Quote Originally Posted by flowers and sugar View Post
Is it truly a lie in a way? Fe tends to vent and can say mean things doing so, but it doesn't mean they dislike the person deep down, or they do and they are being nice because they can't fathom not being nice. I think the answer can also be filtered through trying to either encourage or discourage a relationship that is judged as favorable or potentialy problematic.
Fe, being dynamic, I think is being built up according to the situation, so the result may vary and look contradictory at times.
This reminds me of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice where the mom, mrs. Bennet says she always thought mr. Darcy was great even tho she bad-mouthed him before.
His behavior was incorrect, so he was bad, and once it was corrected, according to what the mom think is correct, he became good. The current judgement is ultimate and overwrites all those past.

Te does similar, dynamic function are annoying like that, lol.
The bolded is in stark contrast to the modus operandi of Fi-dom ESIs. With them, once they decide you are good or bad, that's it. You're stuck in that category forever.