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Thread: Member Questionnaire (Nell79)

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    Default LII or LSI?

    Member Questionnaire 1 (Nell79)
    What is beauty? What is love?
    They are abstract and subjective concepts. Each person has their own definition of beauty and love. In my opinion:
    Beauty is everything that we grasp and feel as beautiful, virtuous, and captivating.
    And love is an unconditional feeling of affection, affection and tenderness. Be willing to protect and sacrifice for a person, without expecting anything in return.
    There are many people who ignore the love and beauty of life.
    While I can't deny that I love experiencing beauty and love, I don't bother much to deepep or idealize "cheesy themes." The world is not rosy. Love is only found in your family and loved ones. And beauty can be found everywhere (landscapes, nature, etc ...)
    What are your most important values?
    Righteousness and sense of duty.
    It may sound moralistic, but I never break my code, or act against my ideals.
    I am strict with my person. I make my decisions judging if they are correct or incorrect.
    Determination, courage and ambition are also important values to me. They show my character and willpower. Not in the arrogant, aggressive or conflictive sense, if not in the focus and realization of my objectives. I am a person who tries to visualize and achieve a goal. Not for the acceptance or prestige of others, if not for the success of my own dreams.
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I believe in a higher entity that is outside the understanding or comprehension of humanity. I can't say if I believe in fate or in aliens, but I think that humans still don't know a lot about the universe. But I refuse to acknowledge religions or sects.
    Religions only take advantage of the disbelief of the weak and ignorant to make money.
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    Since my childhood I have had admiration and respect for the military. I see the military as a discipline that encourages you to be methodical, orderly, rigid and courageous to protect and defend your nation. I like the loyal, strong and mannish image of the military. But after seeing the violent actions of some military in regimes and watch corrupt officers, I no longer idealize them excessively.
    Power is absolute dominance and control. "Do what you want, when you want, where you want, and with whoever you want." It is tempting, and I like the idea of ​​gaining power with effort, but in a moderate way, without the need to abuse or trample other people. I am satisfied with satisfying my goals and enjoying my freedom.
    War is: disgrace for the world, regret for families, trauma for soldiers, and business for politicians and bureaucrats. We must avoid it at all costs.
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    I can have any kind of talk, as long as it is comfortable or pleasant. I relax and enjoy geek topics more: like anime, series, books or fantasy things. I also like to participate or listen to extravagant, strange, curious or controversial conversations.
    Nor do I dislike talking about more practical or "serious" topics.
    They considered that I have two social faces:
    The first that is shown as an adult talking about "serious and mature" things.
    And the second one that brings out a nerdy, imaginative, fanciful and mischievous side (a face that I only show to my friends and family).
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    I care about the health of my close ones and person, but I am not prone to start "medicine conversations". I don't have much interest in that area. But I am extremely careful about taking care of my body, and I also do not bother to learn useful things about medicine to prepare for emergencies.
    It is a case similar to automotive mechanics; It is important to know and practice it, but I get bored when the topic of conversation is only limited to automobiles or cars (F1 is a separate case: V). I don't dislike them, I use them, but I'm very selective with my tastes, and I prefer to talk about things related to my preferences.
    What do you think of daily chores?
    I enjoy them. They make me feel responsible, hard-working and efficient. As an older adult I like routine, and I don't bother being labeled a workaholic. I like to be rewarded for my effort and dedication.
    I enjoy my free time, but I get annoyed and frustrate when I'm not working.
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I can make you a will if you want (anime, books, movies, etc ..)
    The last one I saw was Jujutsu Kaisen ... I could do an extensive review but it's easier for you to stop wasting your time and watch it. You will regret missing out on a spectacular series full of action, adrenaline, supernatural powers and good characters. If you want to enjoy a shonen anime that is not generic or cliche, watch Jujutsu Kaisen.
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I never cry. I am good at maintaining and controlling my emotions. I do not like to show weakness or lack of control to anyone. Sometimes I can be excessively "dry" and "sour" in feelings.
    I only expel my emotions with my close friends and family. The joy and fun happen living with the people that matter to me.
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    I like to relax in solitude.
    I enjoy walking alone in parks, beaches or natural environments, without crowds, glimpsing the beauties of nature.
    I feel comfort in quiet, peaceful, serene and isolated areas.
    It is a type of pleasure, relaxation and natural harmony that comfort me, and manage to cool my moodiness, stress or negativity.
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I avoid showing weakness to people. But I think my worst weakness is my insensibility, and I have little touch to emotions or romantic relationships. I am very reserved, and I don't get involved much in large or hyper-active groups. I can even offend people because of my serious character or attitude: show annoyance or displeasure on my face, unintentionally offend a person for trying to be frank, etc ...
    I am too antisocial and pushy. I try to push myself to be more "friendly", "charismatic" and "social".
