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Thread: Trolls, Edgelords, Lurkers, Creepers, Neckbeards, Anime Avatars etc

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    Default Reptilian Identification Guideline

    Reptilian Identification Guideline
    If you feel like something's not right, you may not be dealing with a human, but a Reptilian

    Before knowing the differences, we first need to understand some key concepts,

    Personality Vs. Character

    Personality- Stable set of traits that define our unique style of interacting with the world over a variety of different situations.

    Character- Distinct aspects of personality that reflect the presence or strength of one's virtues, ethics, conscientiousness, and depth of commitment to social conduct.

    Neurosis (Human) vs. Disturbed Character (Reptilian)

    Most people have some neurosis; otherwise they wouldn't have enough guilt/shame (to "civilize" the individual), to combat character disturbances.

    You can view them as opposite sides of a spectrum. Our personalities will fall somewhere on this spectrum:

    More Neurotic
    <---------------------------------------------------> More character disturbed

    --People with some neurosis (Human) will demonstrate a developed conscientiousness, sense of right vs. wrong, are adaptable (change their ways). Individuals that are character disturbed (Reptilian) have undeveloped conscientiousness, or they silence or don't hear "that voice" that helps them adapt.

    --Neurotic (Human) people have emotional senses of guilt (who we are) and shame (what we've done). Individuals that are character disturbed (Reptilian) lack these feelings.

    --Neurotic people's defense mechanisms stems unconsciously to deal with undesired pain

    Ex: using denial to deal with the emotional pain of loss
    --Character disturbed (Reptilian) individuals resort to "acting / lying" and uses "tactics of manipulation" to avoid responsibility or consequences.

    Ex: Saying "whhhhhhattttt???" or acting stupid when called out for bad behavior.

    Implications for the Character Disturbed

    Focus for character disturbed individuals must be on distorted thinking patterns and behavior NOT on feelings/motivations ( contrary to popular belief )

    Reptilian Covert Aggression

    Here's an interesting (or rather chilling) account from a wife on her covert aggressor husband :

    "Phil falls under the aggressive personality type, as a covert predator. Aggressive types are liars, and they do not want the truth to come out. Phil will never own up to the covert things he does to me. I can’t resolve any issues with him, because he does not want them resolved. Phil does not want me to know him (what he is really like). He will not expose himself to me, by having an honest discussion. I have stopped reacting to his mind-manipulations and that includes not confronting him about it.

    The other day I put my glasses on the end table in the living room next to my phone. We were going to a performance that evening. I went to get my glasses and they were gone. I got my spare pair out of my car, without saying anything to Phil. At the performance he said 'do you know where your phone is?' I said 'yes, I left it on the end table in the living room, but my glasses were missing. That's why I'm wearing the spare glasses I keep in my car.' When we got home Phil said in his sharp, button-pushing voice, 'you need to find your glasses.' I said 'I'm going to read for a while. I'll look for them later.' I read for an hour then went to bed. When I got up I checked the end table. My glasses were sitting there next to my phone. I never said a word to Phil about returning them. That would give him ammunition to attack me, and say I can look right at something and not see it (been there, done that... won't happen again). Phil enjoys setting me up, then he watches the fireworks... at least he used too. I don't go there now. I am no longer a screaming bitch.

    It didn’t take long after I married Phil, for me to realize something is very wrong with him. My first impression was passive-aggressive, but that didn’t quite fit. Phil is covert-aggressive and there is nothing passive about it. He does it viciously and with intent. I recognized Phil’s faulty thinking, and that is a big piece of the puzzle, but the hardest piece to snap into place (by far) was why Phil does it— lie, sabotage, betray me, set me up, trick, deceive, play mind games, use information against me (basically everything you would do to your enemy, not your spouse). Why Phil does it is important to know. Disturbed Characters answered that question— to make himself feel superior.

    Phil wants to have an advantage over me. He wants to be one up. He does not want to relate straight across, like an equal. He wants to keep me in the dark. He wants to control me. If Phil can emotionally devastate me, if he can trick me, play mind games on me, deceive and betray me, in his twisted mind, this makes him superior to me. My mental torment is his reward for being a superior person. Only a mentally deranged person would believe this. Disturbed Characters are mentally deranged."

    Couple lessons we can derive here:

    --they set u up intentionally to get u to react

    --if u can recall from the rapport/gaslighting formula this reaction acts as fuel for narcs

    --therefore when u recognize this kind of thing, u need to stomp the fire out immediately (not giving in)

    --since this person was in a marriage, there's nothing she could really do; if you recognize someone doing this to you - immediately get away from that particular person / situation, as it will never resolve itself

    This is a world wide phenomena of which most of us are dangerously unaware of. And with dangerously I'm referring to the fact that by naively assuming that at the very core we all tend to be more or less the same, we are leaving ourselves completely exposed and unprotected to the attacks, often vicious, of highly disturbed, sometimes conscience lacking individuals.

    One of the best, if not the best, self defense weapons is to know exactly with what and whom you are dealing with, and having the knowledge of character disturbances and even its extreme form: psychopathy (sociopathy for some), is absolutely fundamental.

    Here, I'll break down some responses of a "creepy stalker" that goes by the username "Free."

    *Note* I put "creepy stalker" in quotations bc Free could just as well be a loser-idiot trolling bc they don't have anything better to do.

    Regardless, the purpose of this post is to illustrate how toxic and manipulative these people are, true stalkers or not.

    Free's first post / appearance mentioning me:

    "Don't pay heed to him. If the moderation were active, he would have been permabanned a long time ago so he benefits from the lax environment. Nearly everyone is free and safe to do whatever besides posting porn.

    This place is a mixing of untreated mental disorders."
    A couple things to note right away:

    1) they themselves admit moderation isn't active

    2) I have never seen this person ever until they popped outta the shadows, mentioning me

    3) They aren't very active (< 16 posts) yet they clearly know who I am

    That's his whole game... he's very predictable. He will be friendly for a bit, lash out, "apologize", feign innocence of being offensive, be friendly again, and then lash out yet again because he believes people are orchestrating a plot against him.
    ... and they know this because ... ?

    some more take-aways:

    because he believes people are orchestrating a plot against him.
    the irony/gaslighting/projecting in this statement lol. look at what they're doing here and here

    "lash out.. orchestrating a plot against him."
    notice the framing phrases: "lash out" and "orchestrating a plot"


    Second appearance 8/29/21
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 02-18-2022 at 05:42 PM.

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