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Thread: George Floyd as king mural: God says no

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Default George Floyd as king mural: God says no

    Lightening struck his mural.



    "A mural in remembrance of George Floyd in Toledo, Ohio, was reduced to rubble after a reported lightning strike.

    Witnesses told Toledo Police that a lightning strike destroyed the mural, and doppler radar shows a strike hit at about 4:30 p.m. Tuesday near where the mural was painted.

    Photos of the destruction show part of the brick wall reduced to rubble, with fragments of mural still remaining on the wall along its border. "

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Default Comment on above mural, and video on the black experience in America

    It's the crown that offended God. Look at the picture above and see where the biggest destruction is, that the freak lightening strike wrought. It's the crown. That's key. I haven't heard anyone else make this observation. But look. Floyd's whole face is not wiped out. But the whole crown is totally and compleely wiped otu without a trace. The message of what offends God about this mural is obvious. It is he crown that brought God's fury, not Flyod himself.

    The mural and the pushing of Floyd is an attempt to make a king out of one who is not annoited one. A king chosen not by the black community but by the handler of that community that want its oppression and destruction. They don't want Martin Luther King raised up, but itstead a hero to support black genocide.

    To understand this conspiracy against blacks in America, particularly in the form of an organized, planned effort funded and started by John D. Rockeller but with an astonishingly much older history, to keep black Americans ouy of power and money and to reduce their race, here is Bishop Larry Gaiters giving the intel on that. He has info on George Floyd, on Martin Luther King, on Kobe Bryant, and more. What he said about Jesse Jackson I BELIEVE; I saw early on he was NOT a good person, nothing all like the good black people I know or ever saw. Nothing like it.

    I can't sumarize this for you as all this info is new to me but it fits, it fits. The truth has a ring to it. This guys mind is packed with info, and this is the tip of the iceberg.

    But you can 't sound-bite this, The WHOLE video must be watched attentively. So either watch the whole thing or don't watch it. I know some people here on 16 types are all about writing their fast judements and most often that is just plain evidence of their innate narcissism - and I know what that is - and they have nothing to learn here because they already know everything or they just can't read for comprehension - they read only to mine for their personal biases and then go look things up on snopes to support their philosophies - philosophies that are that are jsut as lame and perverted as the perverted couple that run snopes. So please don't use this thread to parade your ignorance.

    I expect the first comments on a serious topic to most of the time be ignorant and rarely am I deprrived of the fulfillment of this expectation. Have you noticed? Because the smart people are still thinking and digesting before they write. The ignorant want to talk, to listen to their own selves, not learn. To listen with an intent to understand is what it takes to listen to Gaithers here. So you empty-minders who just like to make your fast-judgment statements, just GO AWAY. If you haven't listened to the whole video you have NOTHING to say here so just don't say it. It's an hour and 20 minutes long and if you have a short attention span - and you probably do - then just pass this by.

    This is what is driving what has really been happening to the black community. But God will expose this, too. It will soon be a much, much better world for black Americans and this plague of oppression will be lifted. [This video is not prophecy, but history and the insiduous secret society that oppress blacks in America, the ones imposing real slavery]. So NO COMMENTS unless you have something intelligent that resulted from actually watching it and then thinking about what you saw. Have some respect because this information takes a great mind to sort through and so here is Gaither with that and he deserves respect.

    Interviewing is Rosanne Barr, a commedian with an notable career, which I never followed, I never watc hed a whole show iof her series because I did not like her brassness but I can say I never gave her a fair watch. Yet I have an interestign sort of connection, and now it is interesting to see either what I missed about her before or she has just matured into this fuller person that I do admire. You have to be pretty intelligent to have such a successful career, and comedians often are quite smart. We sre going to see a LOT more pople in the media who have a love for truth when the media FLIPS, which it will soon. (soon meaning by 2022 for sure, propably sooner IMO) an I think Barr will be one because she has a good mind and something real to say. I am going to pray for the healing of her pain! And I think God will heal it. :

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    But you can't sound-bite this, The WHOLE video must be watched attentively.
    Look, I'm sorry for breaking your rules, but do you really expect anyone to listen to a 78.5 minute long video? Writing out what you want to get across, no matter how long your post is, is more likely to be engaged with.

