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Thread: Trolls, Edgelords, Lurkers, Creepers, Neckbeards, Anime Avatars etc

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    @pandemic candy
    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post

    i am also deeply cognitively impaired and maldeveloped that it's nearly impossible for me to do wrong - afterall what is wrong? nobody can tell me what is right and what is wrong, afterall, it is all a matter of which cognitive functions we r using under a specific condition within a certain time period. wrong and right is malleable and so loosely defined within the limited constructs of the human mind. as an LSI ENFP, I like to impose structures onto my environment in an (Ne) way - basically I'm not tied down to one set of rules, but my database is constantly being updated and the qualia of information is being adjusted to the framework of the times. the environment is fluid, as you've mentioned. while I may be a criminal in one environment, I can be heralded as a hero in another. it all depends on the cognitive abilities and/or impairments of those in charge of upholding and enforcing the law around me.

    those (Ti) tightass police officers should be lynched for all we know, as every individual is unique and rules can't be applied broadly, but should account for every individual's uniqueness (Fi); both ugly and beauty qualities that make up the complexities of the human psyche and soul. the human psyche isn't cut from the same cloth so we should therefore stop using (Ti) when it comes to upholding justice and instead go into our true feelings (Fi), for our feelings, while they may seem :judgemental: at times, are there for a reason. we need to be able to fully trust, not just to establish (Fi) bonds (unlike those fakeass Fe types), but we need them when it comes to going after the criminal monsters that wreak havoc onto society. truth does not exist. only feelings
    Ti and Fi are both about right and wrong, true or false. In other words, meaning. Feelings aren't haphazard and irrational. Both rational functions. Human minds are limited so we do right and wrong in our limitations we are supposed to figure it out. Certain people do not care. People being cognitively impaired so their reality is distorted is their fault. Doesn't mean right and wrong is up to what you want.

    You want to create structures of abuse, someone climbs them, then u unite against them because the psychopath is taking advantage of you the same way you intended to take advantage of others through your structures. You kill the psychopath and replace it with someone who's more beneficial to you and the cycle continues. You can abuse for decades then you get put under the boot and you cry for help from those who you abused. "We should be united" as I said, weasly. Disgusting. The same thing is gonna happen. You put those people who you seek help from against you. If it wasn't for people like you there wouldn't be people on top. That's the power of the masses, if there are many and the one who governs is a minority they can simply take him down and replace when convenient. They wanted to abuse him for themselves like they abused the others. We told you the abuse was happening you had fun with it now when it got to you pretend it doesn't exist. "It was muh acnestors not mah" you would have done the same in their place. That's how the cycle continues. Just say they're using feeling instead of logic and you won the arguement while glossing over so much relevant info. You just want to get your way. You never cared about anyone besides your ego. You are completely empty inside your truth is a narrative you made up which you project on reality as convenient. When so much evidence is prestented u just ignore it then argue about something else then come back with questions and narratives refuted by the evidence that was already presented which you glossed over. Asking for help at the same time pushing for the structures to make sure you enslave us after you kick the other party out, do it so blatantly, while mocking us. It's been the same neglect parents to kids peers from school. The only reason the left is not a minority as a whole is because there's a bunch of people you messed up from your own pathetic groups who came whining and crying for help to the other side. Nietszche master and slave morality. You have always lacked empathy and understanding even when directly explained. You can't keep track of the info I am saying the same things I said on the posts in response to the ones you deleted.

    Its not leftist thing to pretend they can do no wrong. That's a conservative agenda and they admit it only when pushed into a corner. Leftists get punished for doing what's right. You just far that retarded notion "ugh u can do no wrong" like last time "they cant admit they're wrong when peresented with facts and logic". Leftists change their opinions more and build up on information too. Conservative is stagnating in repetition then comes out of his hole and acts like he has it figured out when he has barely any experience. Openness to experience linked to intelltectualism and liberalism. You adamantly refuse to think and learn.
    Last edited by VewyScawwyNawcissist; 08-09-2021 at 06:07 PM.

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