I have a SEE sister and boyyyyy are we different yet so similar at times.

She has a lot more stamina then me and isn’t as sensitive to her environment then I am. She really likes keeping things more organized then me and loves watching lifestyle content. She is very blunt and doesn’t give too shits if she offends you lol. She is very caring and sensitive with her loved ones and is more prone to asking to hangout. She gets offended more then me when it comes to thinks and can be very firm in her judgements. A lot of people are more prone to start drama with her for some reason. She is not afraid to bug me and you need to be firm with her. We have very different styles and she is more prone to following trends of what is popular then anyone and is #basic. She finds it weird when I Ne around the place or express Ne stuff.
She feels different. Just I always feel the Se energies. I feel more suffocated with SEE-Se men and women from time to time.

Since living with my sister, we fought a lot when we were younger but it’s not as bad now. We are still very different and bicker over shit due to preferences and kinda give each other crap on our own sensing abilities to be honest. Since I’m used to my SEE sister, I’m used to being around that energy and I don’t take it as personally if I didn’t grow up with some gamma engere around me.

There is still some psychological distance with SEE and I do question some shit at times but, they do mean well and can be very caring. I trust them when it comes to trends or what they are passionate at. I do enjoy their raw Se/Fi energy when it comes to art. Love Miley Cyrus‘s latest album. I really love Plastic hearts and speaks to my soul in a way.