I had a feeling that my cousin was ENFJ and I tried to type her objectively. Turns out we have a very good relationship. She’s so brightly emotional. I mean when she suffered a miscarriage she was in shambles and I took her her favorite comfort stuff to cheer her up. I tried to give her hope, love and encouragement. I may not be very effective or received entirely by Beta NFs however there is a lot of warming or warmth among NFs it seems to me. It’s because we all sort of do relationship management. I am always so impressed by her communication skills and what’s called gumption which is balls to do and say what I often hesitate in doing so myself. At a cousin’s party once I wanted to ask the catering staff if they would make me some coffee but felt like I would be disrespectful or disruptive to their routine. I told her how I felt and she said “don’t worry Mar jan I will ask for you” I told her she was the voice I was the idea.