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Thread: Trolls, Edgelords, Lurkers, Creepers, Neckbeards, Anime Avatars etc

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    ur like the little annoying 22 year old wife that doesn't go away. do me a favor and stick to ur stuff

    i'll do my part and keep u blocked

    And here I thought you still liked me! You’ve let your age and bitterness sour our marriage, old man.

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    Default Rat Vibes: Reptilian Agents and Undercover Spies

    Rat Vibes: Reptilian Agents and Undercover Spies

    Rat Vibes. Imposters.

    Beware of imposters.

    I’ll say it again,

    Beware of imposters.

    What is an imposter?

    An imposter is someone who pretends (or poses) to be someone that they’re not. They impersonate as something other

    In life, there are / will be people who will come to you, who are not who they claim to be. There will be people that frame themselves as,

    And oftentimes they’ll have an ulterior motive, and you need to have a high level of discernment so that you can weed out and expose imposters.

    To illustrate with an example Delilah was an imposter, she pretended to have a relationship with Samson but she was sent by the Philistines. She had an assignment that wasn’t a godly assignment, but an ungodly one. She was sent to pose as a lover, but she was actually an enemy sent to destroy Samson.

    Again, there will be people that come into your life not to intercede, but to intercept.

    The goal of an imposter is always to defraud (or find faults and weaknesses) you and have an assignment that is different from what they originally claim

    What you see is not necessarily what’s true and in this day in age with the internet / social media , this deception is extremely common and literally everywhere

    So what do you need to do?

    Again, have a discerning spirit.

    If something doesn’t sit well with you in your spirit, do not ignore it:

    --Does their story make sense? (it will often not make any sense... because it doesn't make sense)
    --Where did this person come from? (did they suddenly pop outta nowhere? Who sent them?)
    --Uses false praise / flattery to disarm you
    --Fishes for information, tries to see what you’re doing. They’re spies / investigators. This means you need to be mindful of who you allow into your inner circle
    --They watch your stories. they look at all your stuff, but they never interact with you.
    --Always tries to find a shortcut / backdoor.
    --Never gives full disclosure; when you ask them, there’s always something hidden. They’re secretive. Use code language and vague words meant to throw you off. When you start digging, you start to realize there are serious things in their lives they refuse to disclose.

    Your Inner Circle

    One of the most disturbing things happening today (about the societal culture at large) that I want to write about here.

    I've been giving this a lot of thought, and I've been wondering if people have been giving it a lot of thought / are seeing this as well.

    We live in a day and age, where,

    Many have willingly invited people / things into their lives, that have:

    --a malicious assignment.
    --an insidious, nefarious agenda

    Insidious meaning it comes in looking one way, but it's really another way.

    I was one of these people, actually.

    I was giving insidious people access to me; stop doing this

    Many are allowing any and everyone access to them

    It's like the devil doesn't even need to try to get to you anymore; he doesn't even have to try to work his way in since people these days are willingly allowing anything to come into their lives.

    Look at our culture;

    --We let people into our circle without even vetting them anymore
    --As long as somebody says something remotely as something we want to hear, we immediately give that person access

    This is access that they;

    --never earned
    --never qualified for
    --do not deserve

    And a lot of times these nefarious people will tell you upfront about who they are, but bc of the blindness that people walk in, and the selfish ambition that people have, they willingly,

    --disregard warnings
    --disregard red flags

    And then ur shocked, absolutely flabbergasted, when they execute what they told you, they were going to execute.
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-11-2022 at 10:55 PM.

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    The irony in this thread is amazing. Why the hell if someone is worried about cyber attacks and stalking, would they dox themselves in the first place? And do the same shit to other people? Lmao. The logic doesn't compute. Maybe the OP is the ultimate troll/rat but is trying to gaslight everyone? So much wasted potential....sad.

    That would be a funny plot twist.

    If you actually want to get information out of people, don't be so obvious and accuse of them of shit... Come off neutral and ask questions, and don't react. If you are too obvious, people will just fuck with you more for the entertainment... The information received won't be objective data and will be tainted because the other person will be trolling you and not taking anything you say seriously.
    Last edited by Free; 08-29-2021 at 11:58 PM.

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    The longer the better. But you're just too entertaining.

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    Default Ghost in the Shell: Satan wants to Dissociate you First

    Ghost in the Shell: Satan wants to Dissociate you First

    “A Shell of our former selves,” the saying goes.

    We hear phrases like this all the time,

    But do we understand its significance?

    First, we need to understand the word dissociation and what it means to “dissociate.”

    "To dissociate" means leaving or disconnecting ourselves (souls) from our physical bodies You can also see it as removing your attention (or conscious) away from yourself

    As humans, we do this all the time as a matter of fact, often as a compensation mechanism,

    Ex: Boredom being one of them. We dissociate with the pain boredom brings by:

    –attaching to other thoughts,
    –diving deep into our imagination,
    –listening to music during a long road trip, etc.
    When heavy dissociation happens due to things like Trauma, we can actually see splitting of identities and personalities as a survival compensating mechanism:

    “Shedding of the old, and taking on the new.”

