Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
A fellow practitioner of interpretatio graeca, huh? But how do you square the fact that the Greeks didn't really practice human sacrifice?

I'm also curious -- you say "the god with insatiable thirst for child sacrifice"; do other gods not have this thirst? For instance, my favorite god, Hermes, received sacrifices as Odin, but I don't know if he was more associated with human sacrifice than any other god. Or is it possible for a god not to be at fault if a culture mistakenly sacrifices to them against their wishes?
I can't claim to be a practioner. : ) I am listeing to the prophets of our times. They all say we are in the days of Elijah, and Moses, not only that, that these days are greater! So I recently learned that Bael/Zeus fact, and that he is the god with the insatiable demand for child sacrifice, who is beign served by the rich and powerful today, that God is now judging. Baal was the god of Pharoh. God says that Red Sea is now parting - and about to close on Baal and his army. The rich and powerful are about to be exposed for their satan worshipping, bloody child sacrifice and sex trafficing and even more really sick horrifying things, way beyond the massive Novemeber fraud. God will strike them just as He struck Pharoh and his army, when he asked Moses to stretch out his hand to close the sea, and like how He used Elijah on Mt.Carmel to incinerated the idol and the prophets of Bael.

Today I am remebering the Bush funeral. Trump leaving before the casket struck me. And also, like everyone, those letters! Their reckoning is upon them, and you know by their faces that they know they deserve it. Justice horrifies them.

Along the lines of this thread topic, we see what God thinks of Floyd beign raised up to "king", Godd is angry with this Floyd elected "king", but he is more angry at false gods. Last night I heard a 2nd prophet warn of somethign to happen to the Statue of Liberty ("somethign about the base"), because it is the One True God who gives us liberty, not some goddess. Another prophet had warned, "Beware of gifts of nations who give hommage to false gods". And I understand France has given another liberty goddess gift recently. I also heard a prophet say: "Watch structures that will fall." I believe that referes to the Baal arches that were installed in NYC and in other places in oruo country; and the people will sask, "How did this happen?" Yes, as life has gotten harder for us "slaves", there as been, among ther extremely rich and powerful, an increased devotion and visable hommage to gods who demand child sacrtifices. But God will strike, or has already, and they are about to or have already lost ALL of their power and their billions. There is nowhere to hide from the God of Abraham and Moses, who says: "I am the Lord, thy God, and thou shalt have no other gods before me."