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Thread: Did Jesus have a 1 in 100 billion telekinetic mutation?

  1. #1
    Moderator xerx's Avatar
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    Default Did Jesus have a 1 in 100 billion telekinetic mutation?


    Source for the 100 billion figure:

  2. #2
    Baqer's Avatar
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    No, if Jesus managed to have telekinetic powers, then that leaves the table for every other prophet in existence to have had it. Ignoring the fact that it's extremely unlikely, the only thing supporting that Jesus would've been the only one who'd be telekinetic is the fact that the religion he inspired managed to spread farther than most, something which is completely circumstantial.

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    Moderator xerx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baqer View Post
    the religion he inspired managed to spread farther than most, something which is completely circumstantial.
    It's funny: he's been dead for 2000 years, yet everyone's still talking about him.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    It's funny: he's been dead for 2000 years, yet everyone's still talking about him.
    Do you think he’s overrated?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Baqer View Post
    No, if Jesus managed to have telekinetic powers, then that leaves the table for every other prophet in existence to have had it. Ignoring the fact that it's extremely unlikely, the only thing supporting that Jesus would've been the only one who'd be telekinetic is the fact that the religion he inspired managed to spread farther than most, something which is completely circumstantial.
    I once read an historical scholar who said that the reason Christianity spread so quickly was the fact that it clearly stated as a fundamental precept, "One man, one wife."

    Previously, men, even Jewish men, were free to marry as many women as they could get. This left a lot of poor men with no prospects, and a lot of women sharing a house with other wives.
    The historian speculated that women immediately saw the advantage of being the only wife and converted to Christianity, and if a man wanted to marry her, the woman would insist that he convert, too. Otherwise, he could just hang with the goats, bro.

    I think this sounds very reasonable. It would make Christianity the first modern women's rights movement.

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    Moderator xerx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Do you think he’s overrated?
    Overrated as God's only son and the saviour of mankind? Yeah, probably.

    Overrated as one of the most influential people to walk on Earth (and water), probably not. For the leader of an obscure first century cult in an obscure provincial outpost, he certainly did well for himself.

  7. #7


    @xerx even the first century became the first one after him

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    Ah, maybe Jesus was zapped by the continuum rage cyclone of destructive conflict to save the gladiator's fuming punch codex of the Lugia laser that rifles undressed cupcake bastions to the bubble balloon of surfing refrigerators and angry cactus boxers, like aliens and hybrids of the corrupted Jewish DNA were upraised at the climax of all things to enter into the dome of prime time Jesus archeology throughout stretches of the breakaway stallion to herd mindless sheep from milestone mines of silver and feathers!!
    Harry Kane Hurricane different Lugia levels from Real Madrid and Jogi Low England vs Zidane Spain if Spain wins is a chance to add trophy number 10 for Zidane. France also did well and brought up memories of Euro 2000. Even Raptor Canada at Copa America was a blast. I'm preparing for the final, putting all my forces together. It's a waltz of emporium quiet snuggles blueprint writing love letters and shards of tropical bazookas cake portal resurrecting awe crackling diary tangled boots of soaring alchemy riding concoctions of blossoming horns and dream riddles escorting chairs of beloved open castles harboring robin
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    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    You are the son of God AND you have 1 in 100 billion mutation? This guy was so lucky. Wonder what happened to him...
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    i always thought a lot of what jesus did could be explained through metaphor and understanding that the worldview of the people who wrote the bible texts was not the western scientific worldview, they were not aiming for facts, accuracy, a scientifically cogent account, so on. it was all about what the stories MEAN (imo but i have some limited knowledge /hides/). however, my favorite christian philosophy prof (he was an unconventional catholic) believed the accounts of healing and driving out demons were real, but anything like turning water into wine was metaphor (although really if one can miraculously heal a physical ailment lol, what can't they do).

