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To be honest, I think that enneagram is just as important a factor, here. I have a very specific "type" of person I am attracted to, but there also are types that are attractive to me in other ways...
The Chaotic Good Outlaw:
This is my favorite type of person, and what I would want in partner. Generally, the person is an extrovert and logical type, minus LSE.. They are an SLE, LIE or ILE, and are generally an 8w7 or 7w8. This is my type that is right on the money, and I do not as much care for if the person is an SLE, ILE or LIE, as much as do for the archetype. You can find an LIE who is quite SLE-like, and same for the ILE, especially given that both ILE and SLE have HA Fe and PolR Fi. Generally, this is going to be my realm of dating.
They make for easy conversation, deviate from the norm and are rebellious, yet caring and gregarious. They have a big soft spot for sensitive and innocent archetype, and will even if normally douchey and jokinh in an insensitve, light-hearted way, soften up around them. They yearn explore and defend the weak and seek someone more emotional, sensitive and wise. They conjure conversation and rapport builds.. The thing attractive to me here is:
-their lighthearted nature
-their soft spot
-their wanting voyage and be exploratory
-their innate need to protect what is vulnerable and sensitive
-their willingness to let me vent emotionally and not getting angry or put off by my expression
-their treating me as if I matter and my emotions are valid
-their seeing me as wise and unique
-their seeking spirituality
I guide them spiritually, and they allow me to ground so I can channel myself, and they support my intuitive insights. they reject authority and do not care if something is "good" or "bad", so as long as it matches what needs at the given moment.
Yuri Lowell is my ideal archetype of a lover.
The Soft Intellectual:
is another type I can attract to, though it is more placid and not as much an intense surge of compatibility, though rapport builds overtime as does admiration. They admire me intuitive thinoing and philsophivcal nature, whereas I value their yearning to know and impressive breadth of knowledge. They tend me nonjudgmental, given they are highly educated and more aware.
Hours of phone call discussing philosophy and intellectual insights is the norm.. sometimes, they also feel need to invest in me, even if I do not reciprocate as much.. Their emotional aloofness can be a turn off for me, and their more need to be independent and away.. I can value being independent, but not on an emotional level. Generally, they are LII 5w6 or 5w4's.