Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
I think moderate depression and anxiety is something people often put up with for a long time before getting help. Perhaps more so people for people from working class backgrounds and maybe some other groups without much representation in the media. It might be a bit better now compared to when I was younger though.
Yeah, I think you're right about people tending to just "put up with" mild to moderate depression. The only reason I ever got treatment was because I was studying psych in college at the time and my university offered free mental health services included in the cost of tuition. My university's psychologists were lovely, and I even got to choose which therapist I wanted based on what school of psychology they were most versed in. Naturally I chose a therapist trained in the psychodynamic approach and she was so great to me. I had been feeling moderately depressed for over a year and then I went to therapy for about 8 months. They gave me a test before and after therapy to measure my change in anxiety and depression levels, and they improved massively. Unfortunately I know that therapy won't necessarily work for everyone, and some people don't even have access to it, but it was an amazing experience for me, and I would strongly encourage people to seek it out if it's at all a possibility even if your symptoms "aren't that bad." There's a lot of people who I think could be so much happier if they just humbled themselves and went to therapy for awhile