    i mostly think jesus was a sort of "spiritual healer" and don't really believe in demonic forces. i think the mind can create a wealth of terrible demons all on its own and there doesn't need to be a supernatural explanation. and it is a rare person who has worked enough through their own ego to see clearly and so be able to use that understanding to look into someone else and find the right words and actions in a short period of time to help them dissolve the demons of their own creation, and turn around the destructive patterns in their minds. and since the stories aren't going with scientific worldview, it's not like someone came back and checked on any of these people later to see if they had fallen back into a pattern of devastating mental illness lol. they are not case studies.

    like i think jesus was trying to transform society because he knew that as long as society is what it is, there will always be masses upon masses of devastated people who need healing but can't fight the world long enough to be okay. buddhism had recommendations for how to organize society in a more spiritually "useful" way as well (aim: to reduce suffering of all).

    anyway, i do think jesus was a rare bird with a gift and that all of these massive spiritual leaders who create a world religion generally are. like jesus and siddhartha were spiritual geniuses basically - and this part of humanity has always existed (find the shaman in every tribe, not every one is a genius, but the need for this role by the tribe is known). however, i wouldn't want to de-emphasize how much hard work they both did or the sort of fierce determination required (although the fanatical level of determination is also maybe something that could be genetic lol). and really i feel even there could be something similar in some cult leaders. i haven't really studied cult leaders but i have wondered if they often have a higher than average "spiritual genius" but they are corrupted (though many are probably just Fe leads using Fe Fe Fe /hides/)... because i do think this genius goes hand-in-hand with fanaticism. a person needs to be willing to go to extremes, to be radical, to be able to go against all norms. but the successful spiritual genius does so without it ending up with hundreds of people drinking poison to reach a higher level of consciousness, and it will do what it does not in the service of its own ego drives and self-image. the higher purpose it reaches for will not create death - it doesn't sacrifice the suffering masses as a means to an end. iow, it has compassion, and a lot of it.

    but since genes are sloppy and i'm making this up, this would be a total set of genes and if you don't have them all, you don't have the Configuration. like you could be fanatical with no empathy for instance. you do things for a higher purpose, but your lack of empathy and compassion lead to a vector of increased suffering and death for large numbers of people, but that doesn't matter because the Higher Cause (that is twisted).

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    All dose 117 billion people must be typed by socionics and added to d Ti database!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Baqer View Post
    No, if Jesus managed to have telekinetic powers, then that leaves the table for every other prophet in existence to have had it. Ignoring the fact that it's extremely unlikely, the only thing supporting that Jesus would've been the only one who'd be telekinetic is the fact that the religion he inspired managed to spread farther than most, something which is completely circumstantial.
    Even that's only true when you ignore the denominational level. For example, Sunni Islam is more popular than Roman Catholicism. Hinduism is also huge and bigger than Buddhism.

    Additionally, if Jesus was a mutant and all the prophets have powers (I'm not even saying telekinetic here because I think the other things they did mattered as well) their descendants should be able to get it despite not being prophets themselves. On the one hand, this would definitely explain the high importance given to things like prophets' families and Muslims trying to claim descent from Muhammad as well as things like Dan Brown trying to say Jesus secretly had descendants (though I doubt it.) Pretty much anyone could inherit the mutations since pretty much everyone seems descended from prophets at this point, but some of them might've had better mutations than others, or you might want to see how many prophet mutations you can collect by marrying into certain lineages.

    The most famous purported telekineticist, Uri Geller, being Jewish might also not be a coincidence if you think you have to inherit a prophet mutation to have powers and Jews definitely work really hard at keeping that kind of thing in their lineages. However, I wouldn't rule out that level among other ethnicities at all, supposedly the British Royal Family goes back to Muhammad and every nation has had a prophet, I'd just guess the culture would encourage people to use it for something besides being an entertainer since another thing Jews often do and is accurate according to stereotypes is being an entertainer.

    Foundation, X-Men, Dune, and 40k are not supposed to be documentaries, but considering Jack "Dajjal" Parsons was a person, Faust is already a documentary, might as well see how far we can keep going.

