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Thread: Trolls, Edgelords, Lurkers, Creepers, Neckbeards, Anime Avatars etc

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    ur like the little annoying 22 year old wife that doesn't go away. do me a favor and stick to ur stuff

    i'll do my part and keep u blocked

    And here I thought you still liked me! You’ve let your age and bitterness sour our marriage, old man.

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    The longer the better. But you're just too entertaining.

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    Default Ghost in the Shell: Satan wants to Dissociate you First

    Ghost in the Shell: Satan wants to Dissociate you First

    “A Shell of our former selves,” the saying goes.

    We hear phrases like this all the time,

    But do we understand its significance?

    First, we need to understand the word dissociation and what it means to “dissociate.”

    "To dissociate" means leaving or disconnecting ourselves (souls) from our physical bodies You can also see it as removing your attention (or conscious) away from yourself

    As humans, we do this all the time as a matter of fact, often as a compensation mechanism,

    Ex: Boredom being one of them. We dissociate with the pain boredom brings by:

    –attaching to other thoughts,
    –diving deep into our imagination,
    –listening to music during a long road trip, etc.
    When heavy dissociation happens due to things like Trauma, we can actually see splitting of identities and personalities as a survival compensating mechanism:

    “Shedding of the old, and taking on the new.”

    You can also look at the dissociative power of something akin to looking at a spectrum:

    On one hand, you have little distractions that can cause temporary, baseline dissociation,

    –News stories
    –Popular culture
    etc etc
    Then on the higher end, you have things like chronic trauma (recall the Rapport and Gaslighting Post) that can cause a lot of damage and dissociation.

    You see,

    In order for Satan to accomplish his mission (world domination, taking souls)

    First, He needs individuals to be dissociated via distractions and trauma (or the illusion of thought and time).

    With the individual's ATTENTION (SOUL) chronically apart from himself, THEN he can go in for the ABSORPTION:

    Think of it like Pokemon, where you need to weaken the pokemon before being able to capture it effectively

    Sneaky, huh

    But this is how demons possess you - By sneaking in

    The end game of the One World Order consists of overruling society with Demons and possessed/brainwashed individuals who can be electronically monitored/manipulated/controlled.

    A nation full of zombies incapable of individuality and independent thought,

    …Or as mentioned earlier, “A shell of our former selves.”

    The “Lights” of the world (those who refuse to be plugged in and absorbed), will be targeted heavily, especially those that are left during the tribulation (Tribulation Saints)

    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 02-04-2022 at 03:10 PM.

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    Default Drinking the Cancel Culture Kool-Aid: Mark of the Beast, QR Codes, and Reptiles

    Cancel culture is one of the main techniques executed by Reptiles sitting on some high golden chair somewhere.

    You could say it's their bread and butter, or using a video game analogy, their "special attack/move."

    And like all Reptiles, they like to sneak around you and slither, while they:


    These Reptiles will then determine whether a particular person is deemed worthy of redemption. (Which, ironically turns out, is the exact opposite of how Jesus Christ redeems individuals)

    And If you haven't figured out by now,

    This "Cancel Culture" technique is demonic; it has demonic origins.

    It's the invention of a secular humanistic, relativist culture.

    The most ironic thing about this is,

    That the very same Reptiles who push this agenda,

    Are so Evil, And so Perverse,

    And have more skeletons in their closet than a Smithsonian Museum,

    And if you were to apply the very same standards,

    To their lives,

    To their Businesses,

    The things you would unearth,

    Would be so appalling, it would make your stomach turn.

    As I've posted here,

    Satan is currently the ruler of this world.

    Satan can grant powers in exchange for souls,

    And Satan can just as easily CANCEL individuals he deems a threat to his kingdom.

    On a prophetic level,

    Cancel culture is in alignment with the MARK OF THE BEAST SYSTEM (MOB),


    If you fail to worship the image of the beast, (whatever it turns out to be, or implements, QR code? microchip? DNA resonator?)

    You will not be able to BUY/SELL aka


    16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13:16-18
    @Mu4 is a Reptile
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-14-2022 at 10:00 PM.