    On that note:

    I expect the first comments on a serious topic to most of the time be ignorant and rarely am I deprrived of the fulfillment of this expectation.
    It's difficult to respond to your posts because you throw out so many different loosely connected points that it takes a very long time to respond to them all. One also gets the impression that nothing said will ever change your mind, so that also can cause reluctance to engage.

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    Policeman policing her on Ti for structure. Wanting her use Ti with her Ne
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    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    They ignore Ni, they don’t care about time and length as much
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Maybe for future Eliza, just list the times in the video that are of most important to watch. So people can fast-forward.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


    Babies, click them to make them grow up into Kara’s Dragon Museum

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    How do we know it wasn't Zeus or Thor

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
    How do we know it wasn't Zeus or Thor
    Because God is dealing with them now too. [Zeus is Baal, the god with insatiable thirst for child sacrifice].
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Look, I'm sorry for breaking your rules, but do you really expect anyone to listen to a 78.5 minute long video? Writing out what you want to get across, no matter how long your post is, is more likely to be engaged with.

    On that note:

    It's difficult to respond to your posts because you throw out so many different loosely connected points that it takes a very long time to respond to them all. One also gets the impression that nothing said will ever change your mind, so that also can cause reluctance to engage.
    Well I wasn't thinking of you at all when I write those rules. You are not a narcissist. But really, why should anyone comment if they haven't watched it. Yes, I understan d an hour and 20 minutes is excelssive for most, espcialy for those disintersted in the topic.

    LOL, @Braingel, supervising.

    FP, yes, I see how sometimes I have too many points floating around in my head. It's true. But gosh I change my mind all the time. In fact everything this guy said was new to me, and I think it all rings of truth.

    A new rule for comments, please: If subteigh comments here, please do not quote him. I have him on ignore after having reached the end of my very, very long rope with him and can generally avoid reading what he writes by not looking at my threads that he trolls when I am not signed in. But that's not possible if he is quoted. So I would appreciate it very much if he is not quoted in this thread. Thank you.

    And if it takes a very long time before anyone actually listens to the video to comment on it, that is fine. The topic deserves quality over quantity.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Because God is dealing with them now too. [Zeus is Baal, the god with insatiable thirst for child sacrifice].
    A fellow practitioner of interpretatio graeca, huh? But how do you square the fact that the Greeks didn't really practice human sacrifice?

    I'm also curious -- you say "the god with insatiable thirst for child sacrifice"; do other gods not have this thirst? For instance, my favorite god, Hermes, received sacrifices as Odin, but I don't know if he was more associated with human sacrifice than any other god. Or is it possible for a god not to be at fault if a culture mistakenly sacrifices to them against their wishes?
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 07-20-2021 at 03:10 AM.

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    Didn't realize Eliza was a polytheist

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    Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
    Didn't realize Eliza was a polytheist
    It's common for many Christians to believe that pagan gods are actually demons, or angelic servants of God which were mistakenly confused with God itself. This has a long history: for instance the term "demon" originally connoted divinity; Hel was originally the name of a Germanic goddess. There are even verses in the Bible which speak of the Jewish god judging and punishing other gods.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    It's common for many Christians to believe that pagan gods are actually demons, or angelic servants of God which were mistakenly confused with God itself. This has a long history: for instance the term "demon" originally connoted divinity; Hel was originally the name of a Germanic goddess. There are even verses in the Bible which speak of the Jewish god judging and punishing other gods.
    You almost fooled me into thinking any of this made sense

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    I'll have to apologize for not watching your video first, but as FP has already said, it is quite long and I am usually online during downtime at the office and am unable to watch videos until I get home. Anyways, I think one of the things about your posts many of us struggle with is that in order to follow your logic we have to accept quite a number of things on faith. This may not be a big ask if you're talking to other people who share your faith, but in a forum of people who are coming from a diverse array of perspectives it becomes a sticking point. Yes, I am sure that if I shared your faith then whatever they discuss in the video likely would make sense to me as well within that framework. Given that I don't however, it's very difficult to engage with such posts as this because to me it seems every bit as likely that lightning didn't strike the building at all and instead it was just already weak to begin with (there's some light shading in the first pic which is strongest near Floyd's left cheek in the yellow bar where the brick wall seems to be bulging) and happened to topple over near the time of the lightning storm. Or perhaps lightning did in fact strike it or strike very near it and it toppled the already very old and weakened structure. I realize that because of your faith it's easy to take that as a sign of God's displeasure with the artwork, but for me I am having to compare three possibilities:

