mind if this shit really is a game but I suppose I'd have to her ask myself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stray Cat View Post
    I've read that IEI/SLE engage in psychological games of this particular nature. Its one of those things that keeps the relationship interesting & not boring.

    I don't mind if this shit really is a game but I suppose I'd have to her ask myself.

    I have an LII-Ti sister and an IEI-Fe cousin, and they get along pretty well, but my LII sister said she liked everything about the IEI except her lying.

    I was kind of surprised at that. I spent half of my life before age 18 hanging with the IEI, and I didn't think she lied, exactly. She'd sometimes embellish the truth, or she'd say something that was so outrageous that no one could take it seriously, but I never really caught her in what I'd call a lie. Of course, I didn't pay that close attention to what she was doing and saying, mainly because she and I operated in completely different realms, but I never thought she "lied".

    My LSE mother hated my IEI cousin, and once, she told me that when the IEI's parents were on vacation, the IEI sold half their furniture, which I thought was completely unbelievable, but then again, I wasn't there. I mean, that branch of the family were all Betas: IEI, LSI, EIE, and IEI, so anything was possible.
    I can't remember asking the IEI if she did that, or not.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I have an LII-Ti sister and an IEI-Fe cousin, and they get along pretty well, but my LII sister said she liked everything about the IEI except her lying.

    I was kind of surprised at that. I spent half of my life before age 18 hanging with the IEI, and I didn't think she lied, exactly. She'd sometimes embellish the truth, or she'd say something that was so outrageous that no one could take it seriously, but I never really caught her in what I'd call a lie. Of course, I didn't pay that close attention to what she was doing and saying, mainly because she and I operated in completely different realms, but I never thought she "lied".

    My LSE mother hated my IEI cousin, and once, she told me that when the IEI's parents were on vacation, the IEI sold half their furniture, which I thought was completely unbelievable, but then again, I wasn't there. I mean, that branch of the family were all Betas: IEI, LSI, EIE, and IEI, so anything was possible.
    I can't remember asking the IEI if she did that, or not.

    According to socionics theory, the lead function is the program & the creative is the primary tool used to implement the program's agenda. It suggests that the creative is a social function whose purpose protect the lead & guard it like a parent

    In other words, if you understand the lead's agenda anything the creative might be inconsequential.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stray Cat View Post

    According to socionics theory, the lead function is the program & the creative is the primary tool used to implement the program's agenda. It suggests that the creative is a social function whose purpose protect the lead & guard it like a parent

    In other words, if you understand the lead's agenda anything the creative might be inconsequential.
    Yes, my IEI-Fe cousin was kind of Ni dreamy and she was completely lacking in practical skills (I mean, she could open a car door, but that's about it. Show her a light switch and she's seeing Alien Technology.), but she Fe knew absolutely everyone and I admired and envied her for that skill. She was also best friends with a girl I'd have given my left nut to get close to. I mean, seriously. Body parts which were not my penis. But my IEI cousin would not set me up. She said we were too different. Lol. In retrospect, she was 100% correct.

    It used to drive me crazy that she was like a two-year old when it came to any technology, but was a way-beyond-me super genius when it came to people.

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