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Thread: Locating sources and relevant information: Is this Te?

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    globohomo aixelsyd's Avatar
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    Default Locating sources and relevant information: Is this Te?

    So I have read that Te involves locating reliable sources. I'm not sure if being good at researching, finding information, and determining if the information seems relevant or sound is something related to Te or logic in general.

    For instance, as a part of my job, though it exceeds my job description, I sometimes help students locate sources relevant to their assignment. Alternatively, if I am not sure about something such as something related to grammar or formatting, I am usually pretty good at finding a source online and determining if the information is credible or not. I also will inform students of my methods of finding information regarding what databases can be accessed at no cost, how to use keywords, and the like.

    Also, sometimes students ask for help in clarifying how well they are following concepts. So they provide texts from their class sometimes or else I look up the concept online, scan for what appears relevant, try to make sense of it, and then relate my understanding of the concept to the student even if it is not something I have really studied beforehand.

    So my question is if this is type related and if so, what IMs relate to this topic?

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    I'm kinda thinking that straight out reseaching stuff in general is NTR.... e.g. we all found this site, and there are probably a bunch of different types, and preferences for taking in info on here....

    But I would guess that the type of info, and how the info is presented will attract different types...

    So personally I prefer that the technical info (for example) that i take in to be simple and minimal, in terms of me trying to learn from it. I'm currently assuming that because I want the pure rules: e.g. FE = ___________ that I am TI seeking... maybe someone will just say that its TI valuing....

    I can't read Stratiyevskaya's articles.... I literally am not able to finsh one lol... I might only get a little way through and have to give up.... I'm guessing this is because it is just a enormus dump of FI info, and that I haven't got the concentration span for it.... I'm assuming that if I was FI valuing and especially FI seeking that I would read every one of her articles....and maybe even read them as a bed time story....

    This is what I think TE might be..... If I'm on the street for example, and I asked someone where abouts a certain place is located, and they said go down there there there, take a right there, left this that, and then the other thing..... I've lost them on the second instruction, and I just head in the general direction.... I need all that written down because I just cant take it all in like that... thank F for google maps....someone might say thats not TE though, so I'll be reading for other answers....

    Sorry if that didn't answer the question, but maybe a TE person can explain...

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    Te valuers will be more selective on relying on official / expert sources of information bc to them not all sources should be treated equal. What a 5 year old shares about the meaning of life should carry different weight than a 60 year old internationally recognized author, for example.

    Ti valuers will be less selective on who/where it came from, and more focused on analyzing the content and whether it helps them understand whatever they're seeking to understand.

    In terms of IM-related researching,

    Yes, I think locating "relevant material" or "finding the raw truth" quickly is a Ti thing, since it can sift through a rather large amount of info bc all it cares about is the "main point," regardless of where its coming from. This may or may not be favorable bc sometimes its better to wait until a reliable source releases official information (or u take the time to locate it)

    The actual skill of researching is something u can practice and get better at independent of types, but types will definitely influence it too
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 07-22-2021 at 11:33 AM.

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    I feel like researching in the sense of to.. find information is connected to Te. Ti likes to analyze the information.

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    Te - facts. search for this can be related too

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    I view Ti as facts or raw knowledge in general... or how to logically get from point A to point B. Te as more 'data' or statistics maybe which is dynamic and changes more because life is naturally chaotic and unpredictable. ie: A goes to B, then C - but then weirdly jumps to R, and then Q and H and back around to B again. There are so many moving parts to Te.

    'Relevancy' might be more of a mixture of Fe & Ni.

    Example of Te I think is when I had a IEE therapist and she said 'Did you know that 1 in every 4 homosexuals try to kill themselves?' or something ((it might have been 1 in 8 I forgot the exact data cuz Te polr)) - and it didn't really help me because it didn't feel relevant to my own situation, because I myself never really wanted to actually kill myself even though my life has been hard at times.

    But see this is how I think Te is so related to Fi- because like the Fi in her wanted to feel sorry for me and have this intense humanitarian compassion/connection with me being an outcasted homersexural ... like it's also a way of bonding and getting close to somebody as much as it is annoying logical data because Te/Fi are intrinsically connected. But because I don't value Fi it didn't really work with me and I didn't feel any closer to her. lol. But her compassion for the underdogs was real and it admired me- just not at all the way I would go about it. I just thought 'why is she bringing this up when I never said I was suicidal and I never personally wanted to kill myself?'

    And also the dark side of Fi it can also be like 'well if the data shows me that they are more likely to kill themselves that must be something is wrong with them and further proof that I was right not caring about them or justified in discriminating against them, because my Fi was always repulsed by those type of people anyway.'

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    I also think there's Ti in Te quite often but not so much the other way around (there's rarely any Te in Ti).