    Also, even if purported prophets are mutants I don't know how that'd prove religion wrong. Couldn't God have just given especially devout souls mutant genes? It's the same thing as demons and mental illness... can't demons make someone crazy? But the person who demons made crazy still has a brain, so you could totally just give the possessed crazy person a brain scan and see what's going on. In fact, all illnesses used to be blamed on demons and treated with medicine at the same time, and it kind of makes sense a spirit of evil would be a cause of evil. Team spirit, spirit of the age, evil spirit, good spirit, spirit of a person, whatever. Maybe light is both a wave and a particle, and maybe there's a little bit of yin in yang and yang in yin. You can describe how a murder occurs using physics, biology, and maybe chemistry depending on what's used, but almost no one says that means murder isn't revolting and wicked just because it isn't supernatural. And in Scholastic theology, only God is supernatural, human souls, angels, demons, etc. are preternatural, everything else is natural.

    Now I must remind myself that this forum has the likes of Krae and some pretty serious, violent stuff goes on here. I shouldn't post my weird and interesting ideas here, as much as I want to seriously respond to this idea because it's had me thinking off and on.

    Also, have a song for mutant Jesus and the A-Men.

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    Quote Originally Posted by marooned View Post
    i always thought a lot of what jesus did could be explained through metaphor and understanding that the worldview of the people who wrote the bible texts was not the western scientific worldview, they were not aiming for facts, accuracy, a scientifically cogent account, so on. it was all about what the stories MEAN (imo but i have some limited knowledge /hides/). however, my favorite christian philosophy prof (he was an unconventional catholic) believed the accounts of healing and driving out demons were real, but anything like turning water into wine was metaphor (although really if one can miraculously heal a physical ailment lol, what can't they do).

    i mostly think jesus was a sort of "spiritual healer" and don't really believe in demonic forces. i think the mind can create a wealth of terrible demons all on its own and there doesn't need to be a supernatural explanation. and it is a rare person who has worked enough through their own ego to see clearly and so be able to use that understanding to look into someone else and find the right words and actions in a short period of time to help them dissolve the demons of their own creation, and turn around the destructive patterns in their minds. and since the stories aren't going with scientific worldview, it's not like someone came back and checked on any of these people later to see if they had fallen back into a pattern of devastating mental illness lol. they are not case studies.

    like i think jesus was trying to transform society because he knew that as long as society is what it is, there will always be masses upon masses of devastated people who need healing but can't fight the world long enough to be okay. buddhism had recommendations for how to organize society in a more spiritually "useful" way as well (aim: to reduce suffering of all).

    anyway, i do think jesus was a rare bird with a gift and that all of these massive spiritual leaders who create a world religion generally are. like jesus and siddhartha were spiritual geniuses basically - and this part of humanity has always existed (find the shaman in every tribe, not every one is a genius, but the need for this role by the tribe is known). however, i wouldn't want to de-emphasize how much hard work they both did or the sort of fierce determination required (although the fanatical level of determination is also maybe something that could be genetic lol). and really i feel even there could be something similar in some cult leaders. i haven't really studied cult leaders but i have wondered if they often have a higher than average "spiritual genius" but they are corrupted (though many are probably just Fe leads using Fe Fe Fe /hides/)... because i do think this genius goes hand-in-hand with fanaticism. a person needs to be willing to go to extremes, to be radical, to be able to go against all norms. but the successful spiritual genius does so without it ending up with hundreds of people drinking poison to reach a higher level of consciousness, and it will do what it does not in the service of its own ego drives and self-image. the higher purpose it reaches for will not create death - it doesn't sacrifice the suffering masses as a means to an end. iow, it has compassion, and a lot of it.

    but since genes are sloppy and i'm making this up, this would be a total set of genes and if you don't have them all, you don't have the Configuration. like you could be fanatical with no empathy for instance. you do things for a higher purpose, but your lack of empathy and compassion lead to a vector of increased suffering and death for large numbers of people, but that doesn't matter because the Higher Cause (that is twisted).
    All that's transitory is but a symbol
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