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    My loyalty, seriousness and character. It's not uncommon to earn people's trust. If you ask me to do something, I assure you that I will do it without fail.
    I like my strong sense of determination, and I take pride in being an upright, methodical, and thoughtful person.
    I love to show insight and efficiency in my actions and work. Be smart, cunning, creative, versatile, and independent.
    I also feel proud to follow and defend my ideals.
    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I HATE asking for help. Of course I am open to new insights, or advice in areas that I do not know, but I always avoid depending on someone.
    As I previously wrote, I must improve my "sociability", but I see it ridiculous to openly ask for help in something that I can do myself.
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    No. As an adult you must mature and accept routine life.
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I can get along with any type of person, as long as they are not unpleasant, impulsive, confrontational, uncontrolled or immature.
    At work I relate better to loyal people who give me support and trust. I hate lazy and scandalous who interrupt my job.
    And in my close relationships, I associate with warm, friendly, simple and sincere people. I avoid hypocritical, liar, scandalous, uncontrolled, ignorant people, without their own criteria, and who do not know how to control their emotions.
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    Currently as a single I do not want to get involved in relationships with "serious commitments" or intense emotions. I am open to interact romantically or sexually for fun, curiosity or to satisfy my needs. I consider myself too young to compromise my independence.
    By wanting to form a lasting courtship, I am satisfied with a partner who shares my tastes, and offers me loyalty and comfort, support and help.
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I am not interested in raising or babysitting. I don't get along with infants. And I don't like the idea of bringing another human being into a world that gets more stupid and dangerous every day.
    I may change my mind over time, but currently I don't bother to think about such things.
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    It depends on the friend and the affirmation.
    If it's something simple and silly like a movie debate, I'll pass it by. I can argue, but without conflict, and taking it with humor.
    If it is something serious, like doing something wrong, I will express myself being direct and frank. I will try not to be aggressive, but if you insist on continuing with your faults I will expose an annoying attitude. In extreme cases I do not bother to break up the friendship (it is another of my defects, I do not hesitate to abruptly separate myself from friends. It is another reason why I am also a lonely person).
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    Well, I don't want to deepep in philosophical issues. No matter how you see the world, it will continue to spin.
    I'm just looking to get my potential and enjoy my life. People are stupid, and society is full of injustices. But before the apocalypse hits or I die, I plan to achieve my goals.
    I simply advocate for wisdom, democracy, and personal freedom.
    I support healthy capitalism; earn success with work, effort and competence.
    I'm just the "black sheep" that gets separated from the flock of sheep when they decide to fall off the cliff.
    That is all ... I guess.
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    That they share my interests and tastes. I can make friends with anyone who manages to distract me from problems and negativity, maintaining comfortable, pleasant and fun talks. And stay loyal and trustworthy.
    Most of my closest friends are fanciful, imaginative, mischievous, mocking, and trustworthy. I enjoy being in a (modest) group that helps me remove my "seriousness". Experiencing funny moments.
    I do not pay attention to physical, personal or ideological characteristics, I only care that they guarantee me loyalty and companionship.
    How do you behave around strangers?
    I try to impose a serious and disciplined character. Not out of rudeness, or trying to intimidate others, it is to show that I am a mature, hard-working and competent man.
    Although sometimes I can go overboard in my seriousness, and scare people by my rigid attitude.
    I try to be nice, but frank. Practical and rational in mind, but imaginative and creative.
    I want to show off elegant, intellectual, methodical and wise image. I find it difficult to display "charisma" or "fun" when I meet strangers.
    Last edited by Nell79; 07-05-2021 at 02:35 PM.

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    Stereotypically a lot of what you said sounds like low but valued Fe. You are a serious grump but appreciate it if other people use Fe or are charming themselves? Yeah that is very LII-ish. If you are a serious grump that wants everybody else to be a serious grump too- that's more of a logical type Fi valuing thing.

    All that duty and righteousness talk seems Delta-ish though- so you are probably closer to Delta then Beta so LII makes sense. Although you can be a very righteous and dutiful Beta- I just met a LSI police officer. ((cops are usually big on morals - that's why they became cops in the first place)) He didn't really describe himself in this way though, he was just this way naturally.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Stereotypically a lot of what you said sounds like low but valued Fe. You are a serious grump but appreciate it if other people use Fe or are charming themselves? Yeah that is very LII-ish. If you are a serious grump that wants everybody else to be a serious grump too- that's more of a logical type Fi valuing thing.

    All that duty and righteousness talk seems Delta-ish though- so you are probably closer to Delta then Beta so LII makes sense. Although you can be a very righteous and dutiful Beta- I just met a LSI police officer. ((cops are usually big on morals - that's why they became cops in the first place)) He didn't really describe himself in this way though, he was just this way naturally.

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