This can be taken seriously or for fun. I don't have many Alpha NT's IRL and would like to adopt or be adopted by one lol. I don't know what kind of trap to set. It seems that cookies are often favored by alpha NT but I am not a cookie girl (I know, the audacity). I like to cook and offer food, but that really depends on the person. A female NT is fine, I don't feel comfortable cooking a meal for a male NT as I only feel comfortable doing that for a significant other. I am not up to date on anything anime as it has been awhile for me and I don't feel strong luring the weeb NT's. My meme game isn't bad but I don't know which memes are the best lure. However luring a a big meme guy can possibly lead me into territory I don't want to go down lol. I am smart, but I can struggle at discussing theory and science. The only thing I got is my smile and cheerful playfulness but that doesn't come out for a little while until I get comfortable. So my trap is flawed. So I am stuck.

Any good ways to improve my trap? lol