    You can also look at the dissociative power of something akin to looking at a spectrum:

    On one hand, you have little distractions that can cause temporary, baseline dissociation,

    –News stories
    –Popular culture
    etc etc
    Then on the higher end, you have things like chronic trauma (recall the Rapport and Gaslighting Post) that can cause a lot of damage and dissociation.

    You see,

    In order for Satan to accomplish his mission (world domination, taking souls)

    First, He needs individuals to be dissociated via distractions and trauma (or the illusion of thought and time).

    With the individual's ATTENTION (SOUL) chronically apart from himself, THEN he can go in for the ABSORPTION:

    Think of it like Pokemon, where you need to weaken the pokemon before being able to capture it effectively

    Sneaky, huh

    But this is how demons possess you - By sneaking in

    The end game of the One World Order consists of overruling society with Demons and possessed/brainwashed individuals who can be electronically monitored/manipulated/controlled.

    A nation full of zombies incapable of individuality and independent thought,

    …Or as mentioned earlier, “A shell of our former selves.”

    The “Lights” of the world (those who refuse to be plugged in and absorbed), will be targeted heavily, especially those that are left during the tribulation (Tribulation Saints)

    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 02-04-2022 at 03:10 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by serenaeva View Post
    I could be wrong but aren't you like a year older than my 18 year old son? How much experience with ILEs could you possibly have? And statistically how many ILEs are there?

    Enlighten me.
    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


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    Default Drinking the Cancel Culture Kool-Aid: Mark of the Beast, QR Codes, and Reptiles

    Cancel culture is one of the main techniques executed by Reptiles sitting on some high golden chair somewhere.

    You could say it's their bread and butter, or using a video game analogy, their "special attack/move."

    And like all Reptiles, they like to sneak around you and slither, while they:


    These Reptiles will then determine whether a particular person is deemed worthy of redemption. (Which, ironically turns out, is the exact opposite of how Jesus Christ redeems individuals)

    And If you haven't figured out by now,

    This "Cancel Culture" technique is demonic; it has demonic origins.

    It's the invention of a secular humanistic, relativist culture.

    The most ironic thing about this is,

    That the very same Reptiles who push this agenda,

    Are so Evil, And so Perverse,

    And have more skeletons in their closet than a Smithsonian Museum,

    And if you were to apply the very same standards,

    To their lives,

    To their Businesses,

    The things you would unearth,

    Would be so appalling, it would make your stomach turn.

    As I've posted here,

    Satan is currently the ruler of this world.

    Satan can grant powers in exchange for souls,

    And Satan can just as easily CANCEL individuals he deems a threat to his kingdom.

    On a prophetic level,

    Cancel culture is in alignment with the MARK OF THE BEAST SYSTEM (MOB),


    If you fail to worship the image of the beast, (whatever it turns out to be, or implements, QR code? microchip? DNA resonator?)

    You will not be able to BUY/SELL aka


    16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13:16-18
    @Mu4 is a Reptile
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-14-2022 at 10:00 PM.

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    Default Bipedal Reptilian Lizard Man Paradigm in Gangstalking

    Bipedal Reptilian Lizard Man Paradigm in Gangstalking

    It's pretty rare to find testimonials by legit targeted individuals (a lot are fake to discredit TIs)

    Here's one by someone from California named Richard Bruce (he also happens to be Christian)

    I can relate (by my own experience), a lot of what he's saying is legit (particularly the weird targeting stuff)

    Richard does mention different classes of Demons;

    1) Demonic / Spiritual entities that can in-dwell humans (the ones I focus on). Hence, the visual distortions
    2) Humanoid / Shape-shifting Reptoid/Insectoid (I have very little knowledge on this class)

    I can't fully verify the Reptilian/Lizard/Insect stuff lol, however,

    Richard Bruce's main points:

    --These Lizard people are very powerful and much smarter than humans
    --These Lizard people control/influence the police
    --These Lizard people don't want to be exposed or be known to the masses
    --These Lizard people will get others to gangstalk you to get you paranoid/discredit you (make the victim look crazy)
    --These Lizard people do something similar to the Men in Black Pen thing where you forget everything that happened

    I believe he's onto something, as all this can't be coincidence.

    But I'm thinking it's virtually impossible to fully understand/comprehend since Satan is pretty good at cover and deception of the masses, never mind much smarter. (Similar to humans not being able to fully understand God bc of our limited human brains)

    A more comprehensive vid (not on youtube):
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 02-27-2022 at 05:32 PM.

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    Default Satan's Reptilian NWO Takeover Plan

    Satan's Reptilian NWO Takeover Plan

    In other words,

    These aren't really "vaccines" but experimental-human-DNA-modifying BIOWEAPONS designed to CONTROL (Electronically and Spiritually) and DE-POPULATE society (via myocarditis).

    Like natural selection, those that "survive" these bioweapons are selected, for

    A) DNA-modification, and

    B) To be electronically and demonically controlled by Satan, in his last-ditch effort to secure SOULS in HELL in the NWO.

    Consider the triple threat or "Demonic Trinity":

    (1) DNA-modifying vaccines to prime you for
    (2) Demonic possession and (3) Mark of the Beast.