    But idk I have 2D Ti and 1D Te polr so I'll probably be proven wrong about that lol.

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    "Extroverted logic is an rational, extroverted, and dynamic IM element. It is also referred to as Te, P, algorithmic logic, practical logic, or black logic (because the symbol is black). Extroverted logic deals with the external activity of objects, i.e the how, what and where of events, activity or work, behaviour, algorithms, movement, and actions. The how, what and where of events would be the external activity of events, activity or work would be the external activity of a machine or individual(s) and algorithms describe the external activity of objects.

    Since Te perceives objective, factual information outside the subject (external activity) and analyzes the rationale and functionality of what is happening or being done or said. "Quality" to a Te type is how well an object performs the functions for which it was made. A Te type can judge a person to be "effective" if he is able to achieve his purposes without wasting any energy or producing unwanted side effects. So Te types basically evaluate people and things using the same criteria."


    This is how sociotype define TE....all about whats being done/how things are working.... (dynamic) (logistics)

    As opposed to TI, which is all about what something is and where it belongs (static) (categorising/organisation)

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    I'm quite good at the tasks described in the original post and I haven't a Te-bone in my body.

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Locating relevant information isn’t that hard if you understand the power of an index, google, or ctrl+f.

    As for thinking critically about information—I don’t know if that’s type related. I think logical types can just as easily fall for their own biases and have beliefs that are rooted in emotions like fear and anger.
    Last edited by Poptart; 07-24-2021 at 02:30 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    I'm quite good at the tasks described in the original post and I haven't a Te-bone in my body.

    a.k.a. I/O
    Don’t you identify as LII

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Don’t you identify as LII
    Most definitely so I'm Ti, or open-loop configured - not closed-loop which is what Te signifies.

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    Most definitely so I'm Ti, or open-loop configured - not closed-loop which is what Te signifies.

    a.k.a. I/O
    What do you mean by that?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    What do you mean by that?

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post

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    Rebelondeck uses his own model (like pretty much everyone here, but his model is more elaborate and definite than most). If he was LII by Model G, then his skeleton would certainly be partially composed of Te.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BaruchJorgell View Post
    Rebelondeck uses his own model (like pretty much everyone here, but his model is more elaborate and definite than most). If he was LII by Model G, then his skeleton would certainly be partially composed of Te.
    I see. “I don’t have a Te bone in my body” isn’t something I would expect an LII to say…

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    Tbh I’ve noticed him say things about socionics that don’t align with Model A or Model G. But that makes more sense now that I know he’s using a different framework.

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    I'm quite good at the tasks described in the original post and I haven't a Te-bone in my body.
    LIIs have 3D Te so you guys are pretty great at Te really. It's not valued though I know, but still very strong. LIIs are funny, sometimes with the 1D Fe it can really seem like you guys don't value it but it's a mistake to think that. =D

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post

    LIIs have 3D Te so you guys are pretty great at Te really. It's not valued though I know, but still very strong. LIIs are funny, sometimes with the 1D Fe it can really seem like you guys don't value it but it's a mistake to think that. =D
    I sort of get what @Rebelondeck is saying. I mean, sometimes the ignoring function can appear pretty weak. At the same time, part of being a logical type is making use of both Ti and Te. Most LII will use Te when it makes sense. I also can’t imagine an LIE saying “I don’t have a Ti bone in my body” with a straight face.

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    You write that Ejs and Ips are closed loop, while Eps and Ijs are open loop. I’m not sure what this has to do with Te vs Ti, but maybe I’m missing something

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post

    LIIs have 3D Te so you guys are pretty great at Te really. It's not valued though I know, but still very strong. LIIs are funny, sometimes with the 1D Fe it can really seem like you guys don't value it but it's a mistake to think that. =D
    Dunno about the ignoring function. It’s irritating and difficult to concentrate on.

    The easiest example to think of is when I used to play Factorio, a game about automating resource production. I really liked the game, but I was horrible at finding the most time-efficient way of doing things of solutions that “just worked.” I would spend hours fine-tuning circuit networks to make them work perfectly rather than simply connect more oil pumps to the factory and be done with the trouble in a minute. Things like this. I wanted everything to be working “correctly,” and this often interfered with the goal of having things working.

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    Yeah my LII dad had great Te but never focused on it - it was like a deeply subconscious process thing and always showed off his knowledge about something in Ti ways. He was like a walking sponge of basic facts and static logical information. If the logic was dynamic (Te) and changing a lot though he didn't seem to pay attention at all to it even though other people could see he wasn't bad at it.

    Yeah focusing on Ne is annoying for me - but I have noticed if something in the environment is kinda triggering my demonstrative function I will pay more attention to it. ((If I realize I care about something more in a Fi-ish way then my Ne will temporary activate.)) 5 minutes later though I'm back to ignoring it though lol. And when this does happen, I can't say it's a 'good' experience either- it makes me stressful.