    1) It was a coincidence because of the reasons I described or perhaps some others I didn't consider (maybe vandals did it intentionally or something)
    2) Your particular interpretation of Christianity which is based on a large amount of faith/assumptions that I cannot confirm independently is correct
    3) Some other spiritual force that neither of us believe in caused it's fall

    When presented with these possibilities I don't see why it would make sense for me to see option 2 as correct. Option 1, which describes natural causes and requires no leap of faith for me seems to be the most likely one. Even if the cause was supernatural, which in my opinion would seem incredibly unlikely, who's to say it is for the reasons or by the particular God you describe? Basically as ouronis asked, why not some other god? How can I determine which supernatural force did it? To accept your interpretation of events as correct requires the largest leap of faith of any option, and because of that, I find it difficult to engage with your posts in the way that I think you would like us to. I am not at all saying that your interpretation is impossible or that I know for a fact that it is wrong. I don't, and it's totally possible. The issue for me is that probabilistically I see no convincing reason to accept your interpretations as the correct ones.

    To sum up a bit, I am fine with entertaining ideas somewhat outside the realm of the known. I am open to discussions about God's nature assuming he does exist as a thought experiment for example, but posts such as this require much more than one or two presuppositions for me to engage with, and I am unwilling to accept things as definitely true on faith alone because I am someone who considers reason to be more important in determining what is true about the universe. I suspect that nothing I say will convince you to avoid using faith as justification for your beliefs, but you seem to be a kind person so I don't want to come across as offensive or overly combative with you, so I'll just ask you directly: would you like for me to continue responding to your religious posts with what I think despite the fact that neither of us is likely to ever convince the other of much? I'll keep sharing my thoughts if you want the engagement, but I'm afraid our worldviews may be too fundamentally different to ever really see eye to eye. Either way, I hope elsewhere in the forum where things aren't focused on religious/political matters we can continue to have good relations
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    “All around the world, Jesus was discussed that day,” David Lovell, administrator for Solid Rock Church, previously told the Journal-News.

    It was June 14, 2010, when the giant, 62-foot King of Kings statue burned down after being hit by lightning.
    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and sometimes a lightning strike is just that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post

    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and sometimes a lightning strike is just that.
    Lightning striking the middle of a wall, seemingly the mural itself, specifically Floyd's face, when it wasn't raining. It is genuinely astonishing. When was the last time you heard of a lightning bolt targeting a wall, let alone seemingly missing the part of the roof overhanging the wall? If you're inclined to believe in signs from heaven, this is one you wouldn't ignore. Saying something like "oh, lightning does that all the time" makes you look even crazier than the millenialists. It doesn't. I'm not saying you have to believe God did it -- maybe it was just a coincidence -- but it doesn't do anyone any credit to pretend it's not very weird.

    My own guess, for the record, is lightning didn't do it. But if it did, I'll go with the "supernatural intervention" explanation, lol.

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    I'll give you this: as a supernatural occurrence, it's more impressive than Jesus' face appearing on a piece of toast

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    I think Roseanne Barr was treated unfairly- she's my dual I think and so I have a soft spot for her. Tbh I think people are really weak to get so offended by what SLE says sometimes. I just don't get it. Get mad at what people actually do- not what they say. I'm a really soft and sensitive person myself- but I like easily and effortlessly 'tank' everything SLE says but some people get like so butthurt over what they say. That they have to respond and punish them and I think it's kind of interesting/hilarious.