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    Default Bipedal Reptilian Lizard Man Paradigm in Gangstalking

    Bipedal Reptilian Lizard Man Paradigm in Gangstalking

    It's pretty rare to find testimonials by legit targeted individuals (a lot are fake to discredit TIs)

    Here's one by someone from California named Richard Bruce (he also happens to be Christian)

    I can relate (by my own experience), a lot of what he's saying is legit (particularly the weird targeting stuff)

    Richard does mention different classes of Demons;

    1) Demonic / Spiritual entities that can in-dwell humans (the ones I focus on). Hence, the visual distortions
    2) Humanoid / Shape-shifting Reptoid/Insectoid (I have very little knowledge on this class)

    I can't fully verify the Reptilian/Lizard/Insect stuff lol, however,

    Richard Bruce's main points:

    --These Lizard people are very powerful and much smarter than humans
    --These Lizard people control/influence the police
    --These Lizard people don't want to be exposed or be known to the masses
    --These Lizard people will get others to gangstalk you to get you paranoid/discredit you (make the victim look crazy)
    --These Lizard people do something similar to the Men in Black Pen thing where you forget everything that happened

    I believe he's onto something, as all this can't be coincidence.

    But I'm thinking it's virtually impossible to fully understand/comprehend since Satan is pretty good at cover and deception of the masses, never mind much smarter. (Similar to humans not being able to fully understand God bc of our limited human brains)

    A more comprehensive vid (not on youtube):
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 02-27-2022 at 05:32 PM.

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    Default Satan's Reptilian NWO Takeover Plan

    Satan's Reptilian NWO Takeover Plan

    In other words,

    These aren't really "vaccines" but experimental-human-DNA-modifying BIOWEAPONS designed to CONTROL (Electronically and Spiritually) and DE-POPULATE society (via myocarditis).

    Like natural selection, those that "survive" these bioweapons are selected, for

    A) DNA-modification, and

    B) To be electronically and demonically controlled by Satan, in his last-ditch effort to secure SOULS in HELL in the NWO.

    Consider the triple threat or "Demonic Trinity":

    (1) DNA-modifying vaccines to prime you for
    (2) Demonic possession and (3) Mark of the Beast.

    “Nano-octopus” and other microparticles found in COVID injections which seemed to be self-assembling.

    A paper published in the Journal of Communications, January 2021, provided an in-depth review of the Wireless Nano-Sensors Network (“WNSN”).WNSN is the network interconnecting microdevices and nano-nodes or nano-sensors.

    What are these nano-sensors and microdevices made out of?

    !!! Graphene !!!

    In other words,

    These aren't really "vaccines" but experimental-human-DNA-modifying BIOWEAPONS designed to CONTROL (Electronically and Spiritually) and DE-POPULATE society (via myocarditis).

    "Hydrogel swimmers" aka microbots swimming in your blood that you don't know about

    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post

    Humans will be intermingling (mixing) with this "IRON" (Anti-Christ) technology.

    This "IRON" technology will most likely have Graphene Oxide as a major component.

    Graphene is commonly found in our pencil lead as well as BBQ charcoal.

    Graphene Oxide-Iron Oxide as a nanoparticle, is being implemented NOW in advancing technology:

    Additional information,

    The Graphene Chemistry is interesting as well,

    If you can recall from high school chemistry, Carbon-12 is also composed of 6 electrons, 6 neutrons, and 6 proton
    Satan's Reptilian NWO Takeover Plan II (David Icke)

    "Maybe we shouldn't dismiss things on face value,

    But as we try to get a grip on what this is all about,

    We have to ask some important questions.

    Why is this agenda, in all its forms, so


    Why are they demonizing the gas of life, CO2?

    Why are they trying to change human DNA?

    Why are they attacking fertility?

    Why are sperm counts plummeting?

    Why is female fertility being targeted with these jabs?

    Why is 5G, 60 GHz, which interacts with oxygen molecules, making it more difficult for the human body to absorb oxygen?

    And on and on and on and on...

    Why is it so Anti-Human?


    Perhaps "the force" behind all this (4D or spiritual paradigm),

    Isn't Human."

    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason
    the NEW WORLD ORDER IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN IN OUR LIVES. These godly prophets all agree, you can put your rapture rugs away. They won’t be needed in your lifetime.
    Are you paying attention to what's happening in the world (global trends) around us?

    Eliza Thomason,

    If you watched the State of the Union address the other night, I think it's apparent that it was a clown show and that we're currently in a leaderless country.

    Actually, calling it a clown show would be a travesty to actual clowns in the circus.

    Given pretend president Joe Biden's basement-dwelling poll numbers, the Democrats decided the only way to get through the State of the Union 2022 would be to give Biden a standing ovation every time he said anything, and that’s exactly what they did.