    “Nano-octopus” and other microparticles found in COVID injections which seemed to be self-assembling.

    A paper published in the Journal of Communications, January 2021, provided an in-depth review of the Wireless Nano-Sensors Network (“WNSN”).WNSN is the network interconnecting microdevices and nano-nodes or nano-sensors.

    What are these nano-sensors and microdevices made out of?

    !!! Graphene !!!

    In other words,

    These aren't really "vaccines" but experimental-human-DNA-modifying BIOWEAPONS designed to CONTROL (Electronically and Spiritually) and DE-POPULATE society (via myocarditis).

    "Hydrogel swimmers" aka microbots swimming in your blood that you don't know about

    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post

    Humans will be intermingling (mixing) with this "IRON" (Anti-Christ) technology.

    This "IRON" technology will most likely have Graphene Oxide as a major component.

    Graphene is commonly found in our pencil lead as well as BBQ charcoal.

    Graphene Oxide-Iron Oxide as a nanoparticle, is being implemented NOW in advancing technology:

    Additional information,

    The Graphene Chemistry is interesting as well,

    If you can recall from high school chemistry, Carbon-12 is also composed of 6 electrons, 6 neutrons, and 6 proton
    Satan's Reptilian NWO Takeover Plan II (David Icke)

    "Maybe we shouldn't dismiss things on face value,

    But as we try to get a grip on what this is all about,

    We have to ask some important questions.

    Why is this agenda, in all its forms, so


    Why are they demonizing the gas of life, CO2?

    Why are they trying to change human DNA?

    Why are they attacking fertility?

    Why are sperm counts plummeting?

    Why is female fertility being targeted with these jabs?

    Why is 5G, 60 GHz, which interacts with oxygen molecules, making it more difficult for the human body to absorb oxygen?

    And on and on and on and on...

    Why is it so Anti-Human?


    Perhaps "the force" behind all this (4D or spiritual paradigm),

    Isn't Human."

    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason
    the NEW WORLD ORDER IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN IN OUR LIVES. These godly prophets all agree, you can put your rapture rugs away. They won’t be needed in your lifetime.
    Are you paying attention to what's happening in the world (global trends) around us?

    Eliza Thomason,

    If you watched the State of the Union address the other night, I think it's apparent that it was a clown show and that we're currently in a leaderless country.

    Actually, calling it a clown show would be a travesty to actual clowns in the circus.

    Given pretend president Joe Biden's basement-dwelling poll numbers, the Democrats decided the only way to get through the State of the Union 2022 would be to give Biden a standing ovation every time he said anything, and that’s exactly what they did.

    America does not appear in Bible prophecy and that's because our country is actually being run by a shadowy secret NWO.

    I don't want to rain on your America 2022 comeback parade,

    But I also don't want you to be like the woman riding the Beast either.

    This isn't sensationalism,

    ~90% of the things I post are based off what the Bible says. (10% conspiracy type info)

    The Bible clearly says things (overall) will get worse and worse!! (this is regardless of who will end up in office).

    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    and its actual name is "Destruction". Video is linked below; it is more sermon-like and longer than most of his dream videos, but you may be interested.
    PS: Speaking of "Destruction" tell your boy Pope Francis to destruct the one-world religion

    Satan's Reptilian NWO Takeover Plan III

    Satanic / Occult groups are intimately linked to the intelligence networks and they operate at a global scale (hence the involvement with Black Markets), leading to organized crime.

    A lot of western intelligence agencies will also use these Satanists to do side work, and its been this way for a long time. (Hence all the mind-control and MK-Ultra stuff)

    "Law enforcement" are co-opted by these groups to cover up crimes and murders by these satanic groups.

    These Satanic groups are also responsible for the promotion of most of the degrading and extreme porn we see today. They actually take pride in doing this, doing this on purpose to degrade society.

    In another example,

    In the Satanic Kingdom, Power is gained when they would compromise very powerful political figures through sexual operatives by intelligence agencies. (This shouldn't be a surprise, as we see cases such Savile, Epstein, etc.)

    This is all part of their little "ritual" to gain power. Very sick and twisted

    If you listen to the global elites (Bill Gates, Charles Schwab) and compare them to Satanists, their agenda is one in the same;
    Dumbing down,
    De-humanizing, and
    Degrading society
    In the end,

    It doesn't actually matter if Elites like Bill Gates are actual Satanists or not,

    The point is,

    That these elites, at the very minimum, are puppets doing Satan's bidding.

    The main reason people don't know what's going on is because they're too focused on the 3D plane; (the level of politics, the level of Fauci, etc etc)

    Which is all true,

    But to gain a deeper understanding of what's actually going on, you need to look at it from a higher plane, which tells you this is a conscious, willed and evil plan.
    Then it all begins to make sense
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-07-2022 at 08:02 PM.

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    @peteronfireee2, yout quoted me saying,
    the NEW WORLD ORDER IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN IN OUR LIVES. These godly prophets all agree, you can put your rapture rugs away. They won’t be needed in your lifetime.
    And you wrote:
    Are you paying attention to what's happening in the world (global trends) around us?

