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Thread: The Love of Money

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    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    I actually copy-pasted and saved this post, thanks.

    Are you sure that's capitalism though? All the regulation necessary to cut short all these caveats, wouldn't that make it closer to the dreaded "communism" ?
    Not really. Most of these things are pretty easy to solve, it's just no one in power is motivated to change it, since they are benefiting from it.

    1. Oh, are we giving the consumer more money to spend, then increase prices! Inflation with stagnant wages means more money for the owners, awesome! Go inflation! Make it illegal to print money and borrow to fund the government. The government shouldn't be allowed to devalue what the dollar is worth by printing its own dollar and they already get plenty of taxes that balancing a budget shouldn't be that hard.
    2. Can we undercut the competition with losses until they go out of business and then charge a high price on all our monopolized goods? Excellent, do it. Businesses should be expected to sell their products for a profit. Otherwise, they must auction off their goods to the market competition that will then resell those goods at their actual lower market price. This will incentivize businesses from deliberately undercutting each other below market worth.
    3. Figured out a way to get suckers to part with their money by adding gambling to our entertainment industry? Excellent, more money for us. Either outlaw gambling or make those with more wealth have to play with higher risk. This prevents the money from going from poor to rich, as it usually does.
    4. Can we own all the land and force consumers to pay a large percentage of their wages for rent OR give them that nice loan for a house that they pay double for over 20 to 30 years? More Excellent, win-win for the owners. I'll have to think about this one. There seems to be a lot of issues with this one.
    Edit: So this one seems to have four big problems - low supply, high-density apartments vs low-density houses, location, and income from selling property at a higher than you paid price. In order to balance all of these I think you need to have a community tax on income made from selling a house for a profit. Then you take that local community tax and use it to fund low-cost local apartments. So when the real estate market goes crazy, it will also incentivize cheap apartments being built and help accodomate everyone, while also not forcing people to commute from far away. Then maybe there is some kind of balancing act going on. Though admittedly, supply will still lag demand with this model, but at least there would be an effort to balance things.

    5. Can we exploit a third-world country for cheap slave labor goods that will eventually destroy our at-home businesses by undercuting them and taking away all their business? Who cares, exploit and pocket the cash, excellent. Set some import laws/taxes so that you don't end up depending on those resources to run your economy.
    6. Hey, let's force people to get insurance! You want security, don't you buddy? Here, give me a percentage of your money for the rest of your life and I'm going to set the terms on what you have to do to get my insurance or I'll just charge you a lot of money. And you need insurance for housing (loaners force you), sometimes renting (they make you), cars (it's also forced to have liability insurance), health insurance (because you need it to pay for the exorbitant price gouging of surgery and expensive treatments, you know god forbid you make the health industry competitive and affordable), and business owner insurance that gets offloaded to the consumer to pay for (because again no loan without "insurance" to the loaner. But YOU can have all the risk). If you get rid of insurance, these things become more affordable and competitive...eliminating the need for insurance. It also isn't a bad thing to have people buy things that they can afford to replace, rather than depending on wallet-draining insurance to protect things they can't afford to lose. It will also motivate people to buy things they can afford.
    7. College. Hey, these young people don't know what they are doing, but want to go to college and find out and they have no money! So instead of making it more affordable for them, let's give them LOANS lmao EXCELLENTS. More money for us from the slaves, yay! Make education affordable and accessible to all. And if people want to spend more on education, they can also have that choice.
    8. People with less money, tend to have bad credit. Maybe we should help them? Nahh, EXPLOIT. Give them high-interest loans! THey will take it out of desperation and they can't get anything else! LMAO, more money for us, yay! The wealthy pay more interest on loans. Not the other way around.
    9. What about tax breaks? We give tax breaks for business on all of their expenses? Shouldn't we give tax breaks for consumers that have to drive to their place of work. The cost of their car and the gas is all a business expense! Nah, the slaves only get what we want, just tax breaks for us! LOL REJOICE. Anything the consumer has to spend for their job, including gas and a percentage of their transportation costs is a tax break.
    10. Remember those retirements things people used to get? Wasn't that a good thing? Nahh, cost us too much money. Guess what's better? We can have them pay into a 401k that boosts our profits on the stock market. So even though we pay a percentage into their 401k to make us look good, we get it back with them inflating the prices on the market! And they don't complain because too stupid. YAY WE ARE SMART, MORE MONEY FOR US. Get rid of 401Ks. Instead pay the employee in stock that pays dividends that rewards them with tax breaks for holding onto it for a long time, rather than punishing you for spending it (like in a 401k). Also all stocks have to pay dividends or they are bullshit.
    11. Oh, did you get scammed or mistreated by a business for a low amount of money? Did insurance drop you when you made a claim? You could go to court, but we have great lawyers and it will cost you more money for the court fees and lots of personal stress in your lives! That's right, take it in the ass! HEHEHE, YES, MORE MONEY FOR THE OWNERS! Businesses have to pay for all court costs, unless the case is deemed frivolous, in order to keep customers from randomly suing a company to hurt them on purpose.
    Last edited by Popcorn; 11-25-2022 at 01:59 AM.

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