    America does not appear in Bible prophecy and that's because our country is actually being run by a shadowy secret NWO.

    I don't want to rain on your America 2022 comeback parade,

    But I also don't want you to be like the woman riding the Beast either.

    This isn't sensationalism,

    ~90% of the things I post are based off what the Bible says. (10% conspiracy type info)

    The Bible clearly says things (overall) will get worse and worse!! (this is regardless of who will end up in office).

    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    and its actual name is "Destruction". Video is linked below; it is more sermon-like and longer than most of his dream videos, but you may be interested.
    PS: Speaking of "Destruction" tell your boy Pope Francis to destruct the one-world religion

    Satan's Reptilian NWO Takeover Plan III

    Satanic / Occult groups are intimately linked to the intelligence networks and they operate at a global scale (hence the involvement with Black Markets), leading to organized crime.

    A lot of western intelligence agencies will also use these Satanists to do side work, and its been this way for a long time. (Hence all the mind-control and MK-Ultra stuff)

    "Law enforcement" are co-opted by these groups to cover up crimes and murders by these satanic groups.

    These Satanic groups are also responsible for the promotion of most of the degrading and extreme porn we see today. They actually take pride in doing this, doing this on purpose to degrade society.

    In another example,

    In the Satanic Kingdom, Power is gained when they would compromise very powerful political figures through sexual operatives by intelligence agencies. (This shouldn't be a surprise, as we see cases such Savile, Epstein, etc.)

    This is all part of their little "ritual" to gain power. Very sick and twisted

    If you listen to the global elites (Bill Gates, Charles Schwab) and compare them to Satanists, their agenda is one in the same;
    Dumbing down,
    De-humanizing, and
    Degrading society
    In the end,

    It doesn't actually matter if Elites like Bill Gates are actual Satanists or not,

    The point is,

    That these elites, at the very minimum, are puppets doing Satan's bidding.

    The main reason people don't know what's going on is because they're too focused on the 3D plane; (the level of politics, the level of Fauci, etc etc)

    Which is all true,

    But to gain a deeper understanding of what's actually going on, you need to look at it from a higher plane, which tells you this is a conscious, willed and evil plan.
    Then it all begins to make sense
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-07-2022 at 08:02 PM.

  8. #88
    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    @peteronfireee2, yout quoted me saying,
    the NEW WORLD ORDER IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN IN OUR LIVES. These godly prophets all agree, you can put your rapture rugs away. They won’t be needed in your lifetime.
    And you wrote:
    Are you paying attention to what's happening in the world (global trends) around us?

    @Eliza Thomason,

    If you watched the State of the Union address the other night, I think it's apparent that it was a clown show and that we're currently in a leaderless country.

    Actually, calling it a clown show would be a travesty to actual clowns in the circus.

    Given pretend president Joe Biden's basement-dwelling poll numbers, the Democrats decided the only way to get through the State of the Union 2022 would be to give Biden a standing ovation every time he said anything, and that’s exactly what they did.
    If you had listened to one of the prophetic messages I have posted you would gain an inkling that you may hav e b een mislead. Churches through their pastors and seminaries have long b een infiltrated by yo0ur enemies and one of the bigges false teachings is the great victories of the evil ones in this NWO.

    God says, this is not the time. First, a great final harvest of souls, along with an great outpouring of His glory on earth. They will lose all; we gain all. 2022 will be a year of great rejoicing! The world will forev er be known as before 2022 and after. In Heaven e wil be famouos for having been chosen to live in this annointed time. It is a time fo great exodus and great blessings of God.

    NWO was expected by them to be ushered in on 2/22/2022 with demonic assistance. It was a day of a great portal to be opened over DC, where they attempted to call onto earth great evil power and destruction. (Evil powers come by way of invitation and they invited but it failed). Gsd intervened, and praying Christians too. Now their demise is inevitable and soon. There is a spiritual battle happening now, and we win.

    I am not watchning what liars like Biden are sayign in their "union address" as if they have the legitimacy to make such an address. Why watch what the liars are saying? The media lies. Look at CNN. They will soon be lights out forever. MSNBC and NBC will go bankrupt. All media liars no matter their network (including Fox) will be exposed and tried as traitors for their crimes against our country. (Similar things will happen the world over). So all they say and all the media tells us we should vbe scared abourt will all be moot, soon. Speaking of news, there is a major event in our country right now, People's Convoy USA, but funny thing is, its not in the media. That's because the media doesn't report the news, they report the narrative they are given. God also said they are raising our gas prices in order to stop the convoy. But God says He will will protect the convoy, and He said He will send them manna from Heaven.