    @Eliza Thomason,

    If you watched the State of the Union address the other night, I think it's apparent that it was a clown show and that we're currently in a leaderless country.

    Actually, calling it a clown show would be a travesty to actual clowns in the circus.

    Given pretend president Joe Biden's basement-dwelling poll numbers, the Democrats decided the only way to get through the State of the Union 2022 would be to give Biden a standing ovation every time he said anything, and that’s exactly what they did.
    If you had listened to one of the prophetic messages I have posted you would gain an inkling that you may hav e b een mislead. Churches through their pastors and seminaries have long b een infiltrated by yo0ur enemies and one of the bigges false teachings is the great victories of the evil ones in this NWO.

    God says, this is not the time. First, a great final harvest of souls, along with an great outpouring of His glory on earth. They will lose all; we gain all. 2022 will be a year of great rejoicing! The world will forev er be known as before 2022 and after. In Heaven e wil be famouos for having been chosen to live in this annointed time. It is a time fo great exodus and great blessings of God.

    NWO was expected by them to be ushered in on 2/22/2022 with demonic assistance. It was a day of a great portal to be opened over DC, where they attempted to call onto earth great evil power and destruction. (Evil powers come by way of invitation and they invited but it failed). Gsd intervened, and praying Christians too. Now their demise is inevitable and soon. There is a spiritual battle happening now, and we win.

    I am not watchning what liars like Biden are sayign in their "union address" as if they have the legitimacy to make such an address. Why watch what the liars are saying? The media lies. Look at CNN. They will soon be lights out forever. MSNBC and NBC will go bankrupt. All media liars no matter their network (including Fox) will be exposed and tried as traitors for their crimes against our country. (Similar things will happen the world over). So all they say and all the media tells us we should vbe scared abourt will all be moot, soon. Speaking of news, there is a major event in our country right now, People's Convoy USA, but funny thing is, its not in the media. That's because the media doesn't report the news, they report the narrative they are given. God also said they are raising our gas prices in order to stop the convoy. But God says He will will protect the convoy, and He said He will send them manna from Heaven.

    But this morning I listened to Psalms Project's Psalm #11 and I thought of you, Peter, when the psalmist said: "Why do you say to me, 'Run, run for your life, For the wicked have prepped for war..'" It seems like what you say here all the time! But my answer is one of faith in the God of the Bible, and I answer you with the Palmist's words: "...My response To your reports of doom and gloom: The LORD rules over all the earth, where He sits on His heavenly throne... And the one who loves violence, He hates. Upon them He'll rain coals of fire, and a scorching wind will be their reward. For Yahweh is righteous, Yahweh loves justice, And the pure in heart shall behold His face."

    P.S. I don't believe our c ountry is leaderless. The Dems may b elieve it is beign run by puppetmaster Obama in the basement, as Jen let slip this week, but even they are wrong: it is beign run by heroic patriots, and loyal military. And trump will be back soon in his rightful place. Some things have to take place first, probably more exposures, but God says it will be sooner than we think and all will celebrate.

    song lyrics:

    Psalm 11 (Yahweh Loves Justice)

    In God I have placed my trust
    So why do you say to me
    "Run, run, run for your life
    For the wicked have prepped for war
    Loaded up their weapons, and taken aim"?

    They'll fire away from the cover of night
    At those who love God and His ways
    And if the foundations are gone
    If the walls of truth come tumbling down
    What can the righteous do?

    This will be my response
    To your reports of doom and gloom
    The LORD rules over all the earth
    Where He sits on His heavenly throne
    And His eyes judge the sons of men
    He tries the evil and the good
    And the one who loves violence, He hates
    And upon them He'll rain coals of fire
    And a scorching wind will be their reward

    For Yahweh is righteous
    Yahweh loves justice
    And the pure in heart shall behold His face

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    Trump is only misleading dumb hicks who think religion can save them from their bad physical circumstances. He used to be a demon-crat after all- the ppl the wrong-wing despises so much. He and Putin are pretty much blowing ppl up unprovoked and you think it's okay cuz he's manipulating ur imaiginary friend with it. He's only using ppl like you to fuel his own power base. And it's not God's power- like you are deluded and gaslighted into thinking.

    yeah I think the mainstream media elite could definitely do more to help people... there's a lot of 'limousine liberals' in the world, but I guess there is that quote in the Bible about how God helps those who help themselves lol. A person refusing to coddle one's delusions isn't necessarily an enemy or 'Reptile' either.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    there's a lot of 'limousine liberals' in the world, but I guess there is that quote in the Bible about how God helps those who help themselves lol. A person refusing to coddle one's delusions isn't necessarily an enemy or 'Reptile' either.
    does this mean we shouldnt look to help others? does mean if u just believe everything would be fine? does this mean those who werent fine just didnt believe enough? is life really a game where u just have to blindly believe and reject all "bad" ideas and realities from ur mind as if they dont exist and only look up to YOUR future?
    edit: this is where satan gets involved. its power. if it gets used for bad its satanic. they got rich off of satan
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

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    Of course we should still help others- I am saying there is biblical excuses for all sorts of narcissistic bullshit.

