Quote Originally Posted by Baqer View Post
There's alot of things associated with Fi ofc, but I can at the least tell my own experience and interpretation of what I experience that I believe has to do with Fi polr. I think the biggest thing to describe it as is probably just having lots of problems when dealing with individual relationships with people. It's a blindspot really, one I know is there but can't really figure out how to fix it. I'm able to appeal to people fine, generally portraying a true version of myself seems to get a somewhat positive response, but I don't keep track of people. I talk if I can at the moment, and basically forget about them unless there was something truly interesting for me to keep my mind on them. Fundamentally, people are just another thing that I can mess with for fun. The problem is that as I talk more and more to people, the very small part of me that keeps me from telling my life story to strangers falls apart and I just say anything that comes from my head out loud. This doesn't go well with a pretty large portion of people, because of the fact that usually whatever random stuff I'm saying is either uninteresting, not understandable, or in the case of the EII's I have met too pyschopathic for them. Thing is though is that I know I can appeal and become good friends with people, I just have very bad luck in it. I'm never gonna give a shit about keeping friendships up, so I'm stuck mostly with the people who keep them with me, which happens to be Fi doms or Fi demonstratives, and I've draw 3 different EII's and only 1 IEI as close friends. So now my best option is to try to befriend more people, which is such a comparatively hard process that makes me having to interact with people more than I want. I'm a sx/so, so in general I'm basically just waiting to find someone who I can just stick with and treat as an extension of myself, but that makes all my friendships now just seem like pointless distractions.

TLDR, Idk what i'm doing with my social life to the point where i'd consider cutting myself off from everyone I ever knew so that I could be a purely public figure a good idea. Or maybe i'm just unlucky
Thank you for sharing!
Honestly, what you have described is how I witness on the other side with one and it reminds me how other ILE‘s have described that experience that I have seen online. It‘s bittersweet for me to think at least.
I hope you can find more of your people then. Be it a partner or a friend. Even with what you described I think it’s really special to find people that we enjoy their relations with. I think everyone deserves to find their people.

I would be a little careful about viewing your partner as an extension of yourself as I have seen that backfire. From a close Sx/so friend nonetheless. Or at least make sure they are Sx/so.