    But this morning I listened to Psalms Project's Psalm #11 and I thought of you, Peter, when the psalmist said: "Why do you say to me, 'Run, run for your life, For the wicked have prepped for war..'" It seems like what you say here all the time! But my answer is one of faith in the God of the Bible, and I answer you with the Palmist's words: "...My response To your reports of doom and gloom: The LORD rules over all the earth, where He sits on His heavenly throne... And the one who loves violence, He hates. Upon them He'll rain coals of fire, and a scorching wind will be their reward. For Yahweh is righteous, Yahweh loves justice, And the pure in heart shall behold His face."

    P.S. I don't believe our c ountry is leaderless. The Dems may b elieve it is beign run by puppetmaster Obama in the basement, as Jen let slip this week, but even they are wrong: it is beign run by heroic patriots, and loyal military. And trump will be back soon in his rightful place. Some things have to take place first, probably more exposures, but God says it will be sooner than we think and all will celebrate.

    song lyrics:

    Psalm 11 (Yahweh Loves Justice)

    In God I have placed my trust
    So why do you say to me
    "Run, run, run for your life
    For the wicked have prepped for war
    Loaded up their weapons, and taken aim"?

    They'll fire away from the cover of night
    At those who love God and His ways
    And if the foundations are gone
    If the walls of truth come tumbling down
    What can the righteous do?

    This will be my response
    To your reports of doom and gloom
    The LORD rules over all the earth
    Where He sits on His heavenly throne
    And His eyes judge the sons of men
    He tries the evil and the good
    And the one who loves violence, He hates
    And upon them He'll rain coals of fire
    And a scorching wind will be their reward

    For Yahweh is righteous
    Yahweh loves justice
    And the pure in heart shall behold His face

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    Trump is only misleading dumb hicks who think religion can save them from their bad physical circumstances. He used to be a demon-crat after all- the ppl the wrong-wing despises so much. He and Putin are pretty much blowing ppl up unprovoked and you think it's okay cuz he's manipulating ur imaiginary friend with it. He's only using ppl like you to fuel his own power base. And it's not God's power- like you are deluded and gaslighted into thinking.

    yeah I think the mainstream media elite could definitely do more to help people... there's a lot of 'limousine liberals' in the world, but I guess there is that quote in the Bible about how God helps those who help themselves lol. A person refusing to coddle one's delusions isn't necessarily an enemy or 'Reptile' either.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    there's a lot of 'limousine liberals' in the world, but I guess there is that quote in the Bible about how God helps those who help themselves lol. A person refusing to coddle one's delusions isn't necessarily an enemy or 'Reptile' either.
    does this mean we shouldnt look to help others? does mean if u just believe everything would be fine? does this mean those who werent fine just didnt believe enough? is life really a game where u just have to blindly believe and reject all "bad" ideas and realities from ur mind as if they dont exist and only look up to YOUR future?
    edit: this is where satan gets involved. its power. if it gets used for bad its satanic. they got rich off of satan
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    Of course we should still help others- I am saying there is biblical excuses for all sorts of narcissistic bullshit.

    And there is that quote in the Bible about how women shouldn't teach- so technically what Eliza is doing is very sinful as a woman.

    edit: this is where satan gets involved. its power. if it gets used for bad its satanic. they got rich off of satan
    Well when you're a true athiest, 'satan' is just as imaginary and delusional as God is. In a realistic sense the evidence of Satan is definitely more than God I think lol, but that is where faith comes in I realize. I can have faith that I can some day, somewhere some how levitate and throw fireballs - doesn't mean it will ever be true.

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    Quote Originally Posted by serenaeva View Post
    I could be wrong but aren't you like a year older than my 18 year old son? How much experience with ILEs could you possibly have? And statistically how many ILEs are there?

    Enlighten me.
    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanguine Miasma View Post
    Maybe Ni egos or Ni valuing egos would do as well.
    Those characters seem to spring up associative qualities that they represent (RPG'ish admiration of powerful qualities or even becoming one). Why would Ne's want that beyond meta?

    Anyway, anime might be much more and diverse than that sort of cliché.

    ...Well, there are two major kinds of anime:

    1. "It's over 9000! He's going super saiyan!" (The action kind you mentioned that would be associated with decisive quadras.)
    2. "I will be your waifu senpai!" (The pervy kind most people are associating with alphas.)

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