    And there is that quote in the Bible about how women shouldn't teach- so technically what Eliza is doing is very sinful as a woman.

    edit: this is where satan gets involved. its power. if it gets used for bad its satanic. they got rich off of satan
    Well when you're a true athiest, 'satan' is just as imaginary and delusional as God is. In a realistic sense the evidence of Satan is definitely more than God I think lol, but that is where faith comes in I realize. I can have faith that I can some day, somewhere some how levitate and throw fireballs - doesn't mean it will ever be true.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    What you want?

    yeah I’m the anime profile one

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    Yes, am neckbeard.
    *proceeds to glue cat fur to neck*
    Behold my glory.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    I'm not sure if it's type related, but I know of at least one troll with an anime avatar who happens to be LSI
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
    — James Russell Lowell

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    I don’t even know what this means lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DeliMeat View Post
    I don’t even know what this means lol.
    Rat can mean snitch.
    Otherwise might mean plague carriers.
    Maybe cute pets.

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    Quote Originally Posted by flowers and sugar View Post
    Rat can mean snitch.
    Otherwise might mean plague carriers.
    Maybe cute pets.
    A disgrace to society is another option.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post

    @Stray Cat
    @Static Minds

    Possible rats

    @flowers and sugar



    ***Last updated 7/13/21***
    Quote Originally Posted by flowers and sugar View Post
    Rat can mean snitch.
    Otherwise might mean plague carriers.
    Maybe cute pets.
    Quote Originally Posted by flowers and sugar View Post
    A disgrace to society is another option.
    I’m in your walls
    I’m in your cupboard
    I’m shitting on your carpet
    And I see all of the nasty shit you do

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    tf bro. i was going to take u off the list then I see this.
    Good, I have come to accept my reality as rat. However, I still don’t know what you mean by “rat”. It fascinates me, truly.

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    Quote Originally Posted by flowers and sugar View Post
    Rat can mean snitch.
    Otherwise might mean plague carriers.
    Maybe cute pets.
    No for the first two. Yes on the third one

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stray Cat View Post
    No for the first two. Yes on the third one
    Now excuse me, I possibly have to sniff things around looking adorable.

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    Possible rats




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    Quote Originally Posted by Socionics Is Not A Cult View Post


    Possible rats



    I think you forgot @Medusa

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post

    @Stray Cat
    @Static Minds

    Possible rats

    @flowers and sugar



    ***Last updated 7/13/21***
    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    LII vs EII Trolls

    EIIs are probably the most ambiguous of the 16 types. It's like coming back home early one day and catching your wife wearing a mustache or something.

    Hmm I sometimes feel like Fi-leads can come off like Ti-leads, and can often be confused with each other.

    Like Ti, Fi-leads often have highly developed and opinionated views. EIIs especially, who on top of that are often crafty with their words.

    Couple this Fi with Ne and sometimes you'll get this "ambiguous" feeling from them. They may also have this ability to slither their way away and not give a straight answer lol

    LII can do this as well but EII are better at it (because of their Fi). An LIIs Ti eventually reveals itself while an EII's Fi is subtle.

    Both are great writers online.

    The above is an example of Se-PoLR, overcompensating for lack of Se

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    If this isn't creepy I dunno what is @Megatrop

    Intuition is creepy

    Btw, you want my attention. Don't waste your time with your conflictors, I'd recommend.

    Btw, you come off as almost Ne seeking
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
    Sometimes you don't have purpose, because you lack self-knowledge
    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
    Sometimes you don't have love because you lack self-love
    Sometimes you don't have self-love because you lack guess what? Ask Gulenko!!

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    Default Massive Deception

    Going thru literal hell isn't always this giant scheme or diabolical plot that's obvious and cliche.

    But it's more of a covert, informational warfare.

    It's the silent space in between the notes. The transition b/t stages.

    It's the underlying resentment that burns deeply underneath the smiles.

    Little head, big body

    It starts with small compromises. Little by little.

    Gently pushing the line further and further along.

    There's more than what meets the eye

    These events are symbolic of what's happening on a grander scale; demonic forces and principalities working behind the scenes to embolden/act as fuel to what's happening in the natural.

    These demonic forces want to control via manipulation, intimidation, and fear.

    They want to subdue and silence the opposition.

    There are nations trying to negotiate but they aren't seeing the elephant in the room; you can't negotiate with an authority that's illegitimate and not playing by the rules.

    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 02-06-2022 at 01:05 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    @QamsX is a gaslighting troll:

    Verdict: Nobody believes u, GTFO
    I honestly don't feel comfortable on being posted like this without my consent. Then again you can make up your own mind about the stuff you wanna talk about. I posted the video on chatbox previously and many agreed on Beta NF prior to posting it on the forum. And it was my idea to delete it after waking up anyways.

    Also, nice way of doxxing yourself by saying you live in Michigan, that's a musical I have known for years. But if the ambient is like this, being accused of gaslighting (just for a simple meme: "Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss", that's meant to parody "Live Laugh Love") and being some sort of fixation of some paranoid delusion... Then I don't know what to make out of it.