    You know, SLE gets scapegoated and sacrificed a lot by the Illuminati but it seems to me they often piss off the right kind of people- ((those that want to overly control the world and take all our freedoms away.)) And if they do hurt somebody truly innocent and sweet they tend to feel horrible guilt and empathy about it, they are not complete monsters. But that person Roseanne made fun of- innocent and sweet she surely was not. Government officials are fair game for roasting cuz of how much they want to control other people in the name of whatever- deal with it and grow a spine.

    I think now the world is in an Alpha stage- esp. with Biden as president. The crap when Roseanne got cancelled was when Delta was still strong in power and I think things are shifting to Alpha again. ((although american society will almost always have those Gamma Te capitalist values most likely.)) Quadra progression is real folks!

    Queen @MissDucki coming here and enlightening us with her presence is a sign from the Lord I think that it's the Alphas time to shine and that's all there is to it! RaptorWizard too.

    Yeah I disagree with Roseanne about the Trump thing- no surprise there, but I like that she's a Jew that sticks up for the working class.

    As for the 'OMG IT WAS GOD THING!' crap like that happens all the time Eliza- like accidents happen and the hat or crown or part of a face of something gets wiped off in a person's artwork. Doesn't mean anything, it's just a coincidence in life. It can be kinda funny/interesting when it happens- but it's still no proof of God.

    No sorry I don't have time personally to watch the video.
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 07-20-2021 at 09:33 PM. Reason: grammar

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    @BandD oh BandD you’re such a sweetheart! Gave me a good chuckle. Y’all are going to start giving me an ego around here and that’s not good

    I don’t think my presence is a sign of the Lord but I’ve always been good with timing in everything by pure luck me thinks.

    I don’t really know a crap ton of American politics (I’m not from “Fuck yeah ‘Merica”) so I won’t comment anything else for the time being

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    I don’t really know a crap ton of American politics (I’m not from “Fuck yeah ‘Merica”) so I won’t comment anything else for the time being
    Typical alpha cop out! You MUST pick a side @MissDucki!!!

    You’re either WITH us or AGAINST us!



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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Typical alpha cop out! You MUST pick a side @MissDucki!!!

    You’re either WITH us or AGAINST us!


    EH! Listen! I'm from the North! It's what we do! How do you think Canada fly's under everyone radar for so long Got my own countries problems right aboot now! It can get nuts up here, and I am not talking about the polar bear back ups on the 401

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    EH! Listen! I'm from the North! It's what we do! How do you think Canada fly's under everyone radar for so long Got my own countries problems right aboot now! It can get nuts up here, and I am not talking about the polar bear back ups on the 401
    LOL tbh all I know about Canadian politics is that Justin Trudeau is your Prime Minister, and iirc his dad was also Prime Minister?

    Brb, googling polar bear back ups

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    LOL tbh all I know about Canadian politics is that Justin Trudeau is your Prime Minister, and iirc his dad was also Prime Minister?

    Brb, googling polar bear back ups
    He was! He was actually Canada's most loved Prime Minister. From both the French and English speaking side too which is a big feat. Justin Trudea is probably the most hated Prime Minister in Canada if anything LMAO! Seriously, other then Daddy Truedau helping with the students during the pandemic and getting weed legalized, he has been in so many scandals the world doesn't know about. It was really surprising he got re-elected. Though maybe. The Canadian politics aren't as 'interesting' as the American's one was but damn did we get some mud slinging last year from all the parties lol. I still remember during his campaign that his competitor (the former Prime Minister) used against him that he wasn't fit but "had great hair'. Lets just say Truedua got softly memed into office in a way