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    Well, everyone's got a Te bone in their body, it's more about natural inclination and efforts put to it.
    There are people who are good at information gathering because they worked hard on it, to others it seems to be basic common sense and comes easily.
    I think where it means something is in how it has come to be, and how you'd explain it to someone. Or what kind of explaination helped/helps you understand.
    Like any skill, it will falter if neglected, whether you're T lead or T PoLR.

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    Te-bone…Ti bone…hehe sounds funny!

    I want my Ti-bone medium well please!

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    Hmm @MissDucki ...

    How do you view your 3D unvalued ignoring Se function. I'm curious to hear your insights. <3

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    Se? Well….I kinda view it as my „go nuclear and burn everything button“ lol
    I don‘t like having to focus on anything Se to be honest. I do it more cause my siblings are Se doms so I’ve kinda learned to go head to head with them. I kinda become an immovable force in a way. I think a lot of people see me as very passive and easy going but I do have a force of will if anybody really screws with me and I can get really direct and aggressive with people as a last resort when harmony isn’t working. Plus you gotta be able to push back at Se doms sometimes.
    An ex-EII friend mentioned that I really scared her one time cause I got really „angry“ for once and I can across with a very strong force of will. I didn’t notice but I guess I did as she mentioned it years later.

    If I gotta move it, it’s gotta move and I am not backing down. FIGHT ME DAMN IT. I feel it come out more around protecting others and people pulling bullshit then for my own sake. When I really want to access Se, I put on my little running „fight songs“ when I go for a run. Sadly, it doesn’t last very long. But it’s there. I read that while ILE‘s love freedom, SEI‘s love freedom more then them as even when they can put pressure on the SEI when they are in a more negative state with their demo Se (if I remember correctly) and SEI will not crumble to them and not let them assert themselves on them. I like the idea of power games in like a spiritual sense (ya know „spiritual victim“) but when someone seriously tries to dominate me, I can get real bitchy lol. I’ll be damned if that happens. I was getting really bitchy at my previous manager and was pushing back when he was making stupid request to demonstrate power. Usually I wouldn’t think of ever doing that but this man really pissed me off and he was doing it to my other coworkers. He can fuck right off.

    I don’t really know how to access it well until I am in a situation or I am feeling a certain way. I have to be at my wits end if I gotta start taking charge and throwing punches so to speak. I feel I can come across at lot more aggressive with Se ignoring then I intend to be. That’s why I want to learn how to fight to access it a bit more easily. It’s always been my safety net in a way. I know I can rely on it when I need to but it’s like that special button you can only access sometimes under certain circumstances. Hope that makes sense!

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    Yeah @MissDucki thank you for sharing! Though I loved your story I cannot relate - 1D valued Se makes so much more sense for me compared to 3D unvalued Se! This is interesting to me cuz that is probably the biggest thing of why I can't be a SEI like some people think. In reality I'm always the one being protected by Se not the one protecting others with it lol. ((I can protect others with Ni though like I am great at sensing when something is about to go wrong and then springing to action sometimes from saving ESEs from falling into sewers or what have you.))

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    You write that Ejs and Ips are closed loop, while Eps and Ijs are open loop. I’m not sure what this has to do with Te vs Ti, but maybe I’m missing something
    There's no difference between Te and Ti except for the configuration in which it is used - open or closed-loop. I realize the following will be too much to read and I don't like the way that I phrased them but I tried:

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post

    An ex-EII friend mentioned that I really scared her one time cause I got really „angry“ for once and I can across with a very strong force of will. I didn’t notice but I guess I did as she mentioned it years later.
    I need to unlock this, lol I've never been able to scare anyone with anger.
    Chronic "grass is always greener" syndrome

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    Quote Originally Posted by fatgurl View Post
    I need to unlock this, lol I've never been able to scare anyone with anger.
    Type 9's have a larger issue tapping into their anger then all of the types combined but, she be there lol. It takes time and integrating to number 3 will help a lot. 3's can really help you with assertiveness. Also, you do have a strong force of will as an SEI, we just don't notice it until it is provoked like this instance for me. But, I didn't really view it as me getting 'that' mad tbh. Ive been much angrier before but that takes a lot for me to get there.

    Finding a really good song that resonates with your anger can really help in a way. I love to turn on my "angry war cry music" when I am pissed and need to go and let off some steam and need to wallow in anger for a bit. It can help bring out that Se. I find it easier for Se to come out when I am feeling a lot of negative Fe emotions. Don't be afraid to bite sometimes too. Sometimes, you got ignore you own sensations and Bite like mad for people to get the picture lol

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