    Also, calling people rats on a forum as some sort of witch hunt is not going to better your case, you know?

    Also, being new to a socionics forum doesn't exclude having a previous knowledge about it. You know you can do independent research about topics, right? And participating in forums for the first time is not the first gateway to knowing about topics. Also, I previously mentioned to you I was in another typology place because I thought you were another person... I think, by common sense, should had indicated why I know about socionics "as a veteran".

    But let me put something clear right here:

    I have absolutely no interest in you, nor do I waste my time doing something as pathetic as gangstalking which I had been a victim of personally. I just want to discuss about socionics here with likeminded people.

    If you genuinely watch my video, you know what I'm open to discuss about things on DMs or even here if you genuinely feel bothered about this, but this just looks like outright schizo call out.

    This will be the last time I will address you and everything that has to do with you. Please leave me alone.
    Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Bvd?
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    Default Rapport and Gaslighting Formula

    [Rapport] --> [Bait and Switch] --> [Trigger] --> [Reaction] --> [Gaslight] --> Repeat Cycle

    Here's an example of part of the gaslighting formula (trigger ---> reaction ---> gaslight) being applied:

    1) here's the supposedly "triggering" post:

    Paranoid Personality Disorder is more about having unjustified beliefs that people are literally trying to harm you. My relative who has paranoid personality disorder frequently calls the cops because she believes her neighbors are spying on her. She believes this no matter where she lives. She stopped showing up to Christmas because she was worried that someone outside the family was breaking in her house to tamper with the presents she was planning to give people as a way to punish our family. She has called the cops so many times that they all know her by name and address. PPD is closer related to paranoid schizophrenia, the difference being that people with PPD don’t experience symptoms of hallucinations and their delusions are a lot more down to earth. I also have relatives who have schizophrenia. I believe there is more overlap between the two. PPD is also classified as a cluster a disorder along with schizotypical personality disorder and schizoid personality disorder.

    2) next, here's my fake triggered "reaction":

    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post

    I can definitely relate to this,

    I'm actually shaking to my boots (but mostly to my core) as I write this. This isn't anything unusual as it happens most of the days. Constantly, I'm looking through my blindfolds and scanning up and down the terrain with my binoculars, as I feel the burden of PPD overwhelming my reality. Every day gets more and more maddening and I clench my teeth before I log onto his site bc I cannot differentiate reality from illusion. I wear a tin-foiled hat throughout the night in case the alien-reptoids break into my home and shoot me with micro-wave attacks. I'm also cautious of little animals jumping out of the bushes and entering my home thru the air vents..

    However, I try to ease this paranoia by taking anti-anxiety meds, I actually increased my dose of Xanax up from 0.5 mg to 1 mg to 2 mg, three times a day as needed, recommended by my psychiatrist. I have a couple pills of aripiprazole left, but I'm not sure if these will hold me over for my delusions are resurfacing again, making me tense and psychotic.

    Furthermore, my lashing out is definitely unjustified, I'm glad yall care about me in the other thread to bring it up in discussion. I agree with all the diagnosis' brought up. Hopefully, i'll be locked down in a straitjacket and institutionalized under maxmimum fenced out security and canines.

    3) and then, as predicted, this was the opportune time to use the "gaslighting statement":

    @pandemic candy I was responding to someone’s question about the overlap between narcissism and PPD. I wasn’t diagnosing you with anything.

    I will avoid participating in threads created about you going forward.

    Here, notice a couple things:

    1) takes the narc supply and "runs away" to frame the opposition as "crazy"; a classic move that's often used

    2) it doesn't matter if my reaction was fake or not ... any type of reaction can be potentially used as supply. This is Key. Keep this in mind.

    3) the "I will avoid participating with threads" thing is an excuse to use silent treatment as "punishment" Again watch out for this

    most people will not know what just happened (besides feeling "off") bc this kinda thing happens at lightning speed. especially when dealing w psychopaths

    but it's like clockwork.

    u will see the same general cycle happen over and over

    Remember your reaction (narc supply) is energy to them.

    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 08-13-2021 at 03:42 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    cuz u def seem like someone that'd be into voyeurism

    I'm a very visual person, but I'm mostly into touch.

    Softly, gently slipping my fingers between the folds of clothing to extract a wallet. My specialty.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    Here in this thread we see "fighting" between forum members (@Tim and @Stray Cat) for ~12 hours.

    Notice that between the fighting and chat box, some observations;

    --poor moderation,
    --some forum members directly/indirectly taking sides (or acting stupid / they don't know what's going on)

    The forum here demonstrates that it's either,

    1) Very dysfunctional or

    2) Done purposely to slowly isolate / harass certain members in this forum ("street theatre" forum acting) or

    3) Bystander effect or

    4) A mix of all the above

    bc this is online, it's very difficult to determine exactly what is going on; it's forced speculation

    IMO, this is evidence of group harassment still happening in this forum.
    What if you're Fi PoLR
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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    What if you're Fi PoLR
    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    Here in this thread I get into what I thought was a "logical discussion" with @bryanbone

    As I've explained in this post, you will see a lot of Narcs try to trap you with this simple formula:

    Build Rapport -----> [ trigger ]---> [ reaction ]--->[ gaslight ] ------> Build Rapport etc etc

    Here we see @bryanbone first time to *falsely* empathize with me (to lower my guard), quickly followed by attempts to trigger me as the mask fell off.