    Edit: I was kidding about the polar bear backups. You know, playing on stereotypes. You know, Canadians riding moose and polar bears to work and school. But, I heard a lot of people do leave their car doors unlocked in the far north due to if they were to run into a polar bear and need to jump into a car real quick.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    He was! He was actually Canada's most loved Prime Minister. From both the French and English speaking side too which is a big feat. Justin Trudea is probably the most hated Prime Minister in Canada if anything LMAO! Seriously, other then Daddy Truedau helping with the students during the pandemic and getting weed legalized, he has been in so many scandals the world doesn't know about. It was really surprising he got re-elected. Though maybe. The Canadian politics aren't as 'interesting' as the American's one was but damn did we get some mud slinging last year from all the parties lol. I still remember during his campaign that his competitor (the former Prime Minister) used against him that he wasn't fit but "had great hair'. Lets just say Truedua got softly memed into office in a way
    On a side note, do you have any opinions on Trudeau’s type? From the clips I’ve seen, he seems SF-ish, but I’m curious as to what you think about this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    On a side note, do you have any opinions on Trudeau’s type? From the clips I’ve seen, he seems SF-ish, but I’m curious as to what you think about this.
    He is an ethics types for sure. Either Delta NF or Alpha SF. I lean more Alpha SF so it's more likely he is ESE or SEI then IEE or EII but I would be surprised if he was a Delta NF. He knows how to manipulate the room and keep a certain image that I have seen Delta NF's struggle to do. He keeps a certain softness and his Fe is really good. Though Trump was the only one to break his face. He seems like a big gossiper behind the scenes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    A fellow practitioner of interpretatio graeca, huh? But how do you square the fact that the Greeks didn't really practice human sacrifice?

    I'm also curious -- you say "the god with insatiable thirst for child sacrifice"; do other gods not have this thirst? For instance, my favorite god, Hermes, received sacrifices as Odin, but I don't know if he was more associated with human sacrifice than any other god. Or is it possible for a god not to be at fault if a culture mistakenly sacrifices to them against their wishes?
    I can't claim to be a practioner. : ) I am listeing to the prophets of our times. They all say we are in the days of Elijah, and Moses, not only that, that these days are greater! So I recently learned that Bael/Zeus fact, and that he is the god with the insatiable demand for child sacrifice, who is beign served by the rich and powerful today, that God is now judging. Baal was the god of Pharoh. God says that Red Sea is now parting - and about to close on Baal and his army. The rich and powerful are about to be exposed for their satan worshipping, bloody child sacrifice and sex trafficing and even more really sick horrifying things, way beyond the massive Novemeber fraud. God will strike them just as He struck Pharoh and his army, when he asked Moses to stretch out his hand to close the sea, and like how He used Elijah on Mt.Carmel to incinerated the idol and the prophets of Bael.

    Today I am remebering the Bush funeral. Trump leaving before the casket struck me. And also, like everyone, those letters! Their reckoning is upon them, and you know by their faces that they know they deserve it. Justice horrifies them.

    Along the lines of this thread topic, we see what God thinks of Floyd beign raised up to "king", Godd is angry with this Floyd elected "king", but he is more angry at false gods. Last night I heard a 2nd prophet warn of somethign to happen to the Statue of Liberty ("somethign about the base"), because it is the One True God who gives us liberty, not some goddess. Another prophet had warned, "Beware of gifts of nations who give hommage to false gods". And I understand France has given another liberty goddess gift recently. I also heard a prophet say: "Watch structures that will fall." I believe that referes to the Baal arches that were installed in NYC and in other places in oruo country; and the people will sask, "How did this happen?" Yes, as life has gotten harder for us "slaves", there as been, among ther extremely rich and powerful, an increased devotion and visable hommage to gods who demand child sacrtifices. But God will strike, or has already, and they are about to or have already lost ALL of their power and their billions. There is nowhere to hide from the God of Abraham and Moses, who says: "I am the Lord, thy God, and thou shalt have no other gods before me."
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    You seem to focus in on unnesscary details a lot, like this George Floyd thing. No one needs an almost two hour video "explaining" the George Floyd mural being struck down by thunder. No-one is going to listen to these false prophets who always get things wrong, because they're not actually reading the Bible. Everything that has been set out from the beginning of time, and every prophecy therein is in the Bible, and most of them have been fulfilled with Jesus' death and resurrection. Anything outside of the Bible is questionable, and at the best, a coincidence if any of these co called "prophecies" these so-called "prophets" (most of them aren't even prophets, but are merchants of the flesh and conmen) say.

    If you actually READ the bible and studied that, instead of the false prophets that are rampant on YouTube, you'd win more souls over, understand the Bible and have things make sense to the people on here. No disrepect, but you take Kat Kerr, a prophet who has been exposed time and time again as someone who should be seriously listened to.

