There is always a reason, but we’re not going to admit that LOL

Do I like to lie, hell no. I would rather be honest and I try to be as honest as I can. But sometimes when you got your own logic and convictions pulling you one way and then the social atmosphere pulling you in the other to keep it positive, sometimes you lie to keep freaking sane. If you start telling the truth, you are expecting a lot more chaos then you wish and that’s not something I want to deal with. „Don't rock the boat, don’t rock the boat Baby~“

People react bad to the truth a lot more then you think. I’ve learned to shut up on that regards and would rather keep the peace then fight someone in regards to their little bubble. Life can be a lot less stressful when you tell people what they want then what you actually want and think lol People tend to leave you alone more in regards to that.