    This forum member I'm very familiar with, so I was able to anticipate their next moves.

    The best way to predict future behavior is to look at past behavior.

    If the person has done this once, they will most likely do it again.

    Watch for the person trying to get close / vulnerable / friendly with you... Once your defenses are lowered a possible attack is most likely on the horizon.

    If they have done this several times, block them immediately.
    Pretend to be friendly lol I was simply communicating. He is seeing what he wants to. I don't know you so I don't know if I want to be friendly. I have always hated friendly people. Friendliness is a manipulative tactic. It's all nonsense politeness and dodging talking about actual issues and getting to know each other resulting in false ideas that people make about each other (idealizing and love bombing by narc). Then I show something about yourself and they act as if you have betrayed them at the same time, since they got the friendly act, they can pretend to like me still while covertly despising me, while "I" push them away with my degenerate behavior and I'm here an idiot wondering what's wrong. So the f*cker lead me on to reveal something about myself to them which they dislike me for. And now they are stuck with me again because they pretended to be friend without actually trying to understand me and see me for who I am so I'm confronting them about their disposition towards me so I know how we stand with each other. I don't want to have just exposed myself and they just discard me. They feel like an idiot for trusting me while they projected an idealised image on me based in their personal bias that they force me to conform to. And are unwilling to communicate about it or change their bias.
    He never intended on arguing with me. Because he never cared about honesty, which is also another way to say the truth.

    I know I started by criticizing what he said trying to explain what gives away he's doing something wrong. Which he couldn't comprehend as he's a narc he's never wrong proven by that he removed what he said and then completely dodged my arguementation which is also an accusation. He can see what I say applying to other people but never to himself. He wants to get offended and use that to play victim because he knows he's mentally disordered and can't argue with someone who's actually dealing with facts and logic.

    See how he says he anticipated my next move so he stopped dealing with me? I also figured out from the very start he was a piece of sh*t. But I kept talking to him despite my bias because I cared enough to expose myself and settle our differences. He is a covert narc, hiding behind politeness, friendliness, and beating around the bush. He knows he is in the wrong thus weaker than me so he hid as soon as he figured out I know what I'm dealing with.

    Me sucking his blood is due to his disordered cognition being incapable of dealing with feelings facts logic everything so he gets overwhelmed when met by it. He seeks someone who's wounded/maimed so he can pretend to take care of them as a tool to exercise what little empathy he has on. And then discard them of course when things get difficult.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bryanbone View Post
    Pretend to be friendly lol I was simply communicating. He is seeing what he wants to. I don't know you so I don't know if I want to be friendly. I have always hated friendly people. Friendliness is a manipulative tactic. It's all nonsense politeness and dodging talking about actual issues and getting to know each other resulting in false ideas that people make about each other (idealizing and love bombing by narc). Then I show something about yourself and they act as if you have betrayed them at the same time, since they got the friendly act, they can pretend to like me still while covertly despising me, while "I" push them away with my degenerate behavior and I'm here an idiot wondering what's wrong. So the f*cker lead me on to reveal something about myself to them which they dislike me for. And now they are stuck with me again because they pretended to be friend without actually trying to understand me and see me for who I am so I'm confronting them about their disposition towards me so I know how we stand with each other. I don't want to have just exposed myself and they just discard me. They feel like an idiot for trusting me while they projected an idealised image on me based in their personal bias that they force me to conform to. And are unwilling to communicate about it or change their bias.
    He never intended on arguing with me. Because he never cared about honesty, which is also another way to say the truth.

    I know I started by criticizing what he said trying to explain what gives away he's doing something wrong. Which he couldn't comprehend as he's a narc he's never wrong proven by that he removed what he said and then completely dodged my arguementation which is also an accusation. He can see what I say applying to other people but never to himself. He wants to get offended and use that to play victim because he knows he's mentally disordered and can't argue with someone who's actually dealing with facts and logic.

    See how he says he anticipated my next move so he stopped dealing with me? I also figured out from the very start he was a piece of sh*t. But I kept talking to him despite my bias because I cared enough to expose myself and settle our differences. He is a covert narc, hiding behind politeness, friendliness, and beating around the bush. He knows he is in the wrong thus weaker than me so he hid as soon as he figured out I know what I'm dealing with.

    Me sucking his blood is due to his disordered cognition being incapable of dealing with feelings facts logic everything so he gets overwhelmed when met by it. He seeks someone who's wounded/maimed so he can pretend to take care of them as a tool to exercise what little empathy he has on. And then discard them of course when things get difficult.
    I manipulate and alienate because i know they don't care about me. They get friendly making assumptions about who I am so I alienate them on purpose. Hide my disposition, to keep them from being aggressive against me when I know they would be. The narc who manipulated me wasn't aware if they should care about me or not, that's natural at the start but by the end it became clear they are simply incapable of caring. Maybe they saw me as a threat they couldn't dodge, as that's how most narcopaths view others due to being incapable of caring about someone genuinely. I got discarded because they saw me criticizing them which is necessary for us to get along as irredeemable offense because they can't care about acting better, I'm devaluing them for shutting off empathy when not shutting it off makes them suffer.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    i usually dodge those who I calculate with my scouter, power levels far exceeding mine. i also have zero empathy and have been characterized as a psychopath narcissist who cannot have any reasonable conversation without lashing out and screaming at the top of my lungs.

    Tyler1 comes to mind conservatives are known for that. Weasely manipulative. Argue themselves as if they should be defended while they are not willing to defend someone else. Is it really a surprise what happens when people without empathy are given authority and they deny wrong doing?

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    @pandemic candy

    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post

    i usually dodge those who I calculate with my scouter, power levels far exceeding mine. i also have zero empathy and have been characterized as a psychopath narcissist who cannot have any reasonable conversation without lashing out and screaming at the top of my lungs. (if u want an example of a true narcissist, look at Trump). I discard those who I feel superior over faster than a prom dumpster baby which is why I have zero friends most of my life. My sole purpose is to ravage and destroy all those who get into my way, which is both is blessing and a curse, but mostly a curse. My favorite targets are empaths, those who remind me of everything I am not and I project my dark energy and insecurities onto them, taking away everything I can from them, to leave and dry and empty. Of course, as a covert narcissist they never realize what I'm doing until it's too late.

    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post

    listening to a conservative is like putting shit back into ur ass. it's like, why bother

    conservatives are monsters that should be locked up in zoos, while we stare and throw popcorn at them.

    they shouldn't even be allowed to open their mouths for god's sake. might as well be stiched up ass to mouth like the human centipede. it's like stop wasting our god damn time u racist fascists. go worship ur imaginary man in the sky who throws lighting bolts from his ass. might as well believe in flying unicorns. smh

    I also mangle history and regard my victims as narcissistic entitled lazy undisciplined hysterical delusional violent parasytes abusing me, stealing from the structures I worked so hard to exploit others to build to enable me to exploit others and regard it as fair because I worked hard, without virtue signaling mind you, while forcing them to comply with my structures and work hard as I enjoy watching them writhe because they deserve it for demanding what’s theirs but I worked so hard to make it way harder for them to get it while destroying their lives while I abuse the resources I stole to push the burden of my problems on other people while telling them they are being coddled.
    Even when I get messed up by the system I just bear it, again without virtue signaling, while telling others they want too much, since I’m cognitively impaired, with no higher brain functioning that demands complexity exploration and stimulation, incapable of learning and adapting to a fluid environment that provides me with what’s necessary from growing to be better and improve my environment, because it’s too much for my maldeveloped psyche to handle, instead I exploit it, to make up for my cognitive deficiency and consequently physical disabilities that I force upon myself because I’m too much of a real man to make considerate decisions. I am satisfied with my mild intellectual capacities and regard those who are better than me as snowflakes while pretending I have a life by taking to imbeciles and pretending I’m growing when after repeatedly doing the same mistakes repeatedly on purpose for years I make a change once that’s different in specific but what you learn is barely anything of value, because my incpacitated cognition can’t go further, just to forget it later unless in some specific moments, and then go make a post about going out of your comfort zone to grow. Not virtue signaling. I have “lifelong learner” under my name on all my accounts, because it takes me a lifetime to fail at figuring out what the basics even are. I’m completely unexceptional in every regard, as that defines my identity of a straight hard-working white male (not virtue signaling) (where most of those pronouns are not even true, but I have to pretend since my impairments make my life completely dependent on fitting in with the majority of the herd.) I also like to parade how being a straight hard working white male is something to be proud of (not virtue signaling), as a super secure competitive alpha male, to measure up my fragile ego , showing that I am as important as the opressed minorities I opress whose constant attention seeking, virtue signaling and complaining about my abusive physical and social structures which is opressing me so much. I degrade and neglect them, telling them to shut up their whining and obey me, while I cry that they won’t let me talk, after we’ve been talking the same issues over and over for decades, which I’ve been censoring, neglecting, beating around the push, downplaying, mocking, telling them to shut up and obey me, while they won’t even let me talk, as I have still my structures which are exploiting them and arming myself and pushing for more structures to opress them while denying I’m doing it. add another layer of structure that protects me. Why do I get shut down when I argue my necessity for items and not caring about thinking about my structures’ consequences and my effects on others is as valuable as theirs of being given appropriate environment and resources to grow in?

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    u should close / take down the suicide thread
    Wow you are quick.. I haven't seen a suicide thread.. I would be sad to see it though.
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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    Wow you are quick.. I haven't seen a suicide thread.. I would be sad to see it though.
    Ohhh my thread.. Why do you think I should take it down?
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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    Ohhh my thread.. Why do you think I should take it down?
    I'm not a regular ILE... I have a mental illness called schizophrenia. It is to my understanding that a lot of schizophrenics commit suicide.
    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


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