    It's not just 2 or 3 people exposing her, it's a whole bunch of reputible Christian pastors and laymen. A whole tonne of people are seeing through this nonsense. They have their priorities right.

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    You seem to focus in on unnesscary details a lot, like this George Floyd thing. No one needs an almost two hour video "explaining" the George Floyd mural being struck down by thunder.
    Hi Dead. The video with Barr/Gaiters is not about the mural. It is about the history and political atrocities against blacks in our nation, and it is very eye-opening and informative. I am really glad I watched it. I don't usually post long videos, I try to keep them well under five minutes generally. This is quite longer. But worth it, for anyone intersted. And yes, the advice to me here to mention at what minutes are some of the good parts is good advice, but I don 't have time to go back and do that right now. Maybe I will be able to another time.

    The George-Floyd-as-King mural getting demolished by a lightning strike - - If that is not God speaking, then what will it take? Truly some WANT to be blind.

    Then good news is that in spite of such as those, God will now do GREAT, GREAT things in for our country and in every nation. We will greatly rejoice! Huge changes are coming; our lives will be better. It will stun some for sure, but the stunned, the previously deceived, will be dancing in the streets, too. In 2022 they will say, "I. guess. it. was. true."

    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    No-one is going to listen to these false prophets who always get things wrong, because they're not actually reading the Bible.
    Someone has mislead you, dear Dead. You will see soon. Then you will change your forum name to "Alive!" or "Alive with joy!" But now you are listening to false information. Prophets tell us that many pastors now are "dead" (spiritually) in our country, and God is going to expose this. Among those who fall will be reputable leaders of some megaministries who have shut out God while calling "Lord, Lord".

    The reality is that Christians who read the Bible are the ones listening to these prophets in droves. These prophets like Robin Bullock, Hank Kunneman, Kat Kerr, Manuel Johnson, Amanda Grace, Timothy Dixon and MANY MORE are true prophets. And God has given them a "Double Portion". Look that up in your Bible!

    These are the days of the Prophets. The days of Elijah. Of Moses, and the Red Sea!

    Watch our military sing it. People the world over are singing THIS SONG, because it is the TRUTH about our times! These days are bigger than days of Elijah and Moses in the Bible!
    Every word in this song is what is happening in this world NOW. Four minutes:

    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    Everything that has been set out from the beginning of time, and every prophecy therein is in the Bible, and most of them have been fulfilled with Jesus' death and resurrection. Anything outside of the Bible is questionable, and at the best, a coincidence if any of these co called "prophecies" these so-called "prophets" (most of them aren't even prophets, but are merchants of the flesh and conmen) say.
    Well, first of all, NOWHERE in the Bible does it say or imply that "Anything outside the Bible is questionable". So, by your own standard, your statement is questionable.

    Yes, much is fulfilled, but much is yet to be fulfilled. What Jesus prayed for, He taught us also to pray for: "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in Heaven."

    THAT certainly is not yet fulfilled.

    But we are soon to get a LOT closer to that than anything we have EVER SEEN! Things are going to flip, everywhere. Fast, the prophets say. "Sooner than you think", they tell us God says.

    It is for the following reason that God has sent, in these times, many prophets. The reason is because GOD IS GOING TO ACT, and the Bible tells us that GOD DOES NOT ACT WITHOUT TELLING HIS PROPHETS FIRST. So He sends many prophets in these days, now!

    In the Bible God warned us there would be many false prophets. So yes, they are here, too. Think of the existence of counterfeit dollar bills. The existence of them does not mean all dollar bills are fake.

    In the Bible we are told how to disccern false prophets!

    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    If you actually READ the bible and studied that, instead of the false prophets that are rampant on YouTube, you'd win more souls over, understand the Bible and have things make sense to the people on here. No disrepect, but you take Kat Kerr, a prophet who has been exposed time and time again as someone who should be seriously listened to.
    Why would you think I don't read and study the Bible - constantly?

    Stop reading the fake news, Dead. Just ignore it! Because you could instead be rejoicing! Read His word, and then listen to the prophets. Your heart will rejoice!

    I see people all over rejoicing in God now. It is so exciting! So glad to see my SEE relative rejoicing now - I have never seen this in her like this. Today I drove by a church near where I used to teach, that I never saw a single bit of activity at before. Just a nicely mowed emtly lwn and a plain brick building. Today outside was a crowd, with signs. "Turn to Jesus" Halleluijah! My heart sang. It was the best part of my day today, driving by those people. Thank you, Lord.

    Those were mostly old folks, the kind that don't normally stand outside with signs. Some sat in lawn chairs. But God has SO MUCH GOOD in store for the under 30 generations! So much! It will be a good life for them, who have had their faith stolen from them! Their faith will be on fire, and God will give them many gifts. Great converstions for God will explode in the public schools, and in the universities! Like nothing ever seen!

    There will be great converstions in our nation and throughout the world, accompanied by so many great miracles! People will be instantly healed of every kind of physical, mental, and emotional aliments, in droves. People will be healthy!

    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    [video] [video] [video]

    It's not just 2 or 3 people exposing her, it's a whole bunch of reputible Christian pastors and laymen. A whole tonne of people are seeing through this nonsense. They have their priorities right.
    I didn't see the videos, I just can't now, I have summer school to teach this week coming up and I want it to be good.

    In Jesus' time, the most reputable people, the most important, the most authoratative people to whom the truth was entrusted, the Pharisees, said Jesus was false and a liar, when He was the most perfect being who ever lived. They even crucified him. They were very, very evil. But we have some very evil people running our country, our media, our corporations, and hoarding our billions.

    People have always persecuted God's prophets. But God did warn against doing that. So I think I will listen.

    Some very popular preachers with big ministries will also, when evil is soon exposed, fall, because they too were involved in evil and were lying and hiding God, using their role as popular preachers to hide the One True God from people. God will clean them out. That is what the prophets say, and I believe them.

    Kat Kerr is for real. I love "Wednesdays with Kat" where she talks about her visits to Heaven. It is fantastical! The things of God are far better than any fiction! She is good. She is real. Whoever made those videos you posted, can't be. So I expect them to be among those soon falling. I absolutely believe those people who made those videos do NOT have their priorities straight. But only God knows hearts. It's just that soon He will be exposign them.

    Kat says 45 won, and he DID. There is no 46. This is a bad charade. Not only did 45 win by a bigger landslide than any POTUS in the entire history of our country, but he is STILL and never stopped being POTUS, and is STILL running the country. How about that? He never conceded. The fake 46 & co. have no office and no budget and no abode. It's all fake. Meanwhile 45 has been very busy with the help of the military and very great men and women in our country working on making America truly great. Take a look at any of 45's public appearances. He looks positively presidential! He is surrounded by massive and REAL presidential security! Does the other one look at ALL presidential? Just look, and believe your own eyes!

    Among the other amazing things being prepared for us is the new banking system, ready to be implemented, and it will be a smooth transition, and it will be AWESOME! There will be REAL debt forgiveness, including college loans and mortgages!

    This is the truth. Washignton D.C. is empty. Not only the White House, but the Capitol and the all manner of Federal buildings - like the IRS (which is basically now DONE, as will income tax be) and all kinds of federal buildings also are basically empty. So says anyone who lives there. The crazy weekday morning commute of decade after decade after decade in D.C. is now like a quiet Sunday drive in the country. Sounds like news people would be interested in, doesn't it? But they are hiding the real news from you, so much. But the truth is out there to be found*. Hunt on duckduckgo not google, though you still have to hunt.

    Whatever they are telling you on the news, it's useful to assume the opposite is likely true. The news as we have always known it will soon be DONE forever. New networks will arise in their place and be like nothing we have seen before. The FDA, CDC, FBI and CIA and all manner of 3-letter institutions will be DONE. They are too rotting-corrupt to save. The Democratic party of death and sick, sick child sex trafficking will be over FOREVER. The victims will be set free in droves and they will bre helped and healed. The Republicans will be divided (in half?) with the unworthy and disgusting exposed for what they are and they and they will be gone in shame, never again to have a part of politics or leadership ever again. Two supreme court justices will step down in shame and the first thing the new SC will do is end Roe v. Wade. And then things will very quickly get very good in our country.

    And the world will greatly rejoice when they see our new freedom and liberty, because they know they will be next! The whole world will change. God will take the billions from the horrible evil ones and He will pour it out to those in need and to the deserving and to the great masses of slaves to the current system. For a GOOD season, things will be very, very good!

    And God will move in people's hearts and the conversions will be in droves. The conversions here in America will turn the world's heads, and tourism to America will rise - but not to see American sights - to see and experience this land of faith! And that faith will sweep across the whole world!

    God is sending prophets all over the world. A GREAT PROPHET will arise in IRAN, and the nation will be converted. They will not be able to silence him! I believe this!

    A prophet tells that a great revival, a great ground swell ready to burst out in North Korea and also in Communist China! The people will be set free! Halleluijah!

    There is so much to rejoice in!


    *Re: the real news: the alternative news: Lots of this news is in code words, because we are still under the Dem's oppressive and stridenty communist censorship. So it is harder to listen to than the nicely packaged mainastream media, but you get used to it. There is also lots copy-cat fake alternative news, planted to distract and confuse you, so it is tricky to navigate. I just listen to it all with an open mind, and then patterns start to form and you start to see the patterns and to recognize true from fake. Q is for real, I can tell you that. I have not actually listened to Q, but the true ones all credit Q as real. But I am not the one to show you the way to go with alternative news; you have to do your own research as far that, because for me it is only the prophets that I have studied extensively enough to feel confident I can point to true as I did above. I am a beginner following the alternative news, which has been really exciting info. I find that knowing which prophets are real helps because the alternative news is telling exactly HOW God is fulfilling His many great and exciting great promises of great good for our country (such as in some of the some of the ways I described above).
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Default God Speaks.

    And we can expect God to speak a lot more in a like manner. Watch the monuments, say the prophets.

    The First Commandment is, "Though shalt have no other God's before me."

    17 May 2021

    Collapse of Darwin's Arch

    The arch rock named for Darwin

    Is no more:
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    ... No one needs an almost two hour video



    So you say and then link four hours of video?

    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    It's not just 2 or 3 people exposing her, it's a whole bunch of reputible Christian pastors and laymen. A whole tonne of people are seeing through this nonsense. They have their priorities right.
    Wow, DEAD. These videos. I am a believer and this is not the kind of company I keep.

    Read the Psalms, brother. Start with Psalm 1:1.

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    Before we denounce other cults of engaging in human sacrifice, let's not forget that Catholics regularly engaged in cannibalism and that their institutions have murdered thousands of children who were supposed to be in their care.

    Please do not quote my posts if you wish to avoid @Eliza Thomason reading them.

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    globohomo aixelsyd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Before we denounce other cults of engaging in human sacrifice, let's not forget that Catholics regularly engaged in cannibalism and that their institutions have murdered thousands of children who were supposed to be in their care.

    Please do not quote my posts if you wish to avoid @Eliza Thomason reading them.
    When you say "cannibalism," is this referring to the eucharist's high magical practice of transubstantiation or something else?

  33. #33

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    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
    When you say "cannibalism," is this referring to the eucharist's high magical practice of transubstantiation or something else?
    Hi aixeldyd, you probably didn't see this that I wrote above:

    A new rule for comments, please: If subteigh comments here, please do not quote him. I have him on ignore after having reached the end of my very, very long rope with him and can generally avoid reading what he writes by not looking at my threads that he trolls when I am not signed in. But that's not possible if he is quoted. So I would appreciate it very much if he is not quoted in this thread. Thank you.
    So if you would plerase edit your comment I would appreciate it. Thank you!
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Default 3 minutes of BEAUTIFUL

    Beautiful people, beautiful voices. Beautiful joy.

    Just have a look at it anywhere.

    3min.; should begin at 1:21:11:

    How wonderful is the love of God. There is nothng else like it on earth!

    Same video as above, but you have to bring it to 1:21:11 yourself:

    P.S. When you look at their beautiful faces, I would love to hear if you have VI'd any of the types. I am wondering if the guy at the top middle next to the balck girl is SLI